road to monster...


raw bench
135x10 225x6 315x3

CG shirted bench(single ply katana)
495x1 605x3 675x1 700x1

***last nite was a good session for once. i went into my old katana and did some close-grip benchin in my shirt. 605 for 3 was easy and 675 wasn't a problem. went 700 for singles on both 3board and 2board. both was easy. need to lower the bar faster. jon had an off nite but needs to rest and matt worked up to 705 close-grip in his rage x. first time he has had weight in his hands for a while but still good.
back to some normalcy on the bench

me squats

raw squats
135x5 225x3 315x2 425x1 515x1

squats w/ briefs
605x1 695x1
squats w/ breifs and HC straps up
785x1 835x1(high)
squats w/ briefs and HC straps down
785x1 (deep for matt)

reverse hypers 3 sets of 20

***tonite i felt off. the straps werent were they were supposed to be one me and if made a difference. i cut 835 high. then dropped down to 785 and burried it with the straps down. i will have to learn where to keep the straps on this suit to make it work. i still have the metal that is too big in the waist for me to try in a few weeks. tonite just felt off is all...gotta get my mind right

de bench/shoulders/triceps

speed bench w/ dbl minis and chk lights(about 100 at the top additional)
singles conversion sets
405x1 405x1 405x1 405x1

key presses
115x10-10(20 total reps with 20 sec in between)

bwx10-10-10(30 reps total with 20 sec rest)

strict-overhead presses
225x3-3-3-3-3(15 reps total with 20 sec rest)

side laterals

ICG press
245x10-10-10(30 reps total with 20 sec rest)

pushdowns/rope hammers/abs

***nuthin special tonite just needed to do some speed work with bands which i haven't done in a long while and i feel i need to work on speed now. did some singles with 405 to get my body to carry over the band tension. everything was fast paced tonite wanted to keep it short. i will work with speed for a bit to learn to drop the bar faster. gotta move it fast


rack deads(below knees)
225x4 315x3 405x3 495x1 585x1 675x1 765x1

260x10 260x10 305x10 305x10

super pullovers
95x15 115x10 115x10

bwx5 bwx5 bwx5

hammer curls
120x8 120x5 50x15 45x10

barbell shrugs
495x20 495x20 495x20
db shrugs
120x20 120x20


***PRed tonite on rack deads with 765. tried for a 2nd rep and grip failed. so it was there. less volume for once which i know will be a lot better for me as long as i keep it up. LOL!! onwards to benchin,

raw bench
135x10 225x6 315x3 405x1

shirted bench
545x1- 2boards
585x1- 2boards
675x1- 1board
705x1- full range

315x5 4board
315x5 3board
315x5 2board
315x5 1board
315x1 full range

***tonite was a good session. benchin felt the strongest its been in a while. back in that katana again. may have to touch base with ken about a shirt...though i'm still waiting on the phenom. jon had a good nite. 705 3-board was a PR for him and was lowering the bar down faster when he went to wide grip. matt had an off night pretty much. his pec felt fine just was off was all. we had a new guy train with us, dave. he's 19 at 223 and had two bodybuilding contests and won the mr. teen alabama and wanted to do powerlifting because want to be strong and doesn't care about being on stage. benched with us tonite and got 500 off 3-board and missed 545 but wasn't a strength issue. he muscled up the 500 off 3-board but a little more time and technique he can get a 400+ raw and 500+ shirted bench. hell, he almost got 545 off 3-board. it was a great nite except for matt but he will get back on track. back to gettin strong now
I'm just amazed by the kind of weight you train with. Honestly, you're log is awesome and it makes me want to be the strongest guy in the gym. I'm even thinking about shooting for 275lbs in the near future to be certain the strength comes.
I agree these numbers are insaine. I looked at the bar today when I had 225 on bench and thought of your 7 and change shirt press. I dont even think anyone else in my gym would have weight to use if you were training in there beast.

Im guessin you train with some EliteFTS guys not unless theres a whole breed of dudes outside of that arena that are hittin 2500 I'm not aware of.

Hey, I was wondering what the suicide board press is? I tried checkin youtube but all that came up was benching accidents, lol
I'm just amazed by the kind of weight you train with. Honestly, you're log is awesome and it makes me want to be the strongest guy in the gym. I'm even thinking about shooting for 275lbs in the near future to be certain the strength comes.

don't just shoot for it...fuckin go for it! i don't want to be the strongest guy in the gym...i want to be the strongest guy PERIOD!
I agree these numbers are insaine. I looked at the bar today when I had 225 on bench and thought of your 7 and change shirt press. I dont even think anyone else in my gym would have weight to use if you were training in there beast.

Im guessin you train with some EliteFTS guys not unless theres a whole breed of dudes outside of that arena that are hittin 2500 I'm not aware of.

Hey, I was wondering what the suicide board press is? I tried checkin youtube but all that came up was benching accidents, lol

yea...i'm part of the breed that elitefts doesn't know about. its fine. they don't know me and don't know what i'm fuckin capable of. i'm just the beast in the shadows that no one knows comin...that's fine by me. i like comin over the competitions shoulders and saying "surprise motherfucker!"

sorry...suicides are done starting with 4boards for 5 reps and then goin to 3boards for 5 reps and then goin to 2boards for 5 reps and so forth without rest. you hit failure(or should) when attempting the 5 reps full range.

raw squats
135x6 225x3 315x3 425x1 515x1

with metal squatter and metal briefs...straps up
605x1 695x1 785x1(depth!) 835x1(depth)

reverse hypers
only did one set cause matt blew the bands on his 2nd.

***i think the issue with the hips bein too wide maybe resolved. i was able to get depth easier with the metal squatter. it was awesome. killed 785 and muscled up 835 when i fell out of the groove for a slight second at the bottom. done without knee wraps as usual so 900 is possible. we are startin the coan dead program friday. but raw bench with dave on thursday and for a raw bench stuff we are goin to use minis to help with speed.

squats are comin up,
don't just shoot for it...fuckin go for it! i don't want to be the strongest guy in the gym...i want to be the strongest guy PERIOD!

Thanks for the bad ass words of encouragement. I think at this point though I need to aim for attainable goals. I have never been the strongest guy in the gym because I always trained for BBing and aesthetics rather than being strong. I'm rehabbing an injury in my lower back right now and the only thing I can think about is getting that all healed up and then working on being as strong as possible. I'm going to take everything in stride and start small. I will be getting stronger though. There is no doubt about that.
Thanks for the bad ass words of encouragement. I think at this point though I need to aim for attainable goals. I have never been the strongest guy in the gym because I always trained for BBing and aesthetics rather than being strong. I'm rehabbing an injury in my lower back right now and the only thing I can think about is getting that all healed up and then working on being as strong as possible. I'm going to take everything in stride and start small. I will be getting stronger though. There is no doubt about that.

you can do both. why be the strongest SOB in the gym and look like branch warren. it can be done!
raw bench/shoulders/triceps

raw bench w/dbl minis
135x12 225x6 315x3
355x5 375x4 390x3
345x8 345x8

raw bench w/o dbl minis

key presses
95x10-9(with 20 sec rest)

pec deck

front laterals
100x5 100x5

side laterals
50x10 40x8 30x6

tricep deaths
dips for 20 reps for 2 sets supersetted with
diamond pushups for 10 reps for 2 sets

***today was a kickass session. trained with dave and he's a freak for sure. we worked on his setup a lot more and he has it down now. killed 245 for 25 reps. today was his first time using bands so he got up to 280 for 3 easy reps. we were pushin each other a good bit on repouts. he did 25 with 245 and i did 23 with 345 but we both miscounted. before we went to the vid, we both counted my reps at 26. well...seems like me, dave can't count. that's a sign of a powerlifter. LOL!! when i started this bench cycle before i did 350 for 17 reps so me hittin 345 for 23 was a huge jump. we took the bands off for the restabilization to take effect. we killed shoulders and triceps and was done. hittin deads/back with matt and jon tommorrow...however, i gave dave some learning material and a challenge that his eager to take on too...
me deads

135x3 225x3 315x1 405x1
565x2 450x8x3

80x10 80x10 80x10 65x10 65x10

cs rows
225x10 225x10 225x10

leg curls/leg extensions for 3 sets of 10
calves and abs

***today i trained with jon and matt on their deadlift day. busted ass thru those 8 sets of 3. they were bad! LOL!! but i can tell from all those weeks of doin leg raises are now paying off. my abs and legs are workin together on deads and its makin them stronger. startin the first week of the coan routine. goin great thus far...
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raw bench
135x12 225x6 315x3 405x1

shirted CG 3-board
495x1 585x3 655x3
shirted full range
675x0 675x1(touched)

***tonite was a great session. me and dave benched together while jon and matt would bench after us. kinda like benchin in shifts. anyways, dave, our new guy, got on the board tonite. killed 545 and 565 off 3-board and missed 605 at lockout. it was fuckin impressive on how easy he did 565. he made it look a lot easier than 545. he tried the rage x tonite too. it was awesome. dave got fired up a bit and wanted more weight on the bar. he told me afterwards that 605 or 565 didn't feel heavy. again, it was an awesome nite for him. jon had some issues with cramping that was probably related to being dehydrated. he was doin well and i see him hittin 725 next time. matt issues with his shoulder/pec continues. he was doin better than last week but still issues with the front delt on the left side. he's takin a month and doin some full-range raw work nuthin higher than 225. see what happens. its an odd issue to say the least and a lot of experienced lifters i've come across are clueless and even confused as to what happen so i'm all ears.

135x5 245x1 335x1 425x1 515x1

with suit straps up and briefs
705x1 705x2 705x1

reverse hypers

***just hit some light squats tonite. got depth on all of them. damn easy. apparently i was told that my legs are gettin bigger so those leg extensions/leg curls that jayson mcnett suggested to me is working...LOL!!

gotta love supersets,

de bench/shoulders/triceps
bw: 320

raw bench
135x10 225x6 315x3
405x12-3-3-3(21 reps!)

dips/pec deck

barbell shoulder press
135x6 135x6 225x15-5-5(25 reps)

side laterals
60x10 50x10 40x10 30x10

bent-overs shrug laterals
30x10 30x10 30x10

band popups
225x10 (chk lights)
225x5-5-7 (chk lights + dbl minis)
225x10 (chk lights)

machine tri press
170x12 170x15 170x12 170x15

hammer curls
50x10 60x10 50x10 60x10


***today was a great session. done a ton of reps as sort of a back off week for me on raw bench. the band popups are awesome. give them a try. it at least makes the smith machine fuckin useful for powerlifters. i was asked a ton of question as i was training at different gym, worlds in tuscaloosa. dave had some family issues to deal with so i hope things are ok with them. anyways, i did the machine tricep press the way frankl demonstrated with the grip on the curve. the bent over shrug laterals was done with a shrug at the beginning and holding it and goin into a lateral raise. defintely put more stress on the traps as well as the rear delts. i attempted 20 reps with 225 on shoulder press in one shot but only got 15. still not bad.

good session, good weights being moved,
me deads

raw deads
225x3 315x1 405x1 495x1
600x2 495x8x3

bwx10 bwx10

seated rows
200x10 200x10 220x10

CG pulldowns
170x10 170x10 170x10

leg extensions/leg curls/abs

hammer curls
80x10 80x10 80x10 40x10 40x10

**today was deadlift day with matt and mason. boy are my hands ate up!! everything else is fine. matt pulled strong too. mason i believe is back gettin stronger again. it was fun gettin stares again at the aquatic center. though it took a few sets before matt removed the tampon out of his ass and pulled. LOL!! sunday we hope to have some more lifters than normal. lookin foward to it...did i mention how bad my hands hurts...

but i love it!!
Beast... The amount of weight you move is incredible. It's awesome to see someone move that kinda weight day in a day out.

I was just curious what kinda mg/wk of Test you're running and how long you've been on?? Do you come off at all or do you blast and cruise?
Beast... The amount of weight you move is incredible. It's awesome to see someone move that kinda weight day in a day out.

I was just curious what kinda mg/wk of Test you're running and how long you've been on?? Do you come off at all or do you blast and cruise?

brother i fuckin move weight like i have sex...all fuckin day!!

i run test year around about 1ml/a week

raw bench
135x12 225x6 315x3 425x1

shirted CG 3-board
515x2 595x3 675x3 705x3

***tonite was a good session. my setup felt more solid more than normal. matt is still rehabbing his shoulder/pec/rotator cuff issue with reverse bands with trent who made his return to BMBB. he's more motivated than before to get back to where he was a year ago. dave had another badass benchin session. he "muscled" up 605 and 625 off 3-boards. i say that cause he's still learning technique. he did a 525 2-board first time and it was easy for him so he can do more on those. he's comin along quickly on the bench and now we are goin to work on his squat until he can squat with us in january at least right now he can learn how to squat right. matt seems to be doin a bit better..the pec is doin better so it could be a few more weeks before he is back to benchin again. jon was MIA tonite so he will be squattin with us on tuesday. as for me, 705 for 3 was purely tricep work for sure! those smith machine popups are a keeper!

triceps were actually working,