bench accy
raw bench
135x10 225x6 315x3 360x3 380x3 405x11
military press
135x10 225x6 240x3 260x3 275x12
JM presses
185x9 185x9 205x9 205x13 205x11
3 supersets of pec deck and plate raises
***today i might have over did it with "jacked". i took one more scoop more than i needed and was boucing off walls and gettin dizzy. but still made it thru. weights felt fine tonite too. so far the 531 program on our accy days is working very well. deads are up tommorrow and that will be a fun day...
goin up,
me deads
raw deads
135x5 225x2 315x2 405x1 465x3 495x3 525x8
405x10 405x10 495x10 495x10 495x10
55x10 55x10 55x10 55x10 55x10
lat pulldowns/leg extensions/ leg curls/abs
**today was a great session. jon pulled 495x9 reps. all his reps were perfect just about. matt pulled 600 raw. i think he maybe a damn good puller after all. i did 525 for 8 but after watchin the vid i had 2 more in me. funny how you think the pull is goin slow and on cam its fast as fuck. everyone was like that..kinda frustrated with people as of late. we are back to having issues gettin lifters to stick but fuck it..BMBB maybe just 3 guys right now. its all we need..
oh well...gotta deal with what we are dealt,
raw bench
135x10 225x6 315x3
shirted CG 3-boards
495x2 585x3(easy!) 705x1(WTF!) 705x1(WTF again!!)
burgett pulldowns, pushdowns, and band flyes
***tonite was a shitty session for me. everything felt fine up until the 705 where i had nuthin from the shirt at all . jon felt off too. did 545 and 565 off 3-board CG for triples which he hasn't done in a while since october then did some reps with 495. matt came in earlier and tripled 675 and doubled it on the 2nd set and then did 655 full range. so he had a great day. i'm not sure if its my cns(me) or the shirt. as usual, we will see what happens,
oh well...
raw squat
135x6 225x3 315x3 405x2
box squats w/ briefs only w/ 2 choked greens
135x2 225x2 315x2 405x2 495x2 585x1(900 at the top)
quad juicers w/ 2 choked greens
135x8 135x8 135x8
**tonite was a good session. jon hit 405 for 7 reps on front squats, trent did 405 for 2 with 2 choked greens with briefs on, and me and matt did 585 for a single though i went deeper than him since the box was set for him. first time hittin squats with "true" band tension. we fucked up the band tension a few weeks before by not choking them right. oh well. everyone did some good squattin tonite...
gotta love bands,