Progress Pics

Day 25: shoulder and elbow is feeling better since lowering the weight to the 40lbs dumbbells and repping those out. going to bust out the 50's see if my shoulder and elbow will agree with that.

side note, finally got everything all situated with school for next semester. HOPEFULLY ill have both associates degrees in business management and accounting finished up. gotta finish up the associates in psychology i started a while ago. Too much shit in too little time!
Day 25: shoulder and elbow is feeling better since lowering the weight to the 40lbs dumbbells and repping those out. going to bust out the 50's see if my shoulder and elbow will agree with that.

side note, finally got everything all situated with school for next semester. HOPEFULLY ill have both associates degrees in business management and accounting finished up. gotta finish up the associates in psychology i started a while ago. Too much shit in too little time!

You lucky dawg! enjoy the freedom of school while u can! BTW Very smart of u to combine Psych and business! IMO psyche helps so much at work, and a little in marriage too...;-)
You lucky dawg! enjoy the freedom of school while u can! BTW Very smart of u to combine Psych and business! IMO psyche helps so much at work, and a little in marriage too...;-)

knowing psychology is good an bad LOL. bad for me cause i can manipulate chicks minds hahaha! but im trying to get the most out of life. so im not working like a slave for 25-30 years just to retire with the basics.

I want to be able to have a big ass family, raise amazing kids but at the same time be able to spoil the living shit out of them, while at the same time give them all the opportunities that i really didnt have, that i slaved for to get.

Let alone when i do finish school i want 2 bachelors with business management and accounting with a doctorate in psychology. that way i can rake in some serious cash.. an if something doesnt appeal to me, i can always change to different jobs :).

also its not really freedom. im working my ass off to get where i want to be. even tho i believe thats how it should be lol
Day 27: woke up to a nasty vomiting spell. Passed out for a few hours, ran back to the bathroom an puked up blood, (must have been more intense than i thought). going to take it easy today. rest it up. maybe work in on the legs. otherwise Legs tomorrow
knowing psychology is good an bad LOL. bad for me cause i can manipulate chicks minds hahaha! but im trying to get the most out of life. so im not working like a slave for 25-30 years just to retire with the basics.

I want to be able to have a big ass family, raise amazing kids but at the same time be able to spoil the living shit out of them, while at the same time give them all the opportunities that i really didnt have, that i slaved for to get.

Let alone when i do finish school i want 2 bachelors with business management and accounting with a doctorate in psychology. that way i can rake in some serious cash.. an if something doesnt appeal to me, i can always change to different jobs :).

also its not really freedom. im working my ass off to get where i want to be. even tho i believe thats how it should be lol

I remember having all that crazy ambition,too. That suddenly ran away come senior year. I just wanted to get the fuck out and make some money. Definitely going to take a year or 2 off, fornicate with all the nasty hoes I can, and head back to NP school.
I remember having all that crazy ambition,too. That suddenly ran away come senior year. I just wanted to get the fuck out and make some money. Definitely going to take a year or 2 off, fornicate with all the nasty hoes I can, and head back to NP school.

LOL - I remember that feeling SOOOOOOOOOO well! but I still think about fornicating with nasty hoes, hahahahah Wat's NP school?

Tony - you have great drive and ambition - stick with it, dude! (Don't leave out the nasty hoes though...much easier to get at your age!;-)
LOL - I remember that feeling SOOOOOOOOOO well! but I still think about fornicating with nasty hoes, hahahahah Wat's NP school?

Tony - you have great drive and ambition - stick with it, dude! (Don't leave out the nasty hoes though...much easier to get at your age!;-)

HAHAHA! No nasty hoes around here. I actually go for higher up ended hoes LOL! Have to have some sort of class before I tap that ass! :doggy:
Day 28: Just woke my ass up for once. Going to get a nice sized meal in me, then work out. Post pics and see where the stats are looking at.
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 199lbs
arms - 15"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15"

Day 7
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 203 lbs
arms - 15.25"
thighs- 24"
calfs- 15.5"

Day 14
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 197.0 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 15.75"

Day 21
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 198.0 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 15.75"

Day 28
hieght- 6'0"
weight- 194.7 lbs
arms - 15.5"
thighs- 24.25"
calfs- 16"

Body is doing alot of cutting lately. Shredding the fat, holding the size
arms and upper chest pics will be posted when my camera decides to act right. but ill throw a shitty resolution one up from the web cam.
View attachment 535912

chest is filling out better. dont worry about the lop sidedness. in the one pec, the lighting fucks with the cam.
stop working out, I repeat stop working out your getting big and ripped, it's going to be hard for me to compete around here in ology with white Italians like you :eyes: