man on a mission
Gotta tell ya, your log is kick ass. Great progress too Bro.
Thanks man - means a lot - the log keeps me honest and hopefully there is some info that others can learn from. i sure get a lot of good feedback!
Gotta tell ya, your log is kick ass. Great progress too Bro.
Whats up old timerJK!
Looking good, how have you progressed in your major lifts during this cycle?
Can't quite figure that out! Last 2 days I ate less - prolly 3K cals, but I've been averaging 4-5Kcals and lots of protein. maybe 300gms. I am taking the green tea fat burners but that is just caffine, etc. plus green tea - can't believe it would raise my metabolism that much...No size gain huh? Are you eating how much? What about protein?
more warm-ups leanbody you will see than hit your me sets. your on the right track. for instance though dump doing two presses. say like incline for 5 warm-ups 2 cores followed by assistance work like warmups of flyes then 3x10. mikea has got the right track dog. i have just met several powerlifters some of the top on the east coast they preach the same shit as mike. ive done several workouts like the way they go and it works whether your cutting bulking whatever. The best IFBB pros in the world powerlift period!
Yo bro just drop the weigths and run around the gym!You have adhd? JK!!!
Try and stick with one program hehe. Was the romanians on the program or what? Just seems a weard exercise to finnish with.
So whats this new split look like brother?