Day 32
Great gym session today, new records on all my weights, I didn't look as big but I'm dropping alot of my reps to 8 only these days so not as big a pump, I used to do 8-12 reps when off but this was so form didn't suffer...I'm so effing strong at the moment that I can lift 8 with alot of weight but still maintain perfect form, it fucking amazing the difference and I'm really not sure where the limit is at the moment..I don't want to risk an injury so I'm not gonna suddenly lift anything stupid and rip something...I personaly think I'm at the stage where my muscles and drive to lift heavy is stronger then my ligaments and tendons....
I only suffered a few skipped heart beats during todays gym session so I was a little happier, dropping the reps to 8 definately helps relieve the pressure on my heart, but I still felt like it was gonna pop out my chest!....I also gave my ECG heart monitor back today, I caught quite a few skipped beats during this 24hrs so hopefully my Doc can advise me what sort of fault my heart is having....I have to wait 7-14 days for the results.
Injection today went a little funny about half way in I must have hit a nerve and my leg spasmed so I withdrew changed needles and went for the other leg, with EOD injections I guess I increase my odds on hitting something. I know every 3 days is better but at the moment I wierdly enjoy injecting, the more I inject the more I feel I'm on a cycle if that makes any sense.
Boners are still an issue, I spend about 80% of the day either with a full on boner or half a boner, going to the toilet is tuff and going in the jacuzzie/steam room/sauna is also a little tricky...infact I wack off so often my dick is actually sore, I can't be assed to have sex as it's to often!
Weight is still at 200ish in the morning and 205 in the evenings but this is with zero bloat and a very clean diet, when you actualy pick up 1lb in weight you realise most people could never relisticly put on more muscle then this in a week so I'm not to fussed, gains are slow and steady and that's what I'm after... I just hope there not to slow