road to monster...

***tonite was a good session.705 for 3 was purely tricep work for sure! those smith machine popups are a keeper!

triceps were actually working,

Lifts are looking great TB and your fortunate to have a group of guys to lift with I would like that.

How do you do these pop ups your talkin about?

reverse band squats
245x3 335x3 425x1 515x1 605x1(raw)
805x2 805x2(w/ briefs and suit straps up)

***tonite was a good squat session. we needed to have some fun and did some reverse band squats with green bands. jon did 565 on reverse band front squats. missed 605. matt got 705 on reverse band squats raw and i burred 805 for 2 sets of 2 on squats. gettin a lot more used to the suit more and more. it was productive though we probably need a deload this point since the weight felt heavy on matt and jon.

still strong squattin,
raw bench/back/shoulders/triceps

raw bench
135x10 225x6 340x5 360x5 380x16

seated shoulder press
135x10 225x6 240x5 255x5 270x9

495x20 585x20 585x20

kroc rows
150x29 on the other side

smith machine popups
225x10 275x10 315x10


***tonite was a great session. trained with dave and trent. dave got 280 for 18 reps and then did 315 for 10 after that. 380 was easy enough...16 reps was in the tank. trent is still in the building process from a year layoff. we went to seated shoulder presses where dave did 255 for 4 reps and i did 270 for 9 reps. we continued with rest of the session hammering out some shrugs, kroc rows, and popups. we focused a bit more tech work on dave tonite so he can learn to hold the weight out and he did that a lot more effectively. lookin foward to sunday...

on to deads

me deads

raw deads
135x5 225x3 315x1 405x1
465x5 500x5 530x10

cs rows
70x10 70x10 115x10 115x10 115x10

hammer curls
65x10 65x10 65x10 65x10 65x10

machine rows
120x10 140x10 140x10

leg curls
leg extensions

**today was a great deadlift session. jon did 460 for 10 reps and they were his best i've seen him. matt did the same with 6 sets of 3. he wanted to give up but we kept pushing him. mason pulled with us today and his pulling has gotten a lot stronger. did 460 for 6 reps. i did ok...530 for 10. brought the bar closer to me and doin an "adam" on deadlifts...seems to work. everyone is lookin foward to the spf alabama meet in january.

we rocked out with our cocks out
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I'm likin the 380x16 on the flat bench and your grip must be amazing shrugging 585x20.

Thanks for the youtube on the pop ups I liked them a lot but think I think I brought the bar to far down.

Now if I could fiqure out what the kroc rows are it would be great.

So is your meet still in December? Think your on pace to crack 2500. great work and keep it up.
you can simply youtube "kroc rows" and you will find them...they are interesting to watch. i'm doin a meet now in january for financial reasons. fuck. gives me more time to bust's training?

reverse band bench
245x5 335x3 425x1

reverse band bench w/ rage x off 3-boards
515x1 605x1 695x1 785x1 875x1

***had a good bench session tonite. dave couldn't make it out cause of car issues, matt did some reverse band work. good news is, he's gettin better and jon is intent on keepin it that way. jon did 785 off 3-boards too...had he grooved it the way he had done the other sets, 785 would of been smoke show. trent did some reverse band raw work and made big improvement this week. jon had me go up to 875 off 3-boards and it was easy. reverse bands though so no big deal. the aim is to do it without them. i went back to my rage x to see how it felt for bein on the shelf for a year. it felt like it had magic still but the shoulders on it are pulled apart so the shirt doesn't say on my shoulders like it needs to. would like to get that repaired at some point since the shirt is still usuable to some degree.

it still works,
TB's training?

It's goin but not as Id like but my t levels were sitting at 188 before I jumped back on test here 3 weeks ago or so. i gotta a nice increase in strength from my prop week 2 but going up in weight to quick has got my back knotting up a little and my psyiatic nerve not feelin so great. f it though i shuld be in full swin soon and feeling better.

Did you ever start your tren?

Whats your take on Inzers lever belt? I'm
not to sure I like it.

Props on your last 3 board press at 875 that some shit right there, looks like your bench is coming around more for ya.
It's goin but not as Id like but my t levels were sitting at 188 before I jumped back on test here 3 weeks ago or so. i gotta a nice increase in strength from my prop week 2 but going up in weight to quick has got my back knotting up a little and my psyiatic nerve not feelin so great. f it though i shuld be in full swin soon and feeling better.

Did you ever start your tren?

Whats your take on Inzers lever belt? I'm
not to sure I like it.

Props on your last 3 board press at 875 that some shit right there, looks like your bench is coming around more for ya.

not yet...but hopin to real soon. the lever belt is what i have...its awesome!!

thanx for the props..i want to get that shirt fixed so i can use it...LOL!! or get another one!
bw: 323

raw squats
135x5 245x3 335x2 425x1 515x1
605x1 695x1 745x1
w/ briefs and suit straps up

***tonite was an awesome session. we had a new guy come squat with us. he's 180ish or so and easily got his squat form down. he went up to 425 w/o a belt which is impressive. trent did the same and his muscle memory is coming back big time. jon did front squats off the 531 program and got 375 for 7 reps easy but ran out of breath while holding the bar near his neck. matt had mason's briefs and did 745 for a single. he said it was about the same as his old briefs. i went up to 745 for a single without the suit and tried for a triple with 845 but no go. will get it next week...its awesome we are gettin this many members quickly. we have another one joinin us for squats next week. we are goin to work on some type of system of lifting...

a rotation would be nice,

raw bench/triceps/shoulders

raw bench
135x10 225x6 325x3 360x3 380x3 405x11

seated military press
135x5 225x1 260x3 275x3 290x9

JM presses
155x12 155x12 165x12 185x12 205x12

***today was good session. 405 for 11 on raw bench and 290 for 9 was good. i misgrooved one of the reps on with 405 and would of gotten 12. the 290 for 9 was better than the 275 for 7 i did last week so that's an improvement. jon did 345 for 14 on bench and 220 for 12 on seated military presses. matt is on his "last" day of recovery right now so sunday will be the day to see how things are healed up.

deads are goin to be fun,
I spoke to soon man I gave the lever another chance on box squats tuesday and got it really tight and it is so sweet I love it too, can't wait to DL with it saturday.

How low do you bring your JM Press? I see some bring to chin and others still up high.

Ive been meaning to ask how long have you been training to hit these kinda of numbers?

Can't wait to see what happens when the tren comes in the picture, talk about bending the bar your gonna be flyin high.

Keep it up bigdog your gonna make your goal of cracking 2500 I can see it.
I spoke to soon man I gave the lever another chance on box squats tuesday and got it really tight and it is so sweet I love it too, can't wait to DL with it saturday.

How low do you bring your JM Press? I see some bring to chin and others still up high.

Ive been meaning to ask how long have you been training to hit these kinda of numbers?

Can't wait to see what happens when the tren comes in the picture, talk about bending the bar your gonna be flyin high.

Keep it up bigdog your gonna make your goal of cracking 2500 I can see it.

i bring my JM presses to my chin bro.

i've been hittin these numbers for a year..just need to put the shit together at a meet is all. 2500 is the number in my head...
me deads

raw deads
225x3 315x2 405x1 500x3 530x3 560x5


hammer curls

leg curls/leg extensions/pullthrus/abs

***today was shitty session...had a shitty day all round but what can was fuckin friday the 13th! anyways, defintely goin to back down the numbers a bit on deads and work on hip and hammy work too. matt did awesome dispite not finishing his pulls. 585 for 1 and 490 for 4 sets of 3. jon did 490 for 7 reps i believe. great work. but i did learn a valuable lesson today though. most of this year i have been listening to everyone but my partners. since august i've been listening to those who mattered to me and my training which includes jon and matt. just because someone is a pro lifter or ranked #1 doesn't mean they know it all about lifting. listen to those who give a shit and don't put stock into someone because of their status. they may give you some ideas but everyone is goin to be different and your training partners and support are the most important factor to look at. though now i feel like mr.t in rocky 3..

those at the top aren't as hungry as the ones gettin there,
me bench
bw: 322

raw bench
135x12 225x6 315x3

close-grip 3-board work
495x1 585x1 675x1 675x3

full range

burgett rows
4 sets of 12 with chk dbl greens

pushdowns w/ chk dbl greens
4 sets of 12

band flyes/raises

***tonite was a good session. it was just me and matt tonite. matt had his first session in his shirt using heavy. he's on the comback trail. i did 675 for 1 and did it again for 3 reps because i fucktard that first set. then i attempted 685 full range and hit it ok. me and matt talked about the lesson we learned over the weekend and now listening to the "team" matters the most. so we have a new direction at bama barbell. things are goin to change a bit cause we are goin to the next level. BEFORE ANYONE ASKS, burgett rows are taking a bar and using bands anchored on the top of the rack and doin like a standing pulldowns but to the stomach area. our lats are toasted. defintely a keeper...

yea..we're serious,

de squats
bw: 320

raw box squats
135x5 225x3 315x2 405x1 495x1

box squats w/ briefs
585x2 585x2 585x2 585x2 585x2 585x2

ssb box squats
135x6 225x6 315x4

***tonite was kinda like a speed session working on low box height which from what jon has told me and matt, its below where we normally squat. matt had some gear issues and went back into his metal briefs and got some strong sets with 585. we watched the "never enough" which helped us a lot on squat form. my hips was fried which i assume i'm squattin right. jon hips were fried too. makes sense though since my hips were shaking like a chicken last week. so deadlifting friday should be alot of fun. went to some ssb box squats afterwards for some reps raw to get some volume in and we were done.

my hips are fried...LOL!,
531 raw bench/military press/triceps

raw bench
135x10 225x6 335x5 380x3 425x8

seated military press
135x10 240x5 275x3 305x8

JM presses
185x10 185x10 185x11 185x11 185x10

pec deck/machine laterals

***tonite was good session. benchin felt lite. 425 for 8 reps was fast. jon did 365 for 9. matt did some speed benchin with 225. it looked like his benchin is finally back again. shoulder presses was some good work. i did 305 for 8 reps and jon did 240 for 9. so far 531 seems to be workin ok. finished up with some JM presses and superset with laterals and pec deck. deadlift is up tommorrow and my hips seem to be ok...

my shoulders are gettin bigger,
raw bench/shoulders/triceps

raw bench
135x10 225x6 315x3 340x5 360x5 385x14

seated military press
135x10 230x5 245x5 280x10

JM press
135x10 135x10 185x10 185x10 185x10

pec deck/plate raises for 4 sets of 20

***tonite was another good session. i'm still overshooting my numbers so that's a good gauge on where i need to be raw right now. did some plate raises for a chance of pace. seems like we aren't the only ones recruiting lifters too. lookin foward to pulls on friday...Jon is back and did some front squats but was a little off tonite from being dehydrated. 335 for 3, 375 for 3 and 405 for 2.


raw squat with chk blues
135x5 225x3 315x2

squat with briefs w/ chk blues
405x3 495x3 585x3 675x3

BB squats
225x10 225x12 225x12

reverse hypers

***tonite was a good session for me and matt. seems like the extra quad work is working for both of us. matt went wider on his squats went deeper than normal and the low squats are workin well for us too. matt doubled 675 for 2 and tripled with the same with which at the top was near/over 900. me and matt wanted to put the 35 on there(ran out of 45s) and the bar bent even more than what we seen. fearing another warp(the bar already had one) we decided to call it there. yea we need another bar soon. did some close-stance squats(BB squats) and we juiced the quads very well on matt would say. finished up with some reverse hypers and called it a day. we talked about how the 275 roster for the cellblock classic is looking...

just wish we had their squat bar,


me deads
430x5 465x5 495x10

cs rows
90x10 90x10 180x10 180x10 180x10

405x10 405x10 495x10 495x10

rack pull

hammer curls
50x10 60x10 60x10 60x10 60x10

leg curls/leg extensions
3 supersets of 10

***today was a good day. gettin back into the groove on deads and using more leg drive. jon did a strong repout of 10 with 465. matt pullin is gettin stronger. 560 for 2 wasn't a problem and neither was the 465. later, our shrugs turned into a "rack pull" contest between me and matt which we both pulled it...1005, but we pissed off the douche bags managers there who didn't want us using the other 100lb plates. i was goin to go psycho if they told us we couldn't have 1005 on the bar there. they were staring at the weight like they wanted to say it but didnt'. jon attempted the 1005 but his back was already fried and was cramping a bit too.

they'll probably tell us not to have that much weight on the bar next time,


raw bench
135x10 225x6 315x3


shirted CG 3-boards
515x3 605x3 700x1

full range

pushdowns/burgett rows/band flyes

***benchin tonite felt a bit set wasn't stable and gotta work on that more not to mention i need to drop the bar faster. same with the full range, though if i did it again i would of dropped it faster. it will get better next week. jon was doin 2-boards to everyone's surprise this week. got 650 in the phenom. matt had a really good bench session tonite. he hit 650 off 1-board easy in the rage x. trent was having his first nite back in the rage x and hit 425 easier than he did at the beginning. we will work more on tech to get him up to par.

good benchin all-round,
bench accy

raw bench
135x10 225x6 315x3 360x3 380x3 405x11

military press
135x10 225x6 240x3 260x3 275x12

JM presses
185x9 185x9 205x9 205x13 205x11

3 supersets of pec deck and plate raises

***today i might have over did it with "jacked". i took one more scoop more than i needed and was boucing off walls and gettin dizzy. but still made it thru. weights felt fine tonite too. so far the 531 program on our accy days is working very well. deads are up tommorrow and that will be a fun day...

goin up,

me deads

raw deads
135x5 225x2 315x2 405x1 465x3 495x3 525x8

405x10 405x10 495x10 495x10 495x10

55x10 55x10 55x10 55x10 55x10

lat pulldowns/leg extensions/ leg curls/abs

**today was a great session. jon pulled 495x9 reps. all his reps were perfect just about. matt pulled 600 raw. i think he maybe a damn good puller after all. i did 525 for 8 but after watchin the vid i had 2 more in me. funny how you think the pull is goin slow and on cam its fast as fuck. everyone was like that..kinda frustrated with people as of late. we are back to having issues gettin lifters to stick but fuck it..BMBB maybe just 3 guys right now. its all we need..

oh well...gotta deal with what we are dealt,


raw bench
135x10 225x6 315x3


shirted CG 3-boards
495x2 585x3(easy!) 705x1(WTF!) 705x1(WTF again!!)

burgett pulldowns, pushdowns, and band flyes

***tonite was a shitty session for me. everything felt fine up until the 705 where i had nuthin from the shirt at all . jon felt off too. did 545 and 565 off 3-board CG for triples which he hasn't done in a while since october then did some reps with 495. matt came in earlier and tripled 675 and doubled it on the 2nd set and then did 655 full range. so he had a great day. i'm not sure if its my cns(me) or the shirt. as usual, we will see what happens,

oh well...


raw squat
135x6 225x3 315x3 405x2

box squats w/ briefs only w/ 2 choked greens
135x2 225x2 315x2 405x2 495x2 585x1(900 at the top)

quad juicers w/ 2 choked greens
135x8 135x8 135x8

**tonite was a good session. jon hit 405 for 7 reps on front squats, trent did 405 for 2 with 2 choked greens with briefs on, and me and matt did 585 for a single though i went deeper than him since the box was set for him. first time hittin squats with "true" band tension. we fucked up the band tension a few weeks before by not choking them right. oh well. everyone did some good squattin tonite...

gotta love bands,
How you making out Beast? Nice job with the 705x1board and close to 600 pull.

Think your squattin 1000 now? We like follwing this log, hope you stick around.