Cycle Lawg


New member
250 mg Test / 175 mg Tren Finaderm transdermal e.o.d., 20 mg morn / 20 mg night Oxa oral suspension e.d.

Stats: 6'2", 205lbs
Goals: add >75lbs to bench, shave 1/4-1/3 sec off 40

B Press: 200x20x1 200x10x1 200x5x5
I Pres: 170x5x7
P Dec: 110x5x5
Sprints: 40 yards x 10 @ 85%

Feeling 'buzzy'. This is going to be great!
+20lbs on Pulldowns!

I'm not sure if OXA works that fast, but today's workout was a complete success! The intermittent light headedness continues and I had a 'comedown' mid yesterday. I presume it had something to do with my altered insulin levels or the OXA's short half life. The transdermal Tren/Test is definitely working--my breath and farts smell like a baby bull and I woke up sweating at 1 am!

Med Grip Pulldowns: 180x5x5
Med Grip Rows: 150x5x7
Deadlift grip and holds: 200x40 secs x4
Sprints: 10x40x85%

More vicious off the starting line... I hope it results in a full step to step and a half increase. Best 4:43; no change there yet.

My forearms are getting super vascular and feel like toothaches! A bit of a blood pressure increase 170/90 detected.
Re: +20lbs on Pulldowns!

LankyNibs said:
A bit of a blood pressure increase 170/90 detected.

You best to do something NOW to get your BP under control before you do permanent damage to yourself.
Blood Pressure Visuals

Thanks for the concern, SC. That BP is a rating taken after 10 sprints during my cool down (still red-faced). It's usually ~150/80...
Re: Blood Pressure Visuals

LankyNibs said:
Thanks for the concern, SC. That BP is a rating taken after 10 sprints during my cool down (still red-faced). It's usually ~150/80...

Even is your resting BP is ~150/80.....the 150 needs to be addressed.

That is in the hypertensive range.
I woudl listen to StoneCold on this one. He's run into some BP issues and he's only looking out for your best interest.

Sure my head feels like it's going to pop off. Sure my vision blurs every now and again. Seriously, what should I do? I can't go to the doctor--he'll discover my AS abuse...
Another great workout!

Saturday's workout was a winner. Got up early and had a small meal, waited a half hour and hit the weights.

Military Press: 160x5x3 150x5x3
Triceps PD: 90x5x7

Ate another meal and went to the woods--

Mountain climb: 2.0 mi ~200' 1:20

Hunger is normal, I'm starting to break out on my legs and forehead. Added fructose to recovery meal.
Monday's Quickie

Curls: 70x5x7
Shrugs: 200x10x7
Sprints: 10x40 @ 85%

Feeling strong! No joint pain or diminished lung capacity (except for Ricky Williams' breath taker)...
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Tuesday Tiring

Drank a whole bottle of tequila, a 12-pack, and smoked a dime bag over the weekend and I still feel it.

BP: 200x26 200x10 200x6x5 (that's 6 extra reps)
IP: 170x5x7 (will easily go up 10lbs next press)
PD: 130x5x2 (simply gave out)

2.5 mi @ 5 min pace.

The skin around my eyes itches and burns when I sweat. I am sure it's the trenbolone--or the tequila worm.
Tequila & Trenbolone

I like to call it the 'Mad Cow Cycle'.

Woke up with about 50 new tiny zits on just one shoulder (the one I sleep on). I love it--never had pimples in 34 years and NOW I go through puberty.

Measured difference from Jan 4:

Upper Arms: +1.5"
Lower Arms: +1"
Chest: +3"
Waist: unch (shit!)
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Friday's Winner

Started so-so and had a surge of strength that carried me through. The drugs are definitely working now. Hell, I even have some new veins!

Rows: 180x5 170x5x4 160x5x2
+1400lbs from Friday
Pulldowns: 180x5 170x5x4 180x5x2
Shrugs: 200x15x4
BP Out of Whack

I wake up Saturday with a flushed face and teeny weenie. My head feels like it's going to pop off. I rush over to the local grocery store and take my BP--it's 179/102! The machine says the readings might be off if the arm is over 13". I bought one ounce each of corn silk, dandelion root and uva ursi and made a gallon of tea. It helps a little, but not enough. Up 5lbs to 210.


MP: 170x5x2 160x5x3
TriPD: 100x5x7


Standing curls:

Itchy tits

Feeling very strong today. Total workout was +1,200 lbs from last Tuesday.

BP: 200x28 200x10x2 200x6x4
IP: 190x5 180x5x6

Better glam some chaste berry...
lanky....u gotta get nolva for the gyno symptoms....thats first off...or get off the stuff....
secondly....your BP needs to be addressed by a doctor. Tell him M1T or some kind of prohormone is he asks bout ur blood levels.

Lastly, dont drink and take hurts the gains (excessive drinking like u did) and itll do more damage to the liver than needed.
Agnus castus in full effect

Helps the tit itch every time. Blood pressure in check from the 3 herbs infusion.
Shoulder/Back Day

Blood pressure still under control.

PD underhand: 170x5x2 180x5x5 +300lbs
Rows overhand: 170x5 160x5x6 -450lbs grip variation and exercise order
Shrugs: 200x15x4
*New Exercise*
Upright rows: 70x5x5 right rotator twinge

+1600lbs total for the day

Sprints: 15x40 @ 85% 4:38 best

I need some damn autumn.
Sunday funday

TriPD: 110x3 100x5x4
MP: 170x5x4 160x5x1

5 miles of cross country ~5-20% grade. Vertical rock climbing on Monte Sano.

Oh and some sweet rough and tumble. ;-)