Progress Pics

God bored and curious today decided to measure the chest. Had my buddy make sure it was all in the proper spots. Came out to be 44.5". Idk thought I'd add it in for measurements. Wish I did this before when originally starting. 2 more days new measurements will be up for all around and weigh in.
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 199lbs
arms - 15"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15"

Day 7
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 203 lbs
arms - 15.25"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15.5"

Day 14
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 197.0 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 15.75"

Day 21
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 198.0 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 15.75"

Day 28
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 194.7 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 16"

Day 35
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 194.2 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.75"
calfs- 16"

Day 42
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 193.1 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.75"
calfs- 16"

Day 49
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 191 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 25.5"
calfs- 16"
waist- 35"
chest- 44.5"

Added in some new measurements. Should have did it from the start. Down 2lbs. up .75" on thighs.
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man - that is awesome - you are making some serious progress - your bf must be plummetting! Keep it up dude - those legs measurements are crazy!
man - that is awesome - you are making some serious progress - your bf must be plummetting! Keep it up dude - those legs measurements are crazy!

thanks bro!!! Im pleased with the leg progress, just wish the arms would budge a little. Abs are starting to lose some of the fat. changed my diet around a little more.
After working out the arms today, the stretch marks are getting ridiculous. They are officially past the bicep. They better start kicking into gear an hopping in size, otherwise this shits going to look goofy. Or atleast with my thoughts.
tony bro what is your diet and routine? you need to get serious about lifting and diet if you wanna change your physique.
for routine im doing

dieting im keeping it so i dont put bulk on, decided to put lean muscle gains on, an try to get rid of the excess fat. Its been working nicely, but I guess I'm really impatient. I've been seeing some decent size, and a few people I know have been telling me my size is growing pretty fast. Idk guess im just thinking way too much of myself. Gotta just accept what my body will do for the time being.

I almost put on a full inch onto the arms, an inch on the calfs, almost 2 inches on the thighs. chest size i couldnt tell you exact growth, but it is definitely bigger, i dont even fit in my medium shirts anymore. they all were thrown out, usually keep the clothing a bit tighter.
Massive shoulder flare up today, throbbing in the legs, and neck cramping. Thinking alot of it has something to do with the cold. fucking 12 degrees where I'm at. 3 more days till updates.
had no energy what so ever again. really coming to the conclusion my test is underdosed like a mofo. Had an extreme depression mark. Couple more weeks before I can get into the doctor. See what is going on with these levels. This is just getting out of hand.

I maybe get a total of 4 hours of energy through out the day. The rest of the day I'm dragging ass, energy drinks have no effect on me anymore ill maybe get 5 min of energy then another drag. 2 maybe 3 weeks and this horror is hopefully over with, will be talking with you soon Chip! Maybe I can share a new story for ya in my famous story book.
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 199lbs
arms - 15"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15"

Day 7
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 203 lbs
arms - 15.25"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15.5"

Day 14
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 197.0 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 15.75"

Day 21
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 198.0 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 15.75"

Day 28
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 194.7 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 16"

Day 35
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 194.2 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.75"
calfs- 16"

Day 42
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 193.1 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.75"
calfs- 16"

Day 49
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 191 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 25.5"
calfs- 16"
waist- 35"
chest- 44.5"

Day 56
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 190 lbs
arms - 16"
thighs- 25.5"
calfs- 16"
waist- 35"
chest- 44.5"
Hey man - really hard to deal with - Id say go to the drug store and get a glucose meter and some strips and see what your blood sugar is. you may need to regulate that some - eat rice cakes more frequent ly or something. it should be 95-140 - when it gets below 90 and 80 you will feel wiped out fro sure (hypoglycemic. It's tough to diet and workout as hard as you are, but you are seeing amazing results.

Good luck bro.
Talked to the doctor today, pretty much told him he needs to get me in sooner. Last few days, just no energy what so ever, been emotional like a mother fucker. Starting post cycle therapy (pct) today. Ill take a few weeks hit. Pretty positive my gear was bunk as it was. Cannot deal with being this miserable for as long as its been going.
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Hey man - just keep pushing thru this. U on PCT atm? I get emotional as a girl on Clomid - hate that shit. and when your test drops after cycle you can get depressed too. This is a critical time to keep your gains. Eat right and get in some lifting even if the numbers are not your best. It's not easy - but it's worth it!