***tonite i just had to get some weight in my fuckin hands cause with all the benchin issues as of late, i was about to go insane. did some reverse bands and worked up to a PR of 765 for 3(at the bottom was 565). the weight didn't feel heavy to my surprise. maybe it was the pslin, powerfull, and perfect carb i was on before i lifted. then a fuckin hairy human being that called himself a lifter came up to me and told me i was using too much weight on the bar and can't do that. i think i was about to snap his ass in two. no fuckin wonder people in this city have low fuckin standards and prefer to be normal. my god! sorry. well i had to back the weight down for a set of 675 for 5 and then took off the lights and used just the minis and did 405 for 12, 500 for 5 and 500 for 3. somewhere in there i kindly asked a skinny douchebag to help me hold the bar in place. i might as well be speakin a different fuckin language cause he didn't understand and he said he was with a "client". i so wanted to break his ass as well! anyways, i did some ICG presses which is a combination of jm press/close-grip bench. this was awesome. not many movements can pre-exhaust my strong-ass triceps. awesome shit. moved onto dips and pushdowns and shoulders and was done. did 120s for 2 sets of 5. i think i might have scared a few people when i did those. oh well, tommorrow is dead day...oh and i almost forgot...when i did the 765 i was goin for the 4th rep when the plates fell off. awesome shit! terrorizing the gym...