MOM's Dermacrine Log

MoM: now that you've ended the dermacrine after a 90 day run, I'd be interested to know if slowly feel different while being off it.
Something doesnt add up. how the F can you get 275 for 18 reps but only 315 for 9? What was your max bench when you repped 275 for 18?
When I was on my last cycle of test I was hitting 315 x11. I have no idea what my max was, probably in the 425 range.
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MoM: now that you've ended the dermacrine after a 90 day run, I'd be interested to know if slowly feel different while being off it.

Yes it will be interesting to see how shut down I am. As or now I'm not planning on running any type of post cycle therapy (pct) protocol. I will start my sample of sustain alpha today or tomorrow and run that up the the time I'm off epistane.
upper body hypertrophy

incline smith bench 135 x10 225 x8 275 x8 315 x12
lat pulldowns 150 x8 200 x8 250 x8 x16
incline HS press 2 plates per side x8 3 plates x8 4 plates x12
seated straight bar cable row 100 x10 150 x10 200 x15
straight bar cable shrugs 200 x10 x10 x20
superset w/ straight bar cable upright rows 50 x10 100 x8 x10

Day 38 Epistane
Started sustain alpha today. The stuff smells awful.

yes it does... i used it in an attempt to boost my LH/FSH before I could get my hands on HCG

are you running a post cycle therapy (pct) now with the Sustain Alpha or are you going to use it along side Epistane for a while??
I'll be done with the epistane in a couple days. Wasn't planning on any type of post cycle therapy (pct) other than the sustain alpha.
Lower body strength -

squats 135 x5 225 x5 315 x2 365 x1 405 x1 455 x1 475 x1 (no belt)
quad superset close grip bench 185 x10 225 x10 275 x12
and standing bb curls 95 x8 115 x8 135 x12
and decline crunches bw x15 x15 x20
and one legged calf raises x10 x15 x15

Been out of the gym for a few days because of work and coming down with a bad cold. Just barely feeling like a person today. Last day of epistane.

Day 43 Epistane - End log
The sustain alpha seems to be doing the trick. Immediately upon use I felt a big kick in my sex drive. I'll keep everyone posted on how that progresses over the next couple weeks.
Snapped this after coming home from tonight's workout. I haven't improved by leaps and bounds but I thought I should have something to document this phase of lifting.

lookin alot leaner from the last pic I saw of you, you hairy bastid...If memory serves me right, from your initial logs, you have shed about 60+ lbs...right?. Your last pics showed a pretty lean MoM but seems your abs are alot more visible now. It's about that time now, amIrite?
I am rocking about 3 weeks of chest hair. The most I weighed was low 300's and now I'm over 260 again so it's -40 lbs or so. It's definitely that time again.
Upper body strength -

flat db bench 80's x8 100's x6 120's x6 130's x11
t-bar platform rows 3 plates x6 3 plates+25 x6 4 plates x6 4 plates+25 x6 5 plates x8 - normally I load plates onto the front and back bars of this apparatus but today I did front only.
arnold press 60's x6 80's x6 regular db press 100's x9 - I slid too far forward in my seat so I was almost falling off the entire set.
shrugs 110's x10 x15 x20
superset w/ forearm work

Everything in the gym felt good. Outside the gym I've been moody and lethargic.
Looking pretty lean man. I agree with bigfood, you look even leaner than the last pic I saw. Im hoping my epistane comes in soon...