Cycle Lawg

Saturday morn

Started a hybrid PB/Dogcrapp training cycle. Low reps - multijoint high weight combined with an accessory exercise lower weight - high rep setup.

Rows: 180x5 190x5x2 200x5x2
PD: 150x5 130x10x5
Shrugs: 230x5 250x5 270x5 290x5 310x5

The soreness from the multi-260 bench routine is deep and nice. No overtrained feeling.

Dammit! I can't break past 180 on the military press! I'm upping my protein and adding a set to compensate...

MP: 170x5 160x5 150x5x2 140x5x2 130x5
TPD: 70x10x5 BURN!

30 minute run
if this post is real and i doubt it , take the money your wasting on gear and spend it on a dr visit before you kill yourself and spend the rest on a real gym 200 #s on a cable machine isnt anywhere near 200 on real weights .
Helpy Helperton

DADAWG said:
if this post is real and i doubt it , take the money your wasting on gear and spend it on a dr visit before you kill yourself and spend the rest on a real gym 200 #s on a cable machine isnt anywhere near 200 on real weights .

Keep your "advice" to those who actually seek it.
Fucking sore chest

So I sprinted to loosen...

40s x 10

30 minutes at a 6.0 pace.

I let the hindbrain make the decision--NO WORKING OUT TODAY!

I take a look at my workout journal and see a gradual decline in intensity and power followed by an all-out crash resulting in sickness.

What I've come up with is this--soy protein is shit! It'll rob you of all your angry man juice! Eggs and whey all the way! Also, I got my first bag of weed in months Monday and I'll be damn if my rows didn't drop 40lbs!

To conclude, beware phytoestrogens. They are everywhere.

PD: 130x10x5 behind the head -20lbs!
Rows: 160x5x8 -40lbs!

Ran 2 miles sub 11.

Weight: 211

Monday Lite

Curls: 90x5x4 80x5 70x5x2
Shrugs: 250x10x4 230x10x3

Gained 1/2" on biceps since August. Nearly 2" since Jan 1. Forearms up 1 1/2". Chest 3".

--People are starting to notice--

100 meter times are down; a definate heavy feeling is starting to drag on my arms.
Tuesday med-heavy

Ate a home made double-cheeseburger for lunch and worked out at 3. Worked nicely.

BP: 220x5 230x5 240x5 250x5 260x5 270x1
IBP: 200x5x8

26 days until pic post!
Thursday worked out with dork

Into every life rain must fall I know, but this sucked ass! Mid work out, this stupid 17 year-old cigarette-smelling punk wearing jeans and boots just sat down next to me while I was rowing. He proceded to tell me he was 'under bodybuilder training and very sore'. Jeez. He did a total of 15 reps on 3 machines in a half-hour and watched me work out. I'm getting a real fucking gym membership! No more apartment gym! I hate jgbiis and noobs!


Seated OHRows: 180x5x8 severe right elbow pain
PDBH: 140x10x3 130x10x2
URows: [40 50 60 70] x 10
Cardio upgrade

Two weeks out; I've upgraded my cardio and dropped the calories.

MP: 170x5x3 160x5 150x5
TriPD: 80x10x5
RevFlys: 50x10x5

61 floors [one way] at 50%.
Fuck tuna!


Curls: 90x5x1 80x5x7
IsoCurls: 30x10x4
Shrugs: 230x10x4

Cycled 10 miles @ ~20 mph

This lite diet is making me crazy! I need some flying dog beer! On the other hand, the lard is melting away [presumably water too].
Whoa Friday!

I started having elbow pain during rows, so I dropped shoulder-level overhand rows in favor of pulldowns. I read my journal wrong and ended up adding 40lbs to my exercise! Kooky mind power...

Pulldowns behind head to earlobe level:
180x5 170x5x4
OHRows [stomach level] on the floor:
140x10x5 nice burn

Cycled 11.75 miles @ ~22 mph.
New Forum Bullshit

Newer is better? I think not. Down for a week, diminished search, it's slower and just as buggy as the last one.

Monday 10/18/04

MP: 180x5 160x5x3 140x5x2
TriPD: 90x10x5

Cycled 9.3 miles
Nut scrapah

Tuesday - due to a new pair of underwear, my 20 minute fast run turned into a palm-sized blister between the old wheels. Well, at least I don't have to cardio today.

I STILL can't break 180 on the military press. Argh! I'm adding high-rep rev benches to compensate. Maybe if I can stimulate a few more fibers...

MP: 180x3 170x4 170x3 160x5x2
TriPD: 90x10x5 going up 10lbs next exercise
RevBP: 120x10 130x10x4 going up 20lbs next exercise
¡Fuck! A revelation...

I whipped out the tape measure and did a rough once-over and what did I find? I've lost 1/4" off my biceps since going on the 5x5 routine. Conclusion? 5x5 may work for strength, but it's not enough for steady girth gains [at least for me]. I went back to 10x4 and the pump and lasting soreness felt much better. It also added an element of cardio -- which the 5x5 certainly did not.

Shrugs: 260x10x3 250x10 200x10x5
Curls: 70x10x4
Rev Curls: 60x10x4