can i get feedback if possible --latest pics from june/07


In Pursuit of EXCELLENCE!
new pics from june/07.. without changing my gender what can i do to bring my physique to a higher level... i know some of you are going to say i'm just fine, but i just entered provincial show.. and couldn't compare with the women who were jacked on masculinizing roids (up close, this was very disturbing).. i was taking primobolan, winstrol & anavar (only done two cycles and three shows).. just started sum GH (jintropin).. but heard that effective doses are atleast 4iu a day... take HCA/insulen in combo with that. feel free to e-mail me privately.. love to hear from anyone in my area who's advanced in the sport..

thx in advance!

PS.. first 4 pics from day before last show.. my avatar from day of the show, as is pic #5
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1.) Time- You just simply need more of it under the iron and at the dinner table.

2.) You need to be leaner.

All of them you can take care of. Good Luck
yes a fellow ontarion you look great no need for the slin but 4iu is about right of gh e/d
DirkMoneyshot said:
1.) Time- You just simply need more of it under the iron and at the dinner table. 2.) You need to be leaner.

'DirkMoneyshot'.. thanks for your feedback.. i must be sumwhat naiive here.. but don't understand what you mean by suggestion #1.. sorry about that.

as for getting leaner.. i'm kind of stumped on how to get any leaner than this.. my trainer and i think i am holding mostly subcutaneous water.. it has been my biggest battle. for the record.. i have had a full hyst and now take estrogen orally on a daily basis.. but near contest time i discontinue it for about a month.. i really don't know how to be drier on stage.. after doing three shows and running into this time and time again, i am stumped. i started dehydrating thursday evg, with carb loading. i think maybe i just need to start dehydrating sooner?? or perhaps should i consider a diuretic other than dandelion root preps (that is all i took --according to my trainer's instructions)--? the prejuding was at 11am sat.. i was hoping that i would be drier.. my skin did not appear "paper thin" as i would have liked.

before d/c'ing water, i was titrating up to 12L a day (again, according to my trainer's insistance that this is vital).. this was quite difficult for me. but i did it. i didn't cheat on my diet either, believing that this might lead to water retention itself.. anyhow this method works well for my trainer (who is man with many years pro comp experience and many wins).. but doesn't seem to bring about the same results for me. i was dry at the show and didn't even sip water.. but i wasn't dry enough.. (atleast for my liking). i did about 40min cardio a day before the show.. in the morning, weight training several hours later in the gym. i wasn't using GH or insulen at that time.. the last month, i was only using Winstrol (winny) and anavar.. i d/c'd the primo about 6 wks before the show.

this additional info may be totally irrelevant.. i'm not sure. anyhow.. your feedback is very much appreciated.. thankyou.

*age: 42 yrs old
*height: 5'4"
*competition weight (nite before judging): 137lb
training: consistently approx 6 years (altho i have about 15 years bodybuilding experience in total)
*competitions entered: two in november/06 (wins) & one in june/07 (couldn't compare even tho i trained smarter, ate better, and had more prep time before the show. i was however, under alot more stress this time around).
slugz said:
yes a fellow ontarion you look great no need for the slin but 4iu is about right of gh e/d

slugz.. thanks.. i' ve done a fair bit of reading.. some articles say if not using insulen, you are not optimizing your GH.. i have been taking about 3iu of GH post workout with 10iu of humulin R, 600mg HCA with it & a creatine carb drink after the slin shot.. i only started the GH last week.. the one thing i noticed is that i am shredded after my post workout concoction.. but i've been quite irritable since starting the GH (gen lei jintropin). anything can set me off it seems.. hope this is a temporary side.. not sure if i will continue using the slin or not.. just experimenting for the most part.. i really want to be all that i can be.. i know i have the genetics.. i just haven't discovered what works optimally for me yet--i'm a bit frustrated, as i have no problem with motivation and discipline.. i want it that bad. i'm in need of an experienced mentor i guess.

thanks for your input.. i have a great deal of respect for the collective experience on this forum.

attached photo: taken day before show.. (june 22/07). i lost about 25lb cutting up for show.. so there is excess skin (i shoulda started dieting earlier).
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evangeline said:
'DirkMoneyshot'.. thanks for your feedback.. i must be sumwhat naiive here.. but don't understand what you mean by suggestion #1.. sorry about that.

as for getting leaner.. i'm kind of stumped on how to get any leaner than this.. my trainer and i think i am holding mostly subcutaneous water.. it has been my biggest battle. for the record.. i have had a full hyst and now take estrogen orally on a daily basis.. but near contest time i discontinue it for about a month.. i really don't know how to be drier on stage.. after doing three shows and running into this time and time again, i am stumped. i started dehydrating thursday evg, with carb loading. i think maybe i just need to start dehydrating sooner?? or perhaps should i consider a diuretic other than dandelion root preps (that is all i took --according to my trainer's instructions)--? the prejuding was at 11am sat.. i was hoping that i would be drier.. my skin did not appear "paper thin" as i would have liked.

before d/c'ing water, i was titrating up to 12L a day (again, according to my trainer's insistance that this is vital).. this was quite difficult for me. but i did it. i didn't cheat on my diet either, believing that this might lead to water retention itself.. anyhow this method works well for my trainer (who is man with many years pro comp experience and many wins).. but doesn't seem to bring about the same results for me. i was dry at the show and didn't even sip water.. but i wasn't dry enough.. (atleast for my liking). i did about 40min cardio a day before the show.. in the morning, weight training several hours later in the gym. i wasn't using GH or insulen at that time.. the last month, i was only using Winstrol (winny) and anavar.. i d/c'd the primo about 6 wks before the show.

this additional info may be totally irrelevant.. i'm not sure. anyhow.. your feedback is very much appreciated.. thankyou.

*age: 42 yrs old
*height: 5'4"
*competition weight (nite before judging): 137lb
training: consistently approx 6 years (altho i have about 15 years bodybuilding experience in total)
*competitions entered: two in november/06 (wins) & one in june/07 (couldn't compare even tho i trained smarter, ate better, and had more prep time before the show. i was however, under alot more stress this time around).
mosh69 said:
Real mature "Mac". How's that line usually work out for ya?

well.. distance makes it very improbable anyway.. nothing like being upfront in my mind... *wink
evangeline said:
well.. distance makes it very improbable anyway.. nothing like being upfront in my mind... *wink
lol yeah, why beat around the bush. Just get straight to the point, like RKelly.
evangeline said:
well.. distance makes it very improbable anyway.. nothing like being upfront in my mind... *wink
evangeline said:
well.. distance makes it very improbable anyway.. nothing like being upfront in my mind... *wink
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this thread has taken a turn for the worst. its going to be like some soft core slow moving xxx chat session.

btw evangeline you look awesome. your back is amazing.
sirxxlew said:
this thread has taken a turn for the worst. its going to be like some soft core slow moving xxx chat session.

btw evangeline you look awesome. your back is amazing.
StoneColdNTO said:
WTF....are you 12 yrs old kid ??

Thanks for stopping bye, now fuck off and go die !!
What i mean by #1 is you need more muscle maturity. Its something you are lacking right now. You have soft look to your muscle. Are you a lighter weight higher rep lifter?

2nd anytime i hear i'm holding to much water or someone thinks its water it is almost 99% of the time your holding some fat. Trust me you can be leaner. When you say your skin was not paper thin then thats the tell tell sign.

Let me pose this question to you- How can you carb load if you are not taking in water? Your answer to me should be you can't. Also by cutting your water to early (i'm not sure if this is the case since i don't know to much about you) you are going to cause yourself to hold water. I can say this. Most individuals i work with are still drinking at least a gallon of water / day the day before a show.

Also hun NO CARDIO after wednesday and no leg workouts period the week before a show. Your legs will not show the striations and seperation you need if you do.

evangeline said:
'DirkMoneyshot'.. thanks for your feedback.. i must be sumwhat naiive here.. but don't understand what you mean by suggestion #1.. sorry about that.

as for getting leaner.. i'm kind of stumped on how to get any leaner than this.. my trainer and i think i am holding mostly subcutaneous water.. it has been my biggest battle. for the record.. i have had a full hyst and now take estrogen orally on a daily basis.. but near contest time i discontinue it for about a month.. i really don't know how to be drier on stage.. after doing three shows and running into this time and time again, i am stumped. i started dehydrating thursday evg, with carb loading. i think maybe i just need to start dehydrating sooner?? or perhaps should i consider a diuretic other than dandelion root preps (that is all i took --according to my trainer's instructions)--? the prejuding was at 11am sat.. i was hoping that i would be drier.. my skin did not appear "paper thin" as i would have liked.

before d/c'ing water, i was titrating up to 12L a day (again, according to my trainer's insistance that this is vital).. this was quite difficult for me. but i did it. i didn't cheat on my diet either, believing that this might lead to water retention itself.. anyhow this method works well for my trainer (who is man with many years pro comp experience and many wins).. but doesn't seem to bring about the same results for me. i was dry at the show and didn't even sip water.. but i wasn't dry enough.. (atleast for my liking). i did about 40min cardio a day before the show.. in the morning, weight training several hours later in the gym. i wasn't using GH or insulen at that time.. the last month, i was only using Winstrol (winny) and anavar.. i d/c'd the primo about 6 wks before the show.

this additional info may be totally irrelevant.. i'm not sure. anyhow.. your feedback is very much appreciated.. thankyou.

*age: 42 yrs old
*height: 5'4"
*competition weight (nite before judging): 137lb
training: consistently approx 6 years (altho i have about 15 years bodybuilding experience in total)
*competitions entered: two in november/06 (wins) & one in june/07 (couldn't compare even tho i trained smarter, ate better, and had more prep time before the show. i was however, under alot more stress this time around).
Look great doll. I wouldnt resort to any compounds that will Virulize. Permanant sides for temorary results. Sweet results but they wiont be kept for the most part.
Keep up the hard work.

Gator :)