Whatever it takes!!

whoa fuck bro. that's scary..the accident and all..damn. ah well..girls will be girls..a pain in the neck. ^^

say, how do you do negatives on boxes???????
AngryMuscles said:
whoa fuck bro. that's scary..the accident and all..damn. ah well..girls will be girls..a pain in the neck. ^^

say, how do you do negatives on boxes???????

= neg
Nice work on the box squats rook. Dang man, sux about the girlfiend and the wreck, I hope things take a turn for the better for ya:)
Thanks alot you guys... kinda weird but its nice having online buddies that help keep you in check and trainin hard! Good lookin out fellaws.
Ok i been training, just for some reason whenever I logged on this week and clicked user cp it went to unavailable. Havent done shoulders in two weeks due to a numbing ache on the negative of shoulder press and military...

db press-75x10, 75x10, 75x10

bench dips- 180lbs +bw x 12, same, same

cloge grip bench- 185x9, 185x9, 185x9
db curls- 30x8, 30x8, 30x8

down the rack- 45x4, 30x6, 20x8, 5x15, 30x5

tricep ext. supinated grip on the double pulley- 70x12, 70x12

supinated grip pull ups- bw x 5, bw x 5
cable curls- 150x6, 130x6

that was it...

I worked out back had a great session on tuesday, chest i hit 245x3 so that was a PR...that was about it.
well..ended cycle yesterday last shot went awful!! sore as hell... i gained a total 9-12 pounds...abs look better, everything looks better this cycle..last cycle was ok, but this one really changed my physique around...
rookie03 said:
well..ended cycle yesterday last shot went awful!! sore as hell... i gained a total 9-12 pounds...abs look better, everything looks better this cycle..last cycle was ok, but this one really changed my physique around...

Good to hear that. Now you have to post some pics. :druggie:
hey im in pct... i did igf last night for my first time... and i got a insane ass pump man.. i mean it was ridiculous... 3 sets into my chest routine and i was already cramping i was so pumped... i realy like this stuff... i bought 1mg of igf lr3... and i mixed it with 5ml of water and im takin .1 on the slin needle in the morning and .1 post workout...
Ok im back! I never left I was just reading alot and quit posting.

I got the stomach flu for Christmas and threw up without eating for 3 days straight... i lost about 9 pounds and none of it was fluid as Im still struggling to get back to my orignal weight. I havent deadlifted in about 2 or 3 months due to my sciatic nerve being a pussy... so tonight was my first night deading and i figured Id celebrate and start posting again.

deadlifts- 135x10, 185x6, 225x6, 315x7, 315x6 felt good andlight but im scared to reinjure so ill take it damned slow.

pull downs- 135x10, 165x6, 195x6, 195x5, 150x8

db rows (I SUCK AT THESE) thats why i do bb rows always- 60x8, 60x8, 60x8

t bar rows in corner- 3plates x 8, 3x8, 3x8

that was about it and some calf work diet was weirdtoday I ran outta eggs.

meal 1 (woke up hungry and went back to bed at 6am) wheat sanwhich with sugarless jelly and natty pb

meal 2- bowl of cottage cheese with fiber cereal (NO EGGS!!)

meal 3- half wheat sandwhich with a whole chicken breast

meal 4-brown rice and a can of tuna

meal 5- mini detour bar

meal 6- lean steak with chopped potatoes cooked in olive oil

thats it... today was my first day eating bread in about 1 month... so i can see my abs better than ever but im smaller... glad to be back!
december sucks! everyone was getting sick left and right. damn flu! good thing I didn't get it..was raping vitamins C and citrus hard on those months...till now. good to have you back