MOM's Dermacrine Log

Upper body strength

flat db press 75's x8 100's x6 120's x6 130's x8.5
overhand grip pull ups bw x6 bw+25 x6 bw+45 x6 bw+70 x8 - Had never strapped on more than 45. It was fun.
standing bb military 135 x6 185 x6 205 x7
power shrugs 315 x3 405 x3 545 x6
superset w/ forearm work

Day 17 of Dermacrine Day 5 of MMV2

Noticing some increased hardness in the muscles. Weighed in today on a veterinary scale and I was hovering from 254-256. Originally I was hoping to end this around 260 (and I still may), but since I've been losing some fat and sticking at the same weight I'm pleased with how things have been going.
Lower body hypertrophy

leg press 4 plates per side x20 6 plates x20 8 plates x20 10 plates x25 - Easier than I expected but still painful.
superset w/ hamstring curls 150 x8 200 x8 230 x8 250 (full stack) x10
decline crunch machine x15 x20 x25
superset w/ overhead tricep extension 75 x12 x15 x21
and seated db curls 35's x8 45's x8 50's x8 - purposefully held back on arms because I have upper body tomorrow.

Day 20 of Dermacrine Day 8 of MMV2

I feel my bp starting to rise, and I feel a bit funny at times. Can't really describe the feeling. Most likely it's the stuff in the MMV2 messing with my metabolism. I've never used anything with stimulant properties before, but the fat still seems to be coming off so I'm not complaining.
Good log, MoM.

I recently ordered a couple bottles of Dermacrine and will be starting in a month or so (depending on when I schedule my vasectomy). Your workout regimen is very similar to mine, so I am curious as to see how you finish.

Any sides that you are aware of? (good or bad)
Good log, MoM.

I recently ordered a couple bottles of Dermacrine and will be starting in a month or so (depending on when I schedule my vasectomy). Your workout regimen is very similar to mine, so I am curious as to see how you finish.

Any sides that you are aware of? (good or bad)

Emotionally I feel completely normal, no anxiety, no insomnia etc. Physically I've experienced some of the changes noted along the way, better recovery, feeling more anabolic. I think I'll be able to give a more objective review once I've gotten through a couple bottles (I'm almost finished with my first) and I can see what I was able to accomplish. At this point my nuts are starting to fade, but I'll be on hcg within a week or two so I'm not anticipating a big problem there.
Upper body hypertrophy -

bench 135 x10 225 x10 275 x10 x10 - bench still feeling terrible
cable lat pulldowns 150 x10 200 (full stack) x10 x18
seated cable flyes 80 x10 x10 100 x10
seated one arm cable low row 150 x8 (per arm) 180 x8 200 (full stack) x10
cable shrugs 200 x8 150 x8 100 x8 (no break) repeat x3
superset w/ cable crossover lateral raises 50 x8 x8 x10

Day 21 of Dermacrine Day 9 of MMV2

I am paying closer attention to how I feel after ingesting the mmv2, I have a suspcion it makes me unnaturally hot. Aesthetically my physique continues to improve.
Took yesterday off due to being torn up from intense MMA training. I will be doing this at least once a week.

Lower body strength
squats 135 x5 225 x5 315 x3 365 x3 405 x3 x5 (all raw)
plate loaded calf press 4 plates per side x10 x15 x20
superset w/ decline crunches bw x10 w/25lb plate at extension x10 w/45lb plate x15
rope pressdowns 80 x15 100 x15 120 x20
superset w/ plate loaded preacher curls 2 plates x8 2 plates+25 x8 3 plates x10

Day 24 of Dermacrine Day 12 of MMV2

First bottle of dermacrine is just starting to run out, will be finished tomorrow. MMV2 is hitting it's stride. Seeing a bit more vascularity in the arms. I notice myself feeling hot and jittery after taking the MMV2.
Upper Body Strength

bench 135 x10 225 x5 275 x5 315 x3 x5 - Still shitty but moving in the right direction again.
bb rows 135 x8 225 x5 275 x5 315 x5 365 x7 (no belt) - pulling from about a foot off the ground, can't recall doing 365 with no belt before.
db military 80's x6 95's x6 110's x9
db shrugs 110's x8 130's x8 150's x14
superset w/ forearm work

Day 26 of Dermacrine Day 14 MMV2

Looks like the strength is finally getting a push. Fished out what was left in the bottle of dermacrine with my pinky. Starting second bottle tomorrow.
would you recommend throwing some MMV2 at the close of a lean mass cycle??

Yes, especially considering it's not terribly expensive. I don't have a lot of experience with orals, but this is about how I imagine Anavar (var) would be. I am contemplating buying another bottle so I can try it at a higher dosage.
Very very nice on the MMA training.. that will have an effect on your physique as well. :) Log is looking really good.
Lower body hypertrophy

db split squats onto 4" platform 55's x8 (per leg) 65's x8 75's x8 85's x8 95's x8
standing cable crunch machine 60 x12 80 x12 100 x12
superset w/ calf sled 200 x10 250 x10 300 x15
skullcrushers 100 x10 x15 x23
superset w/ cambered bar cable curls reverse/regular (no break) 60 x10/10 80 x10/10 100 x12/12

Day 28 of Dermacrine Day 16 MMV2

Feeling strong.
In your opinion, would you say in order to maximize results, one needs to take the MMV2 in addition to the dermacrine. The reason I ask is because I was thinking about just picking up a couple of bottles of dermacrine, without picking up the MMV2. I'm still contemplating whether or not I should just take the superdrol I have on the shelf.
In your opinion, would you say in order to maximize results, one needs to take the MMV2 in addition to the dermacrine. The reason I ask is because I was thinking about just picking up a couple of bottles of dermacrine, without picking up the MMV2. I'm still contemplating whether or not I should just take the superdrol I have on the shelf.

I think they work pretty well together. If I was going to do just one I would probably go dermacrine because it mimicks natural test. I don't think either of them is particularly potent, and that they work better together than they would otherwise. Superdrol is much more potent, as it is an actual steroid. One thing that makes me think this is that after three weeks of superdrol only my nuts had shrunk about 50%. Comparatively, after a month on these my nuts have only gone down about 20%. I have yet to use any Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) although I will before too long.
Upper body hypertrophy

Incline HS 2 plates per side x10 3 plates x10 4 plates x8 x12
wide grip bodyweight pull ups underhand x10 overhand x10 underhand x10 overhand x10 underhand x16
incline smith bench 185 x8 225 x8 275 x8 x13
HS high rows 3 plates per side x8 4 plates x8 x16
rear delt flyes 30'x 10 35's x10 40's x10
superset w/ seated db shrugs 40's x20 x25 x26

Had no energy after yesterday. Still wanted to get the workout done so I can have two days to rest. Just went for a good pump and burn.

Day 30 of Dermacrine Day 18 MMV2

No new effects to report. Just weighed in about 259, which seems a bit heavy. I may be holding some extra fluids after my workout. I'll weigh again within a week.
wow, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with dcrine mmv2... shit must be working.
im thinking about getting some mmv2, i've already got the Dcrine
I wonder if PP's post cycle therapy (pct) stuff would help post dcrine mmv2 cycle.