Packers stacks PES Alphamine, Genomyx Decimate, H-Stane Halodrol


New member
Alight guys! I'll be doing this stack for the next month. Decimate 3 caps daily spread out. Alphamine 1 scoop in the morning 1 scoop with a scoop of craze pre workout. H Stane as directed on bottle. My goals are to continue to drop bf while building lean muscles.
Ok so first dose of Alphamine this morning. I noticed the ease of mixing it in a foam cup and mixing it easily. Best of all it taste great without a bad after taste smooth to be honest. I took the three caps of Decimate and to early to tell anything yet. However I did my other scoop of Alphamine with one scoop craze and hit biceps! I think I just discovered a pwo combo punch from hell. Can't wait to see where this goes. The H stane I'll start once arrives.


seated machine preacher curls: 60lbs x 12,12,12

standing ez bar curls: 80lbs x 10,10,10

seated alt db curls: 35lbs x 8,8,8

standing hammer curls: 25lbs x 8,8,8

seated concentration curls: 30lbs x 6,6,6
Man weather is changing round here! Finally starting to see cooler temps and can't wait til it gets low low low low. Went to gym this evening hit shoulders up. So far no negative sides, but haven't seen anything on the plus side besides the energy from Alphamine.


behind neck pull downs: 80lbs x 12,12,12

seated db presses: 40lbs x 12,12,12

lat machine pull downs: 135lbs x 12,12,12

straight bar upright rows: 65lbs x 10,10,10

machine shoulder presses: 90lbs x 10,10,10

smith barbell shrugs: 135lbs x 10,10,10
Felt a lil zzz this morning but awoke bout mid day. My H Stane arrived today took first dose afternoon. Today was supose to be softball league night but was rained out so there for it was go time at the gym.


Mondays are always the most hectic day ever at my gym, so couldn't get on the smith til 40 mins in.

Incline barbell presses: 135lbs x 12, 185lbs x 8, 205lbs x 6, 225lbs x 4

smith machine flat bench press: 135lbs x 10, 175lbs x 8, 185lbs x 6

incline db presses: 45lbs x 10,10,10

pec deck: 125lbs x 10,10,10
Ok so finally made it back to gym today. Took my servings of Alpahamine and Decimate. Didn't do craze today as ran out. Being out for a while, def kills yah lol. I manage to push through a decent back and bi's routine.


close grip pulldowns to chin: 90lbs x 10,10,10

db rows: 40lbs x 12,12,10

machine rows: 100lbs x 10,10,10


seated alt db curls: 35lbs x 8,8,8

machine seated preacher curls: 60lbs x 10,10,10

seated concentration curls: 30lbs x 8,8,8
Uh uh he's back just like that! Hulk attack full on. SO much my workout partner had to tap out lol. We were going to do chest with tri's, but after chest he couldn't hang. We will hit up tris tomorrow. Felt zzz all day til this after noon and gym time it was Bam that time!!


smith machine flat presses 135 lbs x 10, 155 lbs x 10, 185 lbs x 10

decline barbell presses: 135lbs x 10, 155lbs x 10, 185lbs x 10

machine peck deck: 135lbs x 12,12,12

incline db presses: 45lbs x 10,10,10

flat bench db presses: 55lbs x 10,10,8
Thanks guys I had a killer tri day today well I mean yesterday lol since it's 3 am today! I ended up playing a few games in softball torney and no fffff joke pulled my calf. I felt like 4 pops. I don't know why but this is the 2nd time in 5 weeks it's done this same leg. It's the worst pain. I still played through three more games but hobbling lol.


Machine dips 105lbs x 12,12,12

Rope pressdowns 120lbs x 12,12,12

Cable reverse curls 90lbs 12 120lbs x 12,13

Superseted with vbar press downs 100lbs x 10 120lbs x 10,10

Seated overhead db presses 50lbs x 10,10,10
Hit up some shoulders after watching my Falcons come back to win lol. Been feeling it in the gym, but at same time I still need to get to the Dr and get some sinus meds. I keep feeling sleepy way to much.


Machine presses: 90lbs x 10,10,10

Db shoulder presses: 40 lbs x 12,12,12

Behind neck pulldowns: 90lbs x10,10,10

Machine lat pulldowns: 135lbs x 12,12,12

Upright rows: 45lbs x 15 65lbs x 10 75lbs x 8

Db shrugs: 60lbs 12,12, 70 lbs x 10
Today hit back up, been feeling stronger on some moves, but like the endurance is way down. It's almost like when taking Beastdrol and got lethargic. Not sleepy just slow mo lol.


close grip pull downs to chin: 90lbs x 12,12,10

machine rows: 100lbs x 10,10,10

db rows: 45lbs x 12,12,10

face pulls: 110lbs x 12,12,12

back ext machines: 50lbs x 12,12,12
Any liver toxicity combined with cholesterol profile change is going to make one lethargic.
Yeah I stop the var, and see how it goes. I been taking milk thistle and cycle suport. I felt good today, just been trying to stop this weird acid reflux from hell.
Today chest day! Calves are still stinging in what feels like deep muscle pain, but getting where I can move around much better.

smith machine flat presses: 135 lbs x 10, 185 lbs x 8, 205, 6, 225 lb x 4 255 lbs x 4

incline barbell presses: 135 lbs x 10, 185 lbs x 8, 205 lbs 6, 225 lb x 4

Incline db presses: 50lbs x 10,10,10

high pully cable crossovers: 50lbs x 10,10,10

low pully cable crossover 40lbs x 10,10,10

Felt amazing today as far as strength, I didn't know what to expect since last several days been fighting a wierd acid reflux feeling, and sinus junk. But I've noticed that on benching, the weight is going up with ease and no shoulder pain :)