The Adventures of Beans

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bench numbers are still pretty weak but getting better

incline bb press: 205 x 6 x 6
flat db press: 90 x 8 x 8 (i got zero groove on these, always feel awkward)
incline db with full pause at bottom: 80 x 5 x 5
flat db flyes: 65 x 12 x 8

I did hit legs this week but didnt chart it, was rushed with only 25 minutes to work with and had one poor excuse for a workset

I always do deads first but some dude was doing 1/4 squats in my fav spot to do them so I put them off till exercise #3, so weight was down a bit

bo rows: 225 x 12; 235 x 10; 245 x 6
close grip chins: bw x 8 x 7 (I suck)
deads: 455x3
bb shrugs: 405x10
machine rear delt flyes: 140 (I think) 3x10

did some fluff work, didnt chart the bizep stuff tho

close grip bench: 225 x 8 x 7 (wanted one more rep)
overhead db extensions: 105 x 10 x 10
pushdowns: 70 x 50
string_bean00 said:

did some fluff work, didnt chart the bizep stuff tho

close grip bench: 225 x 8 x 7 (wanted one more rep)
overhead db extensions: 105 x 10 x 10
pushdowns: 70 x 50

That's a good close-grip, Tall Fry...
string_bean00 said:

did some fluff work, didnt chart the bizep stuff tho

close grip bench: 225 x 8 x 7 (wanted one more rep)
overhead db extensions: 105 x 10 x 10
pushdowns: 70 x 50

Strong CG work my man.

squats: 335 x 8 (think old PR for 8 reps was 325)
db lunges: 75 x 12
extensions: 150 x 12 x 12 x 12
JT190 said:
Nice leg work string, you on anything right now?

Yeah I'm on 50mg of tren ace and 50mg prop per day, finishing up week 5. The tren is nuts, totally kills my appetite but I still gain weight and get stronger.

I've been just drinking whey all day and getting in maybe two meals of real food