Test E Cycle - 3rd Cycle

Roger Wilko :) I always tend to log my post cycle therapy (pct) day by day anyway so I'm sure i'll bore people to death with it :p

This one will be intersting as i've used HCG throughout and have Toremifene ( Fareston ) for post cycle therapy (pct)...I always have a pretty rough time through post cycle therapy (pct) so fingers crossed this one will be easier!
So hey man, you've just been using aromisin mostly for bloat? It looked like you used AIFM for a little bit, but then went back to aromisin?
Xtreme57 said:
So hey man, you've just been using aromisin mostly for bloat? It looked like you used AIFM for a little bit, but then went back to aromisin?

Yeah not sure what happened but the AIFM stopped working quite aswell, I emailed the makers and they sent out a replacement practicly next day, so big props to them for great service!
Lucky13 said:
Yeah not sure what happened but the AIFM stopped working quite aswell, I emailed the makers and they sent out a replacement practicly next day, so big props to them for great service!

Anymore vision problems since restarting the aromisin?
yes aromisan really blurs my vision ( not as bad as nolva though ) and i'm sure makes me feel a little disorientated or confused....AIFM is lots better but I still get a little vision distortion...one of the reasons i'm going to have to come of soon is vision....i'm going to look into letro or arimdex but these are bad for your lipids and that's a big concern for me!....wish there was bloody something that didn't have all these sides!!
so how did your post cycle therapy (pct) finish off?

Me and my husband got very used to reading your logs (LOL) and then they just stopped.

We just joined the forum (we have never used gear before) but my husband is considering a very mild cycle.

I am also curious, but currently not ready for it.

He is 40 (has lifted most of his life) and tells me that his strength has weakened over the past 3 years (and fears that it's his natural test levels) so maybe he's gonna try Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) instead of gear, not sure.

Anyway- we read all of your 3 cycles (because they were 'starter' cycles) and they were very helpful to us. thanks.
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Thanks for the feedback....post cycle therapy (pct) is starting this week, haven't injected now for 7 days so I'll be documenting my post cycle therapy (pct) daily as in all previous cycles.

I can't speak for your husbands options but for me personally Test is the best thing that ever happened to me, if I was his age and fit and healthy I would certainly be on HRT.

Test turns a boy into a man and keeps him a man :)
on cutting cycles people shole specify bf% and not weight then.. its misleading.. plus I wouldn't think to do a TEST E only cycle to cut.. but thats just based off of reading others experiences.
SleepingGiant said:
bro u started at 196 and ended at 205 after 15 weeks?

you should have used more test .. idk

Honestly though ... if you think about it - Lucky gained 11 pounds of solid muscle, and virtually zero water weight. MOST (not all, most) of the guys that claim to gain 20-175lbs of weight after a cycle is a combination of muscle, water and fat.

At a low dose of 300mg per week, with a relatively healthy diet and no bloat, I'd say he'd did very well for himself.

Then again, wtf do I know? Maybe you're right ...
SleepingGiant said:
bro u started at 196 and ended at 205 after 15 weeks?

you should have used more test .. idk

Trust me I'm definately not disapointed with this cycle, weight is just a number, the difference in my bodyshape is what says it all! That and the fact none of my old clothes fit me anymore :)

Infact I've weighed in this week at around 200lbs so that's 4lbs gain...keep laughing cos nobody who knows me in person is, they all can't believe the difference.
SleepingGiant said:
on cutting cycles people shole specify bf% and not weight then.. its misleading.. plus I wouldn't think to do a TEST E only cycle to cut.. but thats just based off of reading others experiences.

Anyone that says you can't cut on Test doesn't understand steroids... :afro:
Xtreme57 said:
Honestly though ... if you think about it - Lucky gained 11 pounds of solid muscle, and virtually zero water weight. MOST (not all, most) of the guys that claim to gain 20-175lbs of weight after a cycle is a combination of muscle, water and fat.

At a low dose of 300mg per week, with a relatively healthy diet and no bloat, I'd say he'd did very well for himself.

Then again, wtf do I know? Maybe you're right ...

naa there wrong :insane2:
This is Al, hi guys!

Everyone has different goals. I think Luck's cycles and results are FANTASTIC. If I could cycle without getting messed up from side effects and do exactly what he did, I WOULD. It's that simple. and I'm looking into maybe trying a small cycle when I can locate what is needed. But the point is this- Some of us don't want to look like a giant, we just want to look like Brad Pitt did in Troy and be proud to take our shirts off at the pool. Modest goals? yes, but the truth is that BOTH the gymnast on the rings look and the pro bodybuilder look are great to have, it's just a matter of personal choice.

I'm pretty sure that Lucky has proven the value of a low dose test cycle, and a low dose var or tbol only cycle. Maybe it has something to do with his fitness level before he started as well as his personal genetics, but overall his gains were killer. and they seem to be the kind of gains that will not be easily lost post cycle.

Lucky- was that before picture taken right before you started? and if so, were you lifting naturally before the cycle? please could we have some details about that period so that we can make an even better judgement about your gains? thanks ;)
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Day 1 PCT

I'm now day 12 from my last injection and day 5 from my last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injection...I'm feeling extremly good and no mental or physical changes have taken place yet....I've started my first dose of Toremifene 60mg last night which is in Liquid form. I'm not one to care about taste but it was initially delicious and then went on to have one hell of a disgusting aftertaste....also my gut felt a little acidic but this may have just been in my head.

I slept incredibly well and woke up feeling fantastic and veeery relaxed. Wacked of first thing which has become the norm lately.

Looking at steroid half lifes and taking into account my last Test E injection 12 days ago the hormone should still be running at around 2mg ED, as far as I understand it the human body secretes around 4-7 mg ED so the extra 2mg could be helping me feel normal...hopefully the 2mg won't hamper my recovery and keep me shutdown....in the meantime I'm hoping the Toremifene and natural recovery will start to take over and I won't get the huuuuuuuuuuuuuge slump in energy that I had with both the Var and Tbol cycles I ran....The other major difference this time is that I ran Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout so my balls should be good to go....so to speak ;)

So in round up post cycle therapy (pct) will consist of:

Toremifene 60mg ED 1-4

AIFM 1 Squirt Daily ( I've read estrogen plays a big part in suppression so i'll be keeping this as low as possible, but not to low as to get low estrogen sides )
Day 2 PCT

Veeery good sleep again last night, although I woke up feeling very flat....a morning boner but nowhere near as strong...sex drive seems a lttle lower.

The gym today was a whole different kettle of fish, I was weaker, flatter and unable to get a good pump...infact after each first set instead of being stronger and more pumped I was weaker and my joints felt quite sensitive...It's really quite depressing but I've been here before and know I just have to struggle through it.
Xtreme57 said:
Hey how's the hair line looking man?

Yeah in the last month or so I've definately noticed a lot more shock loss... i.e. these are the hairs that shed well before they should and are very short...since I have long hair it's very easy to spot these.

My hairline seems to have thinned a little but again it's one of those things that is dependent on angle/light/ hair products...bla bla but in all honesty I would say it has thinned a little and I have done some damage...I'm off cycle now so whether the hair recovers is another thing.....

personaly I would have liked to have run dutisteride and finasteride during this cycle... as I have in the past.... but it seems dutisteride affects my heart palpitations so I've had to drop this...such a shame as I'm sure with both DHT inhibitators I would have had zero loss...

It's hard to imagine a life without Test but equally hard to imagine life without hair ;)
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