The Adventures of Beans

  • Thread starter Thread starter string_bean00
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incline barbell press: 210 x 6 x 6
flat db press: 95 x 7 x 7 (wanted 2 x 8)
incline db press with full stretch pause: 90 x 3 x 4 (lol, wanted 2 x 5)
string_bean00 said:
Yeah I'm on 50mg of tren ace and 50mg prop per day, finishing up week 5. The tren is nuts, totally kills my appetite but I still gain weight and get stronger.

I've been just drinking whey all day and getting in maybe two meals of real food

That's cool, i've been off for about 5 weeks now. Just trying to fight the urge to jump back on.

Deadlifts (chalk only)
505 x 1
515 x miss (just barely missed locking it out, I'm sure I could have hit it if I had gone straight for 515 instead of doing the 505)

BO Rows:
230 x 10 x 10

some weight x 15 x 15

BB shrugs:
405 x 12

BB Military Press:
145 x 8 x 8 x 8

DB Side Laterals:
40 x 10 x 10

Bar Front Laterals:
50 x 10 x 10

Standing Calf Raises:
270 x 20 x 20 x 16

DC shoulder stretch

Tris and curls for girls

Close Grip Bench:
230 x 8; wanted one more set but there was no one around to spot me.

Wide grip bb curls:
80 x 12 x 12

Overhead DB Extensions:
105 x 12 x 12

really awful workout this day, tired and rushed, capable of a lot more reps on a good day

squats 315 x 8

incline bb press:
215 x 6 x 6

flat db press:
95 x 7 x 7 (stuck at same reps for two weeks now)

incline db press with full pause: 85 x 5 x 5

525 x miss

pretty much an exact replica of my 515 miss last week, just barely missed locking it out. I think I shall crank out some rack pulls next week then hit this weight for a single the following week

BO rows
235 x 10 x 10

light behind neck pulldowns

db shrugs:
145 x 12 x 12