Death Dealer
Have you been waiting long on the epistane?
Sounds good man. What dose are you planning to run it at?
Alright bro, thanks I'm gonna do 40x4 then (cycle starts today). Thanks again for the advice.I did 40 the whole time and I consider that a pretty mild run. For a guys like us that are already bigger than average a think bumping up the dose a little is worthwhile. As far as dosing times go, I just did the standard am/pm dosing. I would take 50mg on workout days and 30 on off days. I liked to get my blood levels up before getting in the gym so on lifting days I would go 2 in the morning 2 an hour before the gym and 1 in the evening.
Was at the university rec center today so there were twinks on all the flat benches and the db's only go to 100.
Ideal athletic/mma body is 260 as lean as possible, ideal PL/BB would be 280 ish.
you on the fence about which way to go? just wondering. Numbers are looking very MoMish still, freak...will be interesting to see them go up once you are back 'on'. I'm ditching my typical routine next week and gonna do a 12 week blast dc style and see where it gets ever messed with dc? what is your opinion on it MoM...I'll be touching base with you in a couple of weeks my negro...Luca is talking about coming down to see me and i know he'll be wondering about you...
you on the fence about which way to go? just wondering. Numbers are looking very MoMish still, freak...will be interesting to see them go up once you are back 'on'. I'm ditching my typical routine next week and gonna do a 12 week blast dc style and see where it gets ever messed with dc? what is your opinion on it MoM...I'll be touching base with you in a couple of weeks my negro...Luca is talking about coming down to see me and i know he'll be wondering about you...
Solid log MoM. I've got some Sustain on the way since I just came off about 3 weeks ago. Gonna see if it enhances post cycle therapy (pct) recovery and hopefully sex drive.
be careful with doing a 12 week blast, you may burn out doing it for that long... generally first time DCer's use 6-8 week blasts, and up to 10 for people with incredible recovery time or on healthy amounts of gear... I will be doing a 6-8 week blast as I come off my current cycle in hopes that the increased intensity and decreased volume and frequency will allow me to retain some more of my gains
Can you give a little more elaboration on the blast phase? I normally keep my volume pretty consistent, I'm just wondering what changes happen on/off the blast.