Test E Cycle - 3rd Cycle

Day 7 PCT

Still aching today lol, sex drive still seems fine and energy levels are still fine...The most annoying thing about being natty is the aching makes life a little tougher to deal with...oh well only 3 months left then I'll be back on....I'll be counting the days at this rate!!!
Day 8 PCT

Slept well again with a surprissing amount of boners all night, and then a boner in the morning that woudn't go down :)

Also surprised to see I am now the strongest I've ever been with all my weights increasing in the gym I don't mean by a debatable amount I mean clearly by a few KG...I walked in depressed and imagined a terrible workout, collected my normal weights which felt surprissingly light then knocked out a few reps before having to check they were the correct weight...I added 4kg to my dumbell press which is alot for me!...this continued for nearly all of my muscle groups even to the end of the workout...I left the gym feeling pretty fresh ...if I didn't know better I would have said I was on cycle :) haha
Day 9 PCT

Felt really strong in the gym today, no loss in strength since my last workout so I'm still stronger then when I was on cycle which I just don't understand!..I lacked endurance and pump but besides that I really coudn't tell i'm off cycle, infact i'm not even aching that much since my last workout!

Sex drive today was pretty high so no problems there :)

All in all I'm very happy, 9 days in and so far so good :afro:
you have strong balls young paddle won, lol, keep them strong and healthy with another 3 weeks of post cycle therapy (pct). everything seems good though, just even if u think u feel good at about ur 3rd week of pct, just make sure to do that last week. then for the next 15 weeks just imagine how much fun the next cycle will b. good lookin though bro, not a bad first test cycle. just next time kick that bad boy up to about 500mg, or 600mg. the pumps are amazing.
No worries I'll run this post cycle therapy (pct) all the way out, I seem to have zero sides from the Toremifene so there is no reason not too!.....

On a side note I've definately lost a little hair on this cycle which is a real bitch.....I might try and run the dutasteride again on my next cycle! No way my hair would survive 500mg Test E without it!!
Day 10 PCT

Noticed my knees joints are twingeing a little, this sharp sudden pain was quite common before I started the Test cycle and one of the great things about the Test is it made my legs feel like bouncy pogo sticks with zero pain, I had alot of explosive energy in my step and a quick 100dash was easy! Now I'm alot less explosive and my legs feel alot less lively! It's hard to explain but hopefully you get what I'm saying.

Sex drive is still good, energy levels are still food…. I seem to be a little more hungry then when on cycle and I can definitely tell if I'm low on carbs, Test had an ability to make you muscles full and energy packed even if you hadn't eaten all day!!

I'm missing Test and oddly I'm missing the injections..
Day 13 PCT

post cycle therapy (pct) coudn't be going better, I even forgot to take my Toremifene over the weekend and still felt completly normal, energy levels are still extremly good and as I've said before the only signs that I've come off cycle are extremly minimal....

1) Aching and slight joint pain after workouts

2) Boners arn't as solid or as regular, I'd say sex drive has dropped by 50% since coming off, this doesn't mean I have no sex drive it just means I've gone from a sex mad maniac to normal levels.

3) Pumps and general muscle fullness has dropped, muscles feel softer.

Things that have improved:

eyesite ( from dropping an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) )

Personally I feel fully recovered and this is only day 13!! although I'm going to continue with post cycle therapy (pct) for the scheduled duration of 4weeks.

Toremifene has made this post cycle therapy (pct) a breeze!!
toremifene sounds like a solid product...might have to give it a spin as i'm not a fan of the traditional post cycle therapy (pct) compounds
Day 15 PCT

Just had a great workout, great pumps and the strongest i've ever been in my life! Muscles are much fuller and overall I feel great with very high energy levels. Sex drive is pretty high today, I took an larger dose of Toremifene last night 100mg so maybe this has a little to do with it..... Maybe I'll just use Toremifene for my next cycle :) haha
Lucky13 said:
Just had a great workout, great pumps and the strongest i've ever been in my life! Muscles are much fuller and overall I feel great with very high energy levels. Sex drive is pretty high today, I took an larger dose of Toremifene last night 100mg so maybe this has a little to do with it..... Maybe I'll just use Toremifene for my next cycle :) haha

Glad to see everything is working out for u :dance2:
hey lucky did you run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throught your whole cycle?? or just at the end. also how was the acne/bacne????
I ran Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice a week at 250IU every three days, I waited a good 3/4 weeks before starting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and noticed the difference as soon as I added it.... I slept better and felt far more relaxed, sex drive was increased, my balls recovered to there full size...This is the first time I've run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) out of 3 cycles and post cycle therapy (pct) this time around has been much easier...although that might just be the new SERM or more likely a combination of both. I'm definately including it in my next cycles.
It's best to keep the chemical intake as close to the natural equation as possible and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) really helps with that.
Day 26 PCT

Awesome workout today, feeling very strong and worked up a nice pump...had a week off due to a holiday and feel just as strong... I'd say I'm 100% back to normal...infact I've felt back to normal from 7days after starting PCT.....i'd have to contribute this to the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I ran through the cycle and also the Toremifene which has been truly amazing as a SERM!

Infact working out natty really isn't that bad....of course that doesn't mean I won't be cycling again in a few months :)