Progress Pics

Day 10: starting to actually lose weight. lost 4lbs, back down to 199. still bulking up tho. Did a re measurement for the hell of it. im ocd about how i do shit. so bear with me on repeats on something

hieght- 6'0"
weight- 199 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 15.75"

so far 10 days ive put on .5" on the arm, .25" on the thighs and .75" on the calves. Bulking up but losing the excess.

stay off the scale and don't do your measurements again until you come off. You'll go nuts doing this weekly/daily. Remember, its not what you weigh, but how much it looks like you weigh.
stay off the scale and don't do your measurements again until you come off. You'll go nuts doing this weekly/daily. Remember, its not what you weigh, but how much it looks like you weigh.

hahaha yeah i know. its hard not to stay away from that scale. every time i go to the bathroom its just taunting me.

im glad im starting to bulk more. chest is giving me issues. its being stubborn as always. havent really seen a change in it like the rest of me i should say. but eh, its still pretty early. Stomach is starting to get a little slimmer. same with waist.
Shoulders are looking bigger, nice guns Tony and chest is looking more ripped in the mid section, good Improvement,
Shoulders are looking bigger, nice guns Tony and chest is looking more ripped in the mid section, good Improvement,

thanks man. been busting my ass. not happy about the little flare up in my tit. but oh well... shit happens. ill deal with it. thinking about getting the glands removed anyway
Day 8: shit is starting to kill me. sleeping practically all day now. sleep until 2pm. out at 9pm. and the do a replay of it. sometime during the night tho i will wake up for a snack. usually 2-5am.

Sleep is important when I am trying to grow I usually try to get 9-11 hours of sleep. Seems excessive but it really helps.
Day 12: right shoulder is inflamed like no other today including muscle spasming. i can barely move it, took a mild pain killer to take the edge off it. whole shoulder and pec feels like someone is jabbing me with a needle over an over an over again. not an amazing feeling.
Day 12: right shoulder is inflamed like no other today including muscle spasming. i can barely move it, took a mild pain killer to take the edge off it. whole shoulder and pec feels like someone is jabbing me with a needle over an over an over again. not an amazing feeling.

Could be related to lactic acid build up associated with sleep deprivation. Or more likely a degenerative neurovascular condition.
Could be related to lactic acid build up associated with sleep deprivation. Or more likely a degenerative neurovascular condition.

eh... think i just over worked it... maybe lack of sleep. i have been having a few horrible nights these past few days. who knows. taking some anti inflammatory's and a mild pain killer here an there. wish i didnt need the pills. but today is a hectic moving around day.
Day 14: the pain in the rotator is gone. now my only issue is the pain in the pec. its been 2 days. pain has gone down conciderably, but i have now noticed there is a nice fat lump that hurts like hell at the line of the collar bone. hope things change around when i wake up again. take official 2 week mark stats after working out.
Day 12: right shoulder is inflamed like no other today including muscle spasming. i can barely move it, took a mild pain killer to take the edge off it. whole shoulder and pec feels like someone is jabbing me with a needle over an over an over again. not an amazing feeling.

Sounds like it could be inflammation of the brachial plexus. Try some NSAID like Ibuprofen..I suggest 600mg's. See how it feels from that. Also, apply a heating pad for about 10-15 mins. prior to any lifting. This will help warm and loosen the muscle(s) that could be contributing to the inflammation.
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 199lbs
arms - 15"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15"

Day 7
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 203 lbs
arms - 15.25"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15.5"

Day 14
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 197.0 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 15.75"

dimensions are slowly progressing. Slimming down still loving it, getting bigger an looking a little toner. For some odd reason this run isnt what i expected. Little surprised that im actually losing weight an gaining size. Will keep updating as usual
Day 16: HOOOOOLY SHIT! my elbows are killing me. fully extending them for a normal stretch or just to pick something up kills like no other. Feels like there getting torn apart. They have been hurting lately with doing tricep extensions. I had to lighten up some of the weights. My body is just hating me, i feel old!!!! All my joints have been killing me lately. I have been seeing considerable size growth... not much but some, so thinking maybe my body isnt adjusting to it properly.
Sometimes when I do arms I hit the cables and just do pulldowns only for tris for 14 sets or so probably once a month. I usually get the best tri workouts that way.
Sometimes when I do arms I hit the cables and just do pulldowns only for tris for 14 sets or so probably once a month. I usually get the best tri workouts that way.

overhead work is the only way i get an amazing work out. well for the tri's and traps i should say atleast. but my joints have been killing lately. shits killing some of my work outs.
It is official. Busted out the Icy/Hot wrap for the elbows. They are locked up like no other. Atleast I dont have to worry about working out the arms for a while.