The Adventures of Beans

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rookie03 said:
whats your goals as far as training goes?

To have a good medium between strength and aesthetics. The strength is a fun part but overall I try to get bigger and look better.

Bench Press 235 x 4 (missed last rep)
Incline DB Press 100 x 6 x 5

Deadlifts: 420 x 5
BO Rows: 195 x 10 x 10
Close Grip Pulldowns: 160 x 10 x 10

Standing Military: 155 x 6 x 6
Side Laterals: 40 x 15; 35 x 20
Front Laterals: 35 x 20
Decline CG Bench: 225 x 6 x 6 (+2 assisted)
Barbell Curls: 105 x 10 x 8

And some machine shit.
rookie03 said:
how come your volume is so low?

I grow best from low to medium volume I think. If you look at the early pages of this journal I was doing a million sets, and using shit for weight. Now I'm moving some weight with the lower volume.

Squats: 315 x 10
Leg Press: 950 x 10
DB Lunges: 80 x 10
Extensions: 150 x 20
rookie03 said:
no i meant your doing 1 set of calves, 1 set of leg press, 1 set of squat...thats what i mean by low volume?

That's how I move the bigger weights. I do a lot of warmups. For a set of squats I have about 30 minutes of warm up sets before I hit my workset.

For legs I like one workset per exercise, chest and back I usually do 1-2.
Mulligan said:
Do you have any recent pics?

I mean to take some new ones soon. It's been a while.

JT190 said:
Good squat work string. I swear that's Ben Affleck in your avitar, I didn't know he did gay porn.:)

Must have been his early days, lol.