Cycle, test, HGH
rebelbodybuilder said:i never told you lucky but i love you icon pic! lol
haha me too

rebelbodybuilder said:i never told you lucky but i love you icon pic! lol
Aczech said:how's the weight holding? how's the strength holding? how long was the cycle?
Yes, it does suck coming off...
MilkDaScow said:coming off is the worst thing in the world, you no longer feel like a man, but hey think... you get to get back on soon enough
as for the gains, a drop in bf and gain in overall mass is really awesome, but I think for a first timer with Test you may have benefited more from a straight bulker... but either way, good for you
I'm keeping a log on my second cycle... chime in if you please
Aczech said:i don't know about you but if i'm off, i can either lift or have sex...i can't do both within a few hours of each other, my body seems to lack the natural test.
Lucky13 said:either way I feel way better on cycle![]()
Lucky13 said:I know what you mean, I've never felt healthier then on this cycle...all my joints were rock solid, immune system was off the scale, sex drive and confidence and my whole life was better..girls could smell the extra Test in my veins!!
Still after 3months I know coming off was for the best...I needed a break from the AI's, the injections, and although my gym sessions were fantastic I stopped appreciating how much better they were!!
You gotta have the good with bad![]()
gogetter said:great log bro. one thing i love about your logs is that you keep us informed through post cycle therapy (pct). not many people do that. for me this is almost as important as the cycle its self. Keep up the great posts
Lucky13 said:Great sleep last night, no real boners today which is a shame, my sex drive in my mind is high but not below the waist... boners are at around 75-90% compared to when I was on they were 110% and I could have drilled holes in a wall!
Energy levels and mood are really good and to be honest I can't tell the difference with being off or on, the only tell tale sign is that I'm aching from my workout and my muscles arn't quite as full if I don't get my carbs...
I know this is only day 5 but I'm seriously loving this post cycle therapy (pct) ( as sick as that sounds ), it's the easiest one so far and barely affecting me in day to day life....when I look back on my previous PCT's I wanted to die and would practicly crawl around on my hands and knees I was so tired and exhausted.....
I really have to hand it to the toremifene it's doing a great job!!! far![]()
Xtreme57 said:Is toremifene available on research by another name or if not, where did you come across it?