Grizzl's GW-501516 log

D16 5MG 1ML

workout-arms wide grip barbell curl 95x10 115x10 125x10 hammer curls 45x10 55x8 60x5 Dips weighted 25lbs 3x10
skull crushers barbell ( dont have an ez curl bar) 95x10 115x8 125x6 super set with close grip bench press 3x10 same weight

Cardio 2.3mi 17min 3min cool down bag work in between sets

cal intake -2286
Anyone got any thoughts about the time of dose. I have been dosing about the same time everyday (now) am for the duration. Do you think I should be more closer to my workouts (pm) ? think it matters?
D16 5MG 1ML

workout-arms wide grip barbell curl 95x10 115x10 125x10 hammer curls 45x10 55x8 60x5 Dips weighted 25lbs 3x10
skull crushers barbell ( dont have an ez curl bar) 95x10 115x8 125x6 super set with close grip bench press 3x10 same weight

Cardio 2.3mi 17min 3min cool down bag work in between sets

cal intake -2286

Damnnn you straight killed those arms!! Im pumped for fridays weigh in!!

Ill research some on taking GW closer to a workout, see if it matters.
First off, mad props this is a great thread. Your results thus far have been awesome bro!! I'm actually gonna purchase a bottle myself in the next few weeks. How long do you plan on running this cycle? And as far as combining the Aicar, what made you change your mind? I read the article from the link you posted, and it didn't seem to mention any negative sides. Anyways, keep up the progress! I'll be following it homie!
First off, mad props this is a great thread. Your results thus far have been awesome bro!! I'm actually gonna purchase a bottle myself in the next few weeks. How long do you plan on running this cycle? And as far as combining the Aicar, what made you change your mind? I read the article from the link you posted, and it didn't seem to mention any negative sides. Anyways, keep up the progress! I'll be following it homie!

Thanks for the support man it means alot to me , really helps with motivation!

I am running the trial 60 days the overall goal is 210
As far as AICAR there is a part of the posted article that talks about a gene mutation in the heart that causes instant death also talks about how if your already producing at high levels that AICAR may not do much for you. It was found by testing on non active mice that had huge margins to gain. Not active mice looking to improve more. I haven't completely ruled it out yet but like my man Hockey said "if it aint broke dont fix it" meaning GW is working well for me so far so there's no reason to consider anything new for now. Now if I hit a wall in the trial then maybe I will do some more research, see how common those shitty sides really r
D17 5MG 1ML

My 50th post ha I now have super powers right?

No Workout day of rest No cardio

cal intake 2100

Official weigh in 234 down 2lbs no complaints here
Hahaha, easy bro!! You have mad potential with your bod and all the things your learning, Im like your google!!! just keep on a asking ;)
I can't wait to see how this all plays out bro. I'm getting myself some next week and I'm psyched!!
D18 5MG 1ML

Workout- shoulders wide grip pull ups 5x5 standing military press 165x5x5 weighted decline sit ups 10lbs x40x5

Cardio 2.3mi 17min 3min cool down

cal intake 1869
D19 5MG 1ML

Workout-legs squats 135x10 185x5x5 wide grip pull ups 5x5 weighted decline sit ups 10lb x 40 x 5

Cardio- Hit a new speed record 2mi 15min 2.5mi 20min bag work in between sets

cal intake- 2442

D20 5MG 1ML

No work out

cardio was golf the greatest cardio of all time ha

cal intake-1542

Today I will find out the results of the cholesterol panel I am really hopeful for a good result. at least a improvement would be a win
hahahaha my man... what'd you shoot??
Def let us know how that panel's looking! I also cant wait for the next weigh in!!!
D21 5MG 1ML

Work out chest - barbell bench press 135x10 225x5x5 dumbbell incline press 55x10 65x10 75x8 85x6 wide grip pull ups 5x5

Cardio 2.3mi 17 min 3 min cool down bag work in between sets

Lab work came in much better. total cholesterol 108 triglycerides 62 HDL 27 LDL 77 LDL calc 68 so the health scare is officially under control thanks to everyone for the support:) glad to be in the normal range in almost all categories HDL is still a bit low the norm being 34 but it will get there I am sure of it. liver enzymes where a bit high but that is from the abuse I was dishing out with winni a while back it will come back down. Also have a vitamin D def. but I will buy a supp for that. Blood sugar is on the money blood cell count and urinalysis is on the money

follow up blood work in 6mo