Cut Diet and getting Abs showing

Some funny shit man...well i can laugh about it now but wow did i feel like a douche. After my morning cardio i got off the treadmill, walked over to grab a wipe to wipe down the machine and as i was wiping it down i hit the quick start button HAHAHA facing the opposite direction on a treadmill when it starts is an immediate FAIL. And of course being good friday the gym was fucking mobbed.
Some funny shit man...well i can laugh about it now but wow did i feel like a douche. After my morning cardio i got off the treadmill, walked over to grab a wipe to wipe down the machine and as i was wiping it down i hit the quick start button HAHAHA facing the opposite direction on a treadmill when it starts is an immediate FAIL. And of course being good friday the gym was fucking mobbed.

lmfao thats hilarious bro, I remember when I was about 13 runnin on my g-parents treadmill and my brother turned the speed all the way up and i couldnt keep up, wam right on my chest then slid down to the end and feet got stuck against the wall so my forearms were riddin on the track til he got it stopped, and his uncontrolable laughing didnt help my anger. just thought I'd add that to give you a laugh at my expense also.
lmfao thats hilarious bro, I remember when I was about 13 runnin on my g-parents treadmill and my brother turned the speed all the way up and i couldnt keep up, wam right on my chest then slid down to the end and feet got stuck against the wall so my forearms were riddin on the track til he got it stopped, and his uncontrolable laughing didnt help my anger. just thought I'd add that to give you a laugh at my expense also.

HAHA good stuff! great we can laugh about it now :)
So 3J im seeing some pretty impressive stuff over the last month. I attribute 95% of it to the morning empty stomach cardio. My diet was pretty solid before but not great. Now that the diet is under control and ive started doing morning cardio 7x a week instead of pwo cardio 2x a week. My waist has gone from 33-31 and 31 is probably closer to 30, my 32's are swimming on me. The abs are clearly coming in, had my bf tested with calipers (no idea how accurate it is) but from 2 different people I measured at 10.1 and 9.7. So im probably pretty close to 10 +/- 1%

Ill post up some photos in the next day or 2 but seriously thanks for the help its clearly working. Even getting comments from people in the last few weeks asking me what im doing during this cut.
glad to hear it bud... i havn't done shit, ur the one busting your ass

Well I was busting my ass before this too but needed some direction which I clearly got. There's so much information out there and most of it it is misinformation which is usually worse than no info at all. And I'm not done picking your brain :)
Well I was busting my ass before this too but needed some direction which I clearly got. There's so much information out there and most of it it is misinformation which is usually worse than no info at all. And I'm not done picking your brain :)

when you've reached your goal for bf, come back to me...

ill put you on my modified carb cycle.. theres only one person on this board who's on it right now.. this is because its ALOT of work, ALOT of keeping up with that work, and ALOT of dedication.. which i feel this person has...

if i were to charge anyone for anything, it would be my modified carb cycle... but i dont charge for my advice.. :xmas: christmas comes early for some people.. lmfao
lol will do. Not really sure what my goal is as far as bf% I thought 10% was gonna be my goal but now that im there Im thinking I may go for 5 or 6% Ill know when i get there. I think my next move when things slow down at work is 2 a day cardio. Ill stay with the empty stomach cardio every day and im gonna add in pwo cardio as well. When i get to that point I may need some help tweaking my diet.
Been a bad week of diet been traveling for work and my eating habits have really been all over. Missing meals, eating too much in one meal too little in others, eating shit i wouldn't ordinarily eat.....My weight is pretty stable and haven't put on much but its just been frustrating trying to eat correctly only to screw it up

I dont know how people eat properly when traveling or working. I order grilled chicken sandwiches and just eat the chicken breast and shit but I have no idea if this shit is grilled in butter, grilled in olive oil grilled over open flame. I think im eating ok but in reality I have no fucking idea. I did find some nice little individual brown rice cups pre cooked that dont need to be refrigerated. The nutritional shit looks good but im guessing if the shit doesn't need to be refrigerated its probably loaded with preservatives, uggg these next four weeks are gonna be tough. Im gonna be on the go for probably the next month
just keep your head on straight.. if u have to eat out be smart about your food choices
Welter was just wondering what you BMR and TDEE are/ were at i have very similar macros for my new diet and just wanted to compare to yours
Welter was just wondering what you BMR and TDEE are/ were at i have very similar macros for my new diet and just wanted to compare to yours

miller, i did my BMR and TDEE but cant seem to find it. Here are the important numbers (to me at least)

My Height is about 5' 10"

Before and After Numbers

BF% 13-15% Estimated
9.7-10.1% Measured

Weight 191/182
Waist 33/31

Still not completely happy but its a work in progress.

Schedule lately has been tough to eat right so im kinda winging it. (mostly in the mornings)

I try to still eat
Pro Complex Shake 405/1/23/72
Egg White Omelet 60/0/2/12


I probably do this 2x a week. I still do cardio every morning (up to 45 min) and what i do is cardio, immediately have my shake at the gym then when i come home to shower i make the egg white omelet and go to work after showering. If im tight on time i do my cardio, then get a white bagel with ham and egg at the gym. The macros for it are:
Bagel w/ham&egg


Should i be looking to change this up? I could easily still do the shake. Just not sure what to add to the shake (if anything) maybe a few hard boiled eggs and only eat the whites? im not real big on upping my fat intake w/whole eggs.
Ok buddy here are my updated stats.
using BMR Formula #2 (Low BF)

BMR 1777.2

TDEE 3110 using 1.75.....Honestly I might be 1.8 or 1.9 just not sure I workout damn hard and do an hour of cardio every morning 6x a week and 20-30 minutes of pwo cardio 5x a week. so wasnt really sure what factor to use here.

My diet while it changes daily i TRY to stay at about 2200 50f/150carb/275p

its never more but sometimes less. I just recently started doing a white bagel/eggs and ham after my morning cardio cause i havent been able to get home to make breakfast for the last 2 weeks. this increased my macros to 2400/50f/190c/275p

BTW: Forgot to post my goal...Now that im as lean as i want to be, i want a clean bulk. I want to put on size but not around my waist :P
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sounds like u need to boost those carbs and fats.. start with the carbs.. do it slowly... add 50g e5d for 10 days... then add 30g of fat the next week.. watch your weight...

we might have to go even higher then that.... but only time will tell