Progress Pics

Yup - pics are terrible - Marshmellow white!- hahahahaha but it looks like you are leaning out and getting some nice definition to your muscles. Good work. About the tan....well don't worry about that until the summer, lol. unless you get acne - then the artificial tan is supposed to help.

Mean while about the elbows - try these form ACE i love them - warms up and supports the joint. They have a wierd strap in them that I just cut off. Other than that they are great - make sure they are snug enough to give you support, but not tight like a wrap which would cut off circulation.
Yup - pics are terrible - Marshmellow white!- hahahahaha but it looks like you are leaning out and getting some nice definition to your muscles. Good work. About the tan....well don't worry about that until the summer, lol. unless you get acne - then the artificial tan is supposed to help.

Mean while about the elbows - try these form ACE i love them - warms up and supports the joint. They have a wierd strap in them that I just cut off. Other than that they are great - make sure they are snug enough to give you support, but not tight like a wrap which would cut off circulation.

lol thanks man, and for the marshmellow issue... ive been stuck like this my whole life hahahaha! Even if i fake bake, my guido ass wont change that much lol. Thinking about getting that skin darkening pill... but i think ill talk to my doctor about that one before i fully consider it... unless some guys around here have tried it?

Ive used the wraps before, never really liked the feeling for them. Ive been using the Icy/Hot pad wraps for like the back an joints that they have. Those have been doing wonders. Think i need to invest in some more Fish Oil pills an what not, they seemed to help with the joints with me before.
Hey bro - i hate to state the obvious 'cause i know you are already aware of this but... when i had all the elbow issues 6-8 months ago, i got packs of frozen peas and wrapped them on my elbows with ace bandages. looked really stupid, but seemed to help alot and i am way older than u, so you should heal up faster. i also got these straps for tennis elbow - they were great for non workout times. Somehow it relaxed the forearm muscles so that they healed faster. last bit of advice (sorry if I'm too vocal...) make sure you use the EZ curl bar when you do Bi curls and skull crushers. Changing the angle at the hands releases stress on the elbow joint too.

Good luck, dude - just baby it for a while so it can heal. and about the - My mom was pasty white (canadian) and my dad had olive skin (Slavic)- I got lucky with darker skin, but it's all good, just don't get too much sun when you are young or you'll be a wrinkly old bastard when u are my age! hahaha.
Day 18/19: slowly losing the stomach. day 21 ill take updated pics. hopped on the scale today after seeing im slimming down a bit in the waist area, up to 201lbs . but went from a 36 waist to a 34. pretty excited.
hahaha i spose. yeah.. i need to get a tan first of all things. might get a tanning membership soon. need to get some color over winter before i get any whiter

LOL! I lived in boston for 2 years and the second winter i looked at myself in the mirror naked and said "OMG! I can see every vein and artery leaving my heart!" It was like a road map! i was so amazed to have translucent skin...hahahaha
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 199lbs
arms - 15"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15"

Day 7
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 203 lbs
arms - 15.25"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15.5"

Day 14
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 197.0 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 15.75"

Day 21
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 198.0 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 15.75"
Stayed the same for the most part, looking a little more tone tho. Stomach is flattening out, starting to show some abs. Arms are starting to show more veins.

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Not far into your cycle but good progress nonetheless. looks like you are getting leaner and adding some size while staying the same weight. As you move forward in the next few weeks i am sure the gains will be more noticeable. i'd say do incline BB press for your chest to get more thickness up high, as well as db flyes (slight incline) go for a good stretch on those to really broaden your upper chest.

keep it up dude.
Lookin a lot better. Keep up the good work.

thanks man.... lol no worries on that. im working hard. ive been working out to a new extent. i dont even eat really anymore, not by choice... i just cant lol its hard to force food into me lately. im down to 196. holding size tho. just getting toned
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Not far into your cycle but good progress nonetheless. looks like you are getting leaner and adding some size while staying the same weight. As you move forward in the next few weeks i am sure the gains will be more noticeable. i'd say do incline BB press for your chest to get more thickness up high, as well as db flyes (slight incline) go for a good stretch on those to really broaden your upper chest.

keep it up dude.

thanks man!!!!
Day 24: worked out the upper body today. got an amazing work out. The back is starting to fill out alot better. The calves are the same size. but there starting to show alot better. Alot of me is starting to tone out.

I'm shedding some weight, this cycle run is definitely different,. on Day 28 i will get a new set of pics for the end of the 4th week.

Another 8 weeks to go after this.
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