road to monster...

How many days do U train and for how long?? How long in between sets do U rest to get maximum power for the following set???
How many days do U train and for how long?? How long in between sets do U rest to get maximum power for the following set???

powerlifting is a little different and so am i. LOL!! my rest between sets would make most people puke. i don't keep track but i don't take many minutes rest on my accy days but on my ME days, i take more. i train 4 days. just started last week to pack on some mass. i really need to take longer rest and less movements and more heavy weight.
me deads/back/hammers

rack pulls- 4 inches off the floor
315x2 405x2 495x2 585x1
700x2 735x2
405x20 405x20 405x20 405x20

barbell rows
315x6 405x6
bwx6 bwx6 bwx6
cg rows
170x10 180x10 180x10

120sx10 120sx10
lying machine hammers
140x20 140x20 140x20 140x20

leg extensions/abs

- tonite i fuckin scared some people with my rack pulls. i had to use straps because i didn't bring any chalk with me so instead of doin singles, i did doubles. next week i will lower it even more to see what i can do. i did 725 and missed 765, 7inches last week and did 700 and 735 this week lower so it would seem that i need work lockout work. did some high rep shrugs and then back work. i did 3 sets of 6 and next time i will do sets of 10. never did 120s on hammers for 2 sets of 10 which was huge for me. did legs extensions and abs and was done. listening to dope's "i'm back" is now my deadliftin music! its fuckin badass!

raw bench
135x12 225x6 315x3
shirted bench
3b- 495x3 3b- 545x2
1b- 585x2 625x2 625x2

raw bench/shoulders/tris

raw bench
135x12 225x6
speed bench w/ dbl lights and dbl minis(+200)
speed bench w/ dbl minis(+75)
speed bench w/ dbl lights(+125)
315x25 PR!!

db flyes
120x10 120x10
pec dec
80x10 80x10 80x10

RVCG shoulder press
165x5 165x5 165x10(harder than they look!)
bent-over side laterals
70x10 70x10 70x10

JM presses
225x10 225x10 225x10
pushdowns w/ dbl minis
100x10 100x10 100x10 100x10


--still more tech work this from this past sunday and man i hate leaving ME bench day with a lot of pounds on the bar but shit has to get right and i need to quit bein a fuckin retard and learn how to touch which i did. 625 was no problem...moved faster. tonite did some speed work. wanted to see where my repouts were after speed work. normally, they are 20. tonite after speed work, it was 25. i was stoked! did some db flyes and pec deck. did an old school movement called REVERSE-CLOSE-GRIP shoulder presses. for a lot of powerlifters, they have problems with their palms facing them. funny. 165 was tough with the bar in the webspacing in your hand but it hits solely the front delt. did some light side laterals with 70s and tricep work and was done. worked a fuckin 10hr workday today dealin with assholes and idiots who can care less about what phone they have. seems like monkeys would have a better chance of takin care of phones more than these dumbasses. oh well...
Great log man! I hope you keep the updates coming, because not many guys who train like you are willing to share their info. Lift hard and keep bending those bars!
Great log man! I hope you keep the updates coming, because not many guys who train like you are willing to share their info. Lift hard and keep bending those bars!

damn right. keep watchin. no tellin what i will do next but i will...
-bend bars
-slammin plates
-break some egos
-fuck some women like prom dates
-and get as fuckin jacked and strong i can...cause NEVER IS ENOUGH..
me squats
135x5 225x6 315x2 405x1 495x1
w/briefs only
585x2 635x3 635x3 635x3

reverse hypers

de deads/back/hammers
speed deads

leg extensions
250x10 250x10 250x10

leg curls
180x10 180x10

machine leg press
450x10 450x10

t-bar rows
6px6 7px6 8px6

90x10 100x6 115x10
lying rope hammers
110x20 130x20 150x20


- last nite i murdered 635 for 3 sets of 3...all fuckin ipf depth in briefs. it was a deload for me so just workin on tech and form. today did some speed deads and 405 was fast on all 7 singles and the last two were done without a belt. did pullups first and then t-bar rows so my back was pumped. finished up with hammers and abs and was out.
just all fuckin business today...
**nuthin to say about bench was was shit. couldn't touch weight in this bastard of a shirt. will try again next week. movin on..

135x3 225x3 315x1 405x1 495x1
585x1 695x1
w/briefs and hardcore suit w/o knee wraps
800x2 800x2

***fuckin felt awesome to move some real weight like its my bitch. 800 felt lite and without knee wraps too. i usually go without knee wraps until i'm close to a meet cause i know i will bury depth with them. i go about 2 inches above parallel but these were reps. no worries there. on a side note, my partners(both 242s) were fuckin comparing their backs and traps last nite. this shit was funny to see. on has traps and the other has shoulders. so you can easily see who won out on this one. though there was said flexing going on but hard to see on camera. nice competitive spirt these two have and nice to have at a barbell club. would be nice for me to go head to head with another super in training....but shit is what it is...
I love following this log beast, it's been very interesting to see how you heavyweights like to get down in the weight room. The only thing that sucks is I don't even wanna post my numbers anymore, lol.

? for ya. Do you ever train on a below parrallel box and is it very helpful for more power out of the hole and for building strength in the hammy's. Also do you do any grip work and what's your take on wrist straps for Dl's?

That was some funny shit about your partners flexing in the mirror and what not.
I love following this log beast, it's been very interesting to see how you heavyweights like to get down in the weight room. The only thing that sucks is I don't even wanna post my numbers anymore, lol.

? for ya. Do you ever train on a below parrallel box and is it very helpful for more power out of the hole and for building strength in the hammy's. Also do you do any grip work and what's your take on wrist straps for Dl's?

That was some funny shit about your partners flexing in the mirror and what not.

i used to train off a box but was causing issues hittin depth so we train without the box. that shit has been soo much better cause i'm hittin depth or close to it more and more.

i used to do grip work(extreme grip work) like bending nails. i should go back to that cause holding weight in my hands was never a problem. yea...i bent some fuckin 100 in one sitting.
raw bench/shoulders/triceps

raw bench
135x5 225x3 315x3
reverse band bench(lights+minis)
495x5 585x5 675x5 765x3** 675x5
reverse band bench(with minis)
405x10 500x5 500x3

ICG press
225x10 275x10 315x10
bwx20 bwx20 bwx20 bwx20
170x10 170x10 170x10 170x10

side laterals
65x10 120x5 120x5 80x6
front laterals
45x6 45x6 45x6


***tonite i just had to get some weight in my fuckin hands cause with all the benchin issues as of late, i was about to go insane. did some reverse bands and worked up to a PR of 765 for 3(at the bottom was 565). the weight didn't feel heavy to my surprise. maybe it was the pslin, powerfull, and perfect carb i was on before i lifted. then a fuckin hairy human being that called himself a lifter came up to me and told me i was using too much weight on the bar and can't do that. i think i was about to snap his ass in two. no fuckin wonder people in this city have low fuckin standards and prefer to be normal. my god! sorry. well i had to back the weight down for a set of 675 for 5 and then took off the lights and used just the minis and did 405 for 12, 500 for 5 and 500 for 3. somewhere in there i kindly asked a skinny douchebag to help me hold the bar in place. i might as well be speakin a different fuckin language cause he didn't understand and he said he was with a "client". i so wanted to break his ass as well! anyways, i did some ICG presses which is a combination of jm press/close-grip bench. this was awesome. not many movements can pre-exhaust my strong-ass triceps. awesome shit. moved onto dips and pushdowns and shoulders and was done. did 120s for 2 sets of 5. i think i might have scared a few people when i did those. oh well, tommorrow is dead day...oh and i almost forgot...when i did the 765 i was goin for the 4th rep when the plates fell off. awesome shit! terrorizing the gym...
***tonite i just had to get some weight in my fuckin hands cause with all the benchin issues as of late, i was about to go insane. did some reverse bands and worked up to a PR of 765 for 3(at the bottom was 565). the weight didn't feel heavy to my surprise. maybe it was the pslin, powerfull, and perfect carb i was on before i lifted. then a fuckin hairy human being that called himself a lifter came up to me and told me i was using too much weight on the bar and can't do that. i think i was about to snap his ass in two. no fuckin wonder people in this city have low fuckin standards and prefer to be normal. my god! sorry. well i had to back the weight down for a set of 675 for 5 and then took off the lights and used just the minis and did 405 for 12, 500 for 5 and 500 for 3. somewhere in there i kindly asked a skinny douchebag to help me hold the bar in place. i might as well be speakin a different fuckin language cause he didn't understand and he said he was with a "client". i so wanted to break his ass as well! anyways, i did some ICG presses which is a combination of jm press/close-grip bench. this was awesome. not many movements can pre-exhaust my strong-ass triceps. awesome shit. moved onto dips and pushdowns and shoulders and was done. did 120s for 2 sets of 5. i think i might have scared a few people when i did those. oh well, tommorrow is dead day...oh and i almost forgot...when i did the 765 i was goin for the 4th rep when the plates fell off. awesome shit! terrorizing the gym...

Haha, I love reading your log....but I always feel like a little bitch when Im done!
**nuthin to say about bench was was !@#$. couldn't touch weight in this bastard of a shirt. will try again next week. movin on..

135x3 225x3 315x1 405x1 495x1
585x1 695x1
w/briefs and hardcore suit w/o knee wraps
800x2 800x2

***!@#$in felt awesome to move some real weight like its my bitch. 800 felt lite and without knee wraps too. i usually go without knee wraps until i'm close to a meet cause i know i will bury depth with them. i go about 2 inches above parallel but these were reps. no worries there. on a side note, my partners(both 242s) were !@#$in comparing their backs and traps last nite. this !@#$ was funny to see. on has traps and the other has shoulders. so you can easily see who won out on this one. though there was said flexing going on but hard to see on camera. nice competitive spirt these two have and nice to have at a barbell club. would be nice for me to go head to head with another super in training....but !@#$ is what it is...

raw bench/shoulders/triceps

raw bench
135x5 225x3 315x3
reverse band bench(lights+minis)
495x5 585x5 675x5 765x3** 675x5
reverse band bench(with minis)
405x10 500x5 500x3

ICG press
225x10 275x10 315x10
bwx20 bwx20 bwx20 bwx20
170x10 170x10 170x10 170x10

side laterals
65x10 120x5 120x5 80x6
front laterals
45x6 45x6 45x6


***tonite i just had to get some weight in my !@#$in hands cause with all the benchin issues as of late, i was about to go insane. did some reverse bands and worked up to a PR of 765 for 3(at the bottom was 565). the weight didn't feel heavy to my surprise. maybe it was the pslin, powerfull, and perfect carb i was on before i lifted. then a !@#$in hairy human being that called himself a lifter came up to me and told me i was using too much weight on the bar and can't do that. i think i was about to snap his ass in two. no !@#$in wonder people in this city have low !@#$in standards and prefer to be normal. my god! sorry. well i had to back the weight down for a set of 675 for 5 and then took off the lights and used just the minis and did 405 for 12, 500 for 5 and 500 for 3. somewhere in there i kindly asked a skinny douchebag to help me hold the bar in place. i might as well be speakin a different !@#$in language cause he didn't understand and he said he was with a "client". i so wanted to break his ass as well! anyways, i did some ICG presses which is a combination of jm press/close-grip bench. this was awesome. not many movements can pre-exhaust my strong-ass triceps. awesome !@#$. moved onto dips and pushdowns and shoulders and was done. did 120s for 2 sets of 5. i think i might have scared a few people when i did those. oh well, tommorrow is dead day...oh and i almost forgot...when i did the 765 i was goin for the 4th rep when the plates fell off. awesome !@#$! terrorizing the gym...

***me bench was yet another crap session. still waitin on the phenom but changing shirts since i can't get any support from this shirt i'm using at the most crucial part of the lift. nuthin else to report.

raw squats
135x5 225x3 315x3 405x3 495x1
briefs only
605x1 695x1 745x1 745x1 745x1

reverse hypers
***tonite its obvious that by modifying my squat stance weeks ago, its now made my squats a ton stronger. i've never worked up to 495 raw and 745 for 3 singles was no prob. all were below parallel which was the goal.

onward to bench accy day,

bench accy day(shoulders and triceps)
raw bench
135x10 225x6 315x3 405x1 455x1
500x3 405x10/4/3/3(all with 30 sec rest in between)

pec deck
250x10/4/3/3 then did dips for 2 sets of 10

front laterals

ICG press


***tonite i felt really good. would of gotten more with 500 raw but didn't really expect 3 reps so i shocked myself. then dropped down to 405 for 20 total reps(see above). finished up with pec deck and dips. did some front laterals since my shoulders were already pre-exhausted from benchin and did some ICG presses again. those things work your tris a damn good bit! it was awesome! finished up with some abs and was done. friday is me dead day...500 for 3 was fuckin easy!
me deads/back/hammers

lat pulldowns
140x12 210x10 210x10 210x10
chest supported rows
2px10 3px10 4px8 5px6
cable rows
210x10 210x10 210x10 210x10
bwx5 bwx3 bwx4 bwx3

rack pulls
315x3 405x3 495x3 585x1 735x1 880x3


preacher curls


***got up early this morning to hit a session with some old school powerlifters. the session was definitely old school for sure. hammering out back with 4 movements which i haven't done in a while and then did rack deads and hit 880 for 3 easy. finished up with some hammers, legs, and abs and i was done. best damn session i had in a while. last nite i was really motivated by a fellow super, seth coker. he was really enthusiastic about powerlifting which got me talkin a good bit and then this morning got to talkin with another powerlifter who has done the sport longer than i have and still love it. goes to show ya, we are a different breed from the rest...the gym i trained at was defintely hardcore for gym. it was the only one i hadn't gone to. reason being was they don't do guest passes or fees. WHAT?!? yea i said the same. i would love to train there but the membership is about $50 a month....but i do like the look of old equipment and nuthin but plates and bars around. they even had a old school squat rack for squats and push presses. badass..i love it. i hope i can go back there soon.

old school....