MOM's Dermacrine Log

Upper body strength -

incline db 75's x8 100's x6 120's x6 130's x10
t-bar platform rows 3 plates x6 4 plates x6 6 plates x6 7 plates x8
HS military press 185 x6 225 x6 295 x7
db shrugs 110's x10 130's x10 150's x15
superset w/ forearm work.

Everything felt great.

Day 74 Dermacrine Day 17 Epistane

I keep forgetting to apply Dermacrine. I've been doing approximately eod.
Lower body hypertrophy -

leg press 4 plates per side x15 6 plates x16 8 plates x15 10 plates x15 12 plates x15
leg extensions x10 x12 x15
superset w/ calf press 3 sets x15
and plate loaded crunch machine 3 sets x15
rope pressdowns 70 x10 60 x15 50 x20
superset w/ preach curls 2 plates x8 2 plates+25 3 plates+15 x8

Woke up with the right side of my lower back tweaked for no apparent reason. I literally did nothing besides walk the dog yesterday. Would have liked to do some split squats but stuck with leg press. Everything is feeling awesome otherwise. I'm starting to get my steroid arms back.

Day 76 Dermacrine Day 17 Epistane
Upper body hypertrophy

flat bench 135 x10 225 x10 255 x10 275 x17
wide grip overhand pull ups bw x10 x15 x18
flat db flyes 40's x8 50's x8 55's x8
HS row 3 plates per side x8 4 plates per side x8 4 plates+35 x12
seated lateral raises 30's x8 35's x8 40's x12
superset w/ cable bar curls 200 x10 x10 x20

Day 78 Dermacrine, Day 19 Epistane.
Upper body hypertrophy

flat bench 135 x10 225 x10 255 x10 275 x17
wide grip overhand pull ups bw x10 x15 x18
flat db flyes 40's x8 50's x8 55's x8
HS row 3 plates per side x8 4 plates per side x8 4 plates+35 x12
seated lateral raises 30's x8 35's x8 40's x12
superset w/ cable bar curls 200 x10 x10 x20

Day 78 Dermacrine, Day 19 Epistane.

any PR's??? 275x 17= ridiculous...

i hit 225 for 16, that was a recent pr for me.
Thanks guys. Pretty sure I've hit 275 x18 before. It was just nice to have a decent showing on bench after so many shitty days. I'm still struggling hitting my normal reps over 300. PR's since starting epistane have been bodyweight+70lbs for 9 pullups and rowing 405lbs.
9/21 Lower body strength

squats 135 x5 225 x5 315 x2 365 x2 405 x2 435 x3 (no belt)
donkey calf press machine 3 plates per side x12 x15 x20
superset w/ crunch machine 100 x12 120 x12 150 x15
overhead cambered bar extension 110 x10 x15 x22
superset w/ cambered bar reverse/regular curls 70 x8/8 80 x8/8 90 x8/8

Day 80 Dermacrine Day 21 Epistane
Upper body strength

flat db bench 75's x6 100's x6 120's x6 130's x11 - not bad
HS row 3 plates per side x6 4 plates x6 5 plates x6 6 plates x8
db military 75's x6 90's x6 110's x9
power shrugs 405 x3 495 x3 545 x5
superset w/ forearm work

Felt like shit all day yet the workout went great and felt good at the gym.

Day 82 Dermacrine Day 23 Epistane
Lower body hypertrophy -

walking db lunges - 60's x16 (8 per leg) 70's x16 80's x16 90's x16 - hamstrings kept cramping up where I was taking leg kicks last night.
HS calf press 3 plates per side x15 4 plates x15 5 plates x18
superset w/ standing cable crunches 80 x12 100 x12 120 x12
straight bar cable curls 80 x8 100 x8 120 x8, dropset 60 x8
superset w/ rope pressdowns 80 x15 100 x15 120 x15 dropset 60 x8

Day 84 Dermacrine Day 25 Epistane
Upper body hypertrophy -

flat bench 135 x10 225 x10 275 x10 295 x10 - could have gotten more but I stopped for some reason.
cable low row 150 x8 200 x8 250 x8 300 (full stack) x14
cybex incline press 140 x10 210 x10 290 (full stack) x16
HS lat pulldown 3 plates per side x8 4 plates x8 4 plates+25 x8
shrugs on standing calf press 200 x12 300 x12 400 (full stack) x15
superset w/ kneeling lateral raise machine 110 x10 150 x10 170 x10

Day 87 Dermacrine Day 28 Epistane
Lower body strength -

squats 135 x5 225 x5 315 x2 365 x1 405 x1 455 x2 (no belt) - Never squatted 455 without a belt AND wraps. I think I can get 495 all raw.
twisting crunches inverted on back hyper stand - bw x15 bw+medicine ball x15 bw+25 x15
superset w/ seated calf raises 3 plates x10 4 plates x10 x12
dips bw x10 x20 x30
superset w/ underhand grip pullups bw x10 x15 x18
cambered bar pressdowns 100 x10 140 x10 200 (full stack) x12
superset w/ cable curls 100 x8 110 x8 120 x10

Scheduling conflicts with new classes caused me to miss the gym yesterday so I wanted to throw a little extra work in.

Day 90 Dermacrine Day 31 Epistane
Upper body strength -

bench 135 x12 225 x5 275 x5 315 x1 x9 -finally a decent set
overhand pull ups bw x6 bw+45 x6 bw+70 x6 bw+90 x6 - PR
db military 80's x6 95's x6 110's x11.5
smith machine shrugs 315 x10 365 x10 405 x10
superset w/ forearm work

Finished off my third bottle of Dermacrine. I've only got about a week of Epistane left so I'm not going to open the fourth bottle.

Dermacrine - End Log
Day 35 Epistane.
ur getting swole.

nice numbers, gives me something to shoot for.

u ever taken Anavar (var)? if so how does epistine compare?
I have not taken Anavar (var) , but from what I have gathered about it I think Epistane gives pretty similar results. I've heard people compare it to Anavar (var) without the fat loss.
I see no reason for me to even take Test or Anavar (var) or anything else for a while. With the results im getting from epistane. I've been reaching all my goals. I'm 200lbs now, my numbers have been going up, and I feel great. No loss in sex drive, no hair loss, no acne, I had some lethargy but that was from my allergies and I havent had any since i got my new medicine. A little bit of testicular atrophy, but sustain alpha every 3rd or 4th day helps that. I may buy even more.
I agree, this is a good compound. For me the most noticeable thing has been strength. It's also done a good job of putting a few lbs on me. I imagine it would be great for cutting, but I haven't been eating very clean.
Lower body hypertrophy-

leg press 6 plates per side x10 x15 x20 x25
hamstring curls 150 x8 210 x8 250 (full stack) x10
calf press 300 x12 360 x12 400 (full stack) x20
superset w/ decline crunches x15 x20 x25
seated db curls 35's x8 (per arm) 45's x8 50's x12
superset w/ overhead rope press 100 x12 150 (full stack) x12 x15

Haven't lifted two days in a row in ages. Didn't have much energy, just wanted to get in and get it done because I'm behind.

Day 36 Epistane