The Benjamin Button Cycle

Im certainly not saying to stop, because the health benefits are def there and i love boxing myself, but think about it!

Yo bro - working on that comparison - go to do a lil digging.
and yeah i hear u about the boxing - in fact it's really the wrong paring - bobybuilding & boxing - 'cause if your good at one - you're bad at the other - incongruous body types - but WTF - it is so excellent for my brain i don't care. the amopunt of endorphins i get pumping boxing is crazy - it's like I just too cocaine or something - hyped and happy! and I think it's healthier too - at least until i step in the ring....;-)

Thursday w/O
Lower Body Hypertrophy

Max Effort
Box Squats
15 x 95
12 x 115
8 x 135
6 x 185
3 x 225
3 x 245

Drop set no rest
10x 95 - total 29 reps in a fukkin row!!!!

Leg press

12 x 5 plates (ea side)
10 x 8 plates
Drop set no rest
8 x 8
8x2 (wanted to quit here but my training partners wouldn't let me! "Come on it's only 2 plates!")
10 x 1 - 62 total reps!!!!Could barely stand up let alone walk - hahahah - it was great my legs were quivering!

ham curls
10 x 140
10 x 180
8 x 200
8 x 200

Ham extreme stretch 60 sec
Quad extreme stretch 2 x 30 sec

Fukkin awsome leg pump! Hope i feel it tomorrow!

Weight - big gain - LOL- 213.6 (+.3!) measured my chest + arms - up 1/12" for chest in last 2 months; up 1/2" for arms. didn't measure anything else (but I'm sure my **** is bigger too - lol)
Lovin the log bro.

How is your blood pressure with the deca and test? i have a friend (44 year old man) looking to get on the same cycle and managing BP was a big factor
Lovin the log bro.

How is your blood pressure with the deca and test? i have a friend (44 year old man) looking to get on the same cycle and managing BP was a big factor

Thanks man - nice to see your avitar so def caomment frequently! BP has been fine altho haven't checked it in a month - I'll post results. typically I have really low BP. One problem tho - my arms are getting too big to use the BP machines at the drugstore - hahahahaha - i like this problem!

Saturday - Brothahs - Had a fukkin great workout! went at a different time of day so didn't know a soul - no chatting just 90 mins lifting with 110% intensity. Took Animal pump Pak before with superpump 250 - had a nice caffine buzz and arms/shoulders felt swole at the end! Weight 25.5 today - don't know if that's cause i gained or cause i weighed in at 3 pm instead of 8 am.

Max-Effort Exercise
DB bench press
12 x 50
5 x 80
8 x 100!!!!!!!!(with the help of a spotter - couldn't get the 100's up on my own for the first rep) had 2 in the tank when I was done :-)
.... and now i can finally say "the db's in my gym only go up to 100....blah, blah, blah" - hahahahaha

Supplemental Exercise
10,7,6,5,5,3 - excellent rom!

Horizontal pulling / Rear delt superset
DB rows/Rear delt flyes

DB shrugs
4 x 10 x 85

Elbow flexor exercise
Zottmann curls Could only do 5 reps @ 35
DB curls (standing) 3 sets 10 x 35

One arm peacher DB curls
10 x 25;10x35;8 x 45(negatives)

Tri rope pressdowns
3 sets 10 x 80 These felt great - my tris were screaming for some attension after all the bicep work

Mike - this was straight WestsideIII today ....except I threw in 2 more bi exercises and one tri exercise - but apart from that - by the book, bro!
Sweet log lean glad i just clicked on it. Shit so finally someone older than me nice. What kinda hair regrowth formula you got, i just picked up nutri-ox, lol J/K man well not about the nutri-ox shit works great.
What was your first cycle test only im guessin?
Good numbers today on the flat 100's for 8 is good stuff. So you live in northern cali man?
Sweet log lean glad i just clicked on it. Shit so finally someone older than me nice. What kinda hair regrowth formula you got, i just picked up nutri-ox, lol J/K man well not about the nutri-ox shit works great.
What was your first cycle test only im guessin?
Good numbers today on the flat 100's for 8 is good stuff. So you live in northern cali man?

Hahahaha - only only older physically, dude - mentally I'm stuck between 22 and 27 - don't know how that happened - must have been that job cleaning floors at the nuke! LOL Yup 1st was test w/ dbol kicker, this one feels totally different w/o the dbol - I think I like it better - not so "dramatic" but the gains seem more solid. (unless my fukkin body is changing again - does that every 10 years! hahahaaa) Hair is no problem for me - although It's growing on my back now with the juice! On top it's still thick so i don't really pay much attention to that. Just wish it would grow on my chops tho - I really want to go for the Elvis look! LOL

Thanks for the complement on the 100's - I've been lookin to do that for about a year now. Hopefully in the next 2 months i'll be able to get them up high w/o a spotter...11 am - I'm hyped on superpump 250 so better get my ass to the gym - Later!
SUNDAY– Dynamic-Effort Lower Body
Jump training –
Box jumps 3 sets of 5-8 @14" 3 sets 3-5 @22"

Unilateral exercise
Step-ups w/ 135/155lb BB
4 sets of 6-8 reps ea leg

Hip extension exercise
Glute-ham raises
These were tough as hell - def got to practice these!
Romanian deadlift
2 sets 10 x 145
3 sets 10 x 245
Weighted Abdominals
DB side bends
10 x 50

Hanging leg raises
2 x 10 x bw + 20
2 x 10 x bw + 30

Standing Cable crunches
2 sets 10 x 100

Nice workout but head's in a funk - had a fite w/ the wife - getting the silent treatment now....
Your routine looks like a lot of effort has been put in it lean. Did you know all this already or get some help on here? You seem to have things down pat. Hey totally bustin your balls on the age thing. Check out the training vids at pullinbig 52 i beleive max squat i think a little over 9 thats insaine. Keep up the good work man.

Hey on the side note. I used to have a tough time with the old lady when on gear shit even off. I just sometimes get to into my training and dont focus on her. She really hates this site bitchin the other day how im always on here, lol. She said she was gonna put up a post that will get me banned, lol. She wont though shes cool she just likes to fuck with me. Take her to go see The Ghost of Girlfriends Past. Shit I took my lady for a double header to ease her out this weekend, lol and dinner and drinks.
Your routine looks like a lot of effort has been put in it lean. Did you know all this already or get some help on here? You seem to have things down pat. Hey totally bustin your balls on the age thing. Check out the training vids at pullinbig 52 i beleive max squat i think a little over 9 thats insaine. Keep up the good work man.

Hey on the side note. I used to have a tough time with the old lady when on gear shit even off. I just sometimes get to into my training and dont focus on her. She really hates this site bitchin the other day how im always on here, lol. She said she was gonna put up a post that will get me banned, lol. She wont though shes cool she just likes to fuck with me. Take her to go see The Ghost of Girlfriends Past. Shit I took my lady for a double header to ease her out this weekend, lol and dinner and drinks.

I'd like to say it's my original workout but I've been beat over the head by Mikea and Milk into the Westside Training - and funny thing - those bustards were right! :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:hahahaha It's a way different workout but seems to be getting me some good results. Another 2 months to this cycle so I'll def post some before & after pics when it's done. (I should try to wear the same shirt in both - Hahahaha - tried on a short sleeve black button up shirt over the weekend - just bought it in January and now i look like I'm wearing a sausage casing - Hahahaha!)

About the ol lady - yup she hates this site too - "why do you spend so much time there - you don't even know those people?" hahahaha. ATM she's not too pleased that I'm getting bigger - she's on a not too successful diet - so a little tension there. :bash: I'll just keep my mouth shut for the moment. Hardest thing is that on gear, I'm horny as hell and after 15 years of marriage....hard to satisfy that... esp w/ 2 little kids in the house.
Monday - Repetition Upper Body
Repetition Exercise
Barbell bench Press
37 x 95
15 x 115
12 x 115
15 x 115

Vertical pulling/Rear Delt Superset
Straight arm Pulldowns/Rear delt flyes
15 x 80/10x20
10x100/10x20 (3 sets)

Medial Delts
DB Military press
12 x 45
9 x 35
7 x35
9 x 20

Traps/Arms superset
DB Shrugs/Overhead cable triceps extensions
15 x 85/15 x 80
15 x 85/12 x 100 (4 sets)

Heavy DB holds
30 sec @85
30sec at 90
20 sec at 100
30 sec at 85

10 x bw
10x bw&20
6x bw&20

Had a most excellent pump in my triceps after this workout - + 3" at least...LOL ok - well they felt that pumped....

I was totally fried after this - had to nap for 15 mins in my car afterwards. If my energy recovers I'm on for boxing this afternoon. we'll see

Lunches (Each one): 5 oz salmon; 1/2 c brown/wild rice; 1/2 C brussells sprouts.
Yo bros
didn't make boxing last night so it's on the menu for this evening. I was pretty sore from the last 3 days of workouts so decided to take a rest day and got 10 hrs sleep!!! Wow that was a luxury. I feel so great today! I did get in a 60 min cardio workout (low intensity) watching "Craig & Larry get Married" on TV. excellent movie for cardio - lol Kept the HR at about 110; incline 5 and speed 3.5. I would like to burn some belly fat while still on a bulk- any suggestions? I know i have added 1" to my waist on this cycle. so want to keep that in check. in general this cycle is going well - i feel way strong, have good energy, fast recovery, amazing morning wood(prolly not so amazing to you 20somethings!) - sides: nice outbreak of bacne, some sleeplessness, reduced cardio stamina (get winded easier)

300 mg test C
275 mg Deca
AIFM 2 pumps
adex .o5mg

Plus all the usual:
Animal pak vitamins, etc.
Glucosamine Chondroitin
Green Tean Fat burner
Vit B-6
Fish Oil

To the objections (mild) of my wife - got tickets for me, my son & his buddy to the Ward Miranda Fight in 2 weeks at the arena! I am so stoked - great seats - like the 15th row right in the center! Should be big fun for me an a coupla 10 year olds! Hahahahaha
Last edited:
Lean are you taking the A-dex ED or EOD at .5mg? Im gonna incorporate it into my next cycle I think. Ive never takin an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in my past 6 i dunno 7 cycles, how is your water retention?
Pr pr pr pr pr pr pr!!!!


max effort Lower body

10 x 135
8 x 185
8 x 225
7 x 245 (these were not my best in terms of ROM only got down to 15 degrees of parallel)
Box squats
2 x 10 x 185 (Felt i had to finish w/ these to get full ROM.)

Leg press
12 x 5 plates
10 x 7 plates
8 x 9 plates (wrapped my knees for these)
7 x 10 plates (wrapped)ok happy as hell to get this! - even got 2 guys in the gym to come over -one said - "wow dude that's like a small car."

Hamstring curls
12 x 180
10 x 200
10 x 200
6 x 240
6 x 240
6 x 240(tried 3 times and couldn't get past 6 no matter what! LOL)

4 x 10 x incline situps w/ 10/20 lbs
4 x 10 x captains chair

Okay - great workout felt like a stud after the leg press - hahahaha Who said old dogs can't learn new tricks?

Weight - solid 213.4! hahaha - maybe the scale is broken?
Just a quick catchup - did Upperbody Repetition on Thursday -
Nailed the reps - did a few drop sets so that i got about 25 reps per set. Finished with arms and went crazy just 'cause it felt good to get a pump (thanks to Gaspari superpump 250!!!)

Thursday PM did my boxing workout with 20 mins HIIT jump Rope (Just bought a "pro" leather jump rope - what a good investment!!! Way heavier than the plastic ones and nice ball bearing handles so it doesn't get kinked.) Had a blast banging the bags (i suk at speed bag!) got nice and sweaty - LOL Plus got a nice ego booster - I was talking to one of the boxing trainers and he said "what do you do?" I told him I had a boring computer desk job and he said - "man - you're in good shape - I thot u were a cop or fireman!" SWEET!- the swelling in my head didn't go down for a few hours after that! LOL

Friday - i'm banging away on the 'puter now - eating bon-bons and waiting for tomorrow's leg workout - if all goes well I mite hit 11 plates a side on the leg press!

later dudes!

i'm getting burned out on logging the workouts so this will be short, but had an intense upper body w/o yesterday - maxed out on incline BB press at 265 for 3 reps - a lot of weight but I wasn't too proud of the form. i did better at 245.

Today had hella sore lower back from 6 hours of painting doors yesterday but did a lower body w/o w/ Box jumps (up to 24") I am hoping that helps my skiing next year - got to keep it up for - oh - only about 7 mo months! LOL Also maxed out on the leg press with 11 plates a side - 7 reps (knees wrapped -) felt pretty good about that! next time I'll drop a nickle on ea side so I can say I hit 1000 lbs ;-)

This afternoon - mom's day - off to the local pool w/ the fam.

Cheers dudes!
So i guesss i fukked myself this week - did the 11 plates on sunday - felt sore but okay, did A max effort Upper body day Monday; tweaked my glute or back; went to boxing on Mon eve, only I was too pissed off when beating the bag and tweaked my oblique or glute or something down there! Sitting at work now with a pack of frozen peas on my ass! LOL It's NUMB! Oh and I took my son to the driving range on Tuesday and made it worse!

So now it's ibprophen all the way!

Had a great shoulder workout this am - kept the weight belt tight to hold the sore muscles in place - lol

Military DB press
10x 35
Drop sets 5x 50,40,35,30; 5 x 45,40,35,30,25

HS overhead Press
10 x 45 (ea side)
8 x 55
8 x 80
12 x 70

Reverse flyes
10x 90
10x 120
10x 120

LOTS of tension in my shoulders atm - they are like coiled springs waiting to explode (in a good way) felt excellent to put some weight on them. I hate being injured and waiting for it to heal - suks!

Good news - Just got a box of supps - No explode, jacked, whey, etc. Going to try out the jacked first - see if i like it. i know i like the No Xplode. - That will be breakfast on Sat am!

later dudes
Looks like you're seeing some incredible results from Westside Barbell. I'm going to chime in a little bit more in a few days, but right now it's "senior week" and graduation for me. Great job and keep it up.
If You're going to fuk yourself - do it big

To Fuk Oneself: def. to lift so much weight your strain a muscle or muscle group; then to ignor it and make it worse by participating in increasingly violent sports.

Okay dudes - I'm totally fukked today - still sore as hell in the lower back, glute region - and it's not muscle soreness :-( Ibprophen, hot bath, cold pack on the ass....

Soooooooo it's ANOTHER fukking rest day! That's 3 this week! I hate this $hit! Mentally and 90% of my body is ready to tear it up but some candy a$$ tendon or ligament is saying "fuk u - I need a rest!" I'm going to get a massage tonite - when the guy finds that part I'm going to tell him to pulverize it! hahahaha

in other news did the test & deca last nite - went smooth. I got the wrong size pins last time so i have 25g which takes FOREVER to load & shoot - so i thot WTF I'll try the 20g it comes with! and you know it was great - a little hard to break the skin, but went in smooth & fast. (only 1.5 ml) These were both in the glute - may be a diff story in the bi or calf.

Later guys - I'm going to "take it easy" today - may go to the old peoples home to chat about arthritus and goiters....and of course watch Oprah - Today it's makeovers of bodybuilders, hair removal techniques of the stars; new fashions in posing shorts and some guy who wrote a book on Dreamtan...........

Tomorrow it's all starting over! so watch out weights are going to fly..
Okay dudes - I'm totally fukked today - still sore as hell in the lower glute region - and it's not muscle soreness...
.... when the guy finds that part I'm going to tell him to pulverize it! hahahaha

Thanx for the insite:wtf:

Rest is important, and cruising higher reps with lower weigths every now and again is also a must for continuing gains and not overtraining.