need controled delivery help, asap

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you can also do reverse phone look-up over the internet by address, etc. Your information is not safe...anywhere. funny story, my Ex wife and I split up 10 years ago and only the DMV had our registered names for the car we owned. For 2-3 years after we split up, I kept getting junk mail with her name on even the DMV sells your information.... Good to hear you did not get busted today.
keep me posted LS, and noid, 4 post 1 day and thats it? N.O.I.D.= Narcotics Observation Intelligence Division, what does it stand for?
Powerhouse9 said:
keep me posted LS, and noid, 4 post 1 day and thats it? N.O.I.D.= Narcotics Observation Intelligence Division, what does it stand for?

hmmm.....makes sense ;)
Hey all-

I had a two diff. domestic sources shiped to my house. Both arrived
the same day, one was a small bubble envelope that was left-
the other, I believe was a box, however postal did not leave the
box, they left a delivery attempt- i guess they will try another
attempt or i can arrange to have it picked up at the post office.
should i be worried?
Powerhouse9 said:
keep me posted LS, and noid, 4 post 1 day and thats it? N.O.I.D.= Narcotics Observation Intelligence Division, what does it stand for?

Broim from meso not this bord i cam here when i found out the situation so keep your gay acronyms to yourslef i have people from meso that wll vouch for me and say im not a FED or whtaever you want to think Please go read at meso...
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noid, you have to understand why you look suspicious. HONESTLY BRO. Put yourself in LS seat and tell us how you would feel.

I am not accusing you of anything, but you should understand where everyone is coming from on this. Just looking out for our own and everyone else's safety, thats all.
Easto said:
noid, you have to understand why you look suspicious. HONESTLY BRO. Put yourself in LS seat and tell us how you would feel.

I am not accusing you of anything, but you should understand where everyone is coming from on this. Just looking out for our own and everyone else's safety, thats all.

Thats it, you have pissed me off. You either completely ignored my warnings to you or you are just plain stupid. Bottom line, go back to Meso and do all the source talk and package talk you want.

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LS (bbbbbb), don't forget to keep those of us who are waiting posted . I hope everything pans out for you OK. By the way YGM, please let me know what the deal is and where we go from here.

Thanx . . . BISHOP
Noid said:
Thats it, you have pissed me off. You either completely ignored my warnings to you or you are just plain stupid. Bottom line, go back to Meso and do all the source talk and package talk you want.


Now, if they guy truly is a source and not a fed, who the hell would order from him? He is the furthest thing from safe and professional. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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