I hate missing my groove on bench. Youre right though, unless you workout with maximal weights your nervous system won't be trained to work with them all that well.
Chances are 405 will fall easy if you maxed out on a different bench exercise (close grip, incline, floor press, etc...) each week
I purposely hold myself back to some extent just so I can give my joints a break from the all the damage they accrue on cycle. Just felt like maxing out so my body didn't forget how.
I don't pull deads off the ground so I'm not going to do it on a platform. I'm sure I could do 405 but impressing you isn't worth possibly ruining my back.
I don't pull deads off the ground so I'm not going to do it on a platform. I'm sure I could do 405 but impressing you isn't worth possibly ruining my back.
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