Whatever it takes!!


New member
ok so im not really starting a new program or a new diet...pretty in check with both just want to keep track of where i am!

day 1 diet...

meal 1-whey shake

meal 2- 6 egg whites 1 egg yolk, 2 slices of turkey bacon and three slices of whole wheat bread

meal 3- 4 skinless boneless chicken tenderloins and brown rice

meal 4-4 skinless boneless chicken tenderloins and brown rice

meal 5- oatmeal and whey shake (pre workout)

meal 6- aminoade...amino acid gatorade, i drink a packet throughout my training session

meal 7- whey shake

meal 8- chicken pita's from jack in the box

meal 9- brown rice and chicken breast

training went great today

close footed squats ass to the ground- 185x10, 225x8, 245x5, 245x5

barbell lunges- 115x10, 135x8, 135x7

hack squat- 180x10, 230x6, 230x6

seated calf rases 90x12, 90x12, 90x12

standing calf raises- 230x16, 230x14, 300x7, 300x7, 210x10

leg ext- 90x10, 115x8

donkey calf raises with girlfriend sitting on my back- 1x20

took my 5th dose of green bulge creatine and white blood n02 by controlled labs...like it alot...best products i ever used.
wow, new journals are poppin up like fire around here...nice to see you over here in the journals Rookie. are you gonna post diet every day or was that just to let us know how your basic diet is. also nice leg work.
thanks alot fellaws, im not gonna keep a hand written journal, but if i can remember my meals im gonna post them just so in a year i can look back and see what i was doing right or wrong... i feel weak on the leg work, but i go as low as i can, when i try to stop at just parallel my knees hurt so i have to go lower...kinda weird. today is just a boring abs and cardio day, write back here later after i finish.
on hack squats\front squats\regular squats\ pause squat i always go hams to calves or its not a rep.
did 30 minutes of cardio...

weighted abs on the cable machine (tricep pushdown)- 12reps x 130, 10 reps 140, 8 reps x 160, 8 reps with 160

leg raises with dumbell between feet- 17.5 lbs x 8, 17.5 x 8, 17.5 x 6

capn crunches( legs on bench, lay on floor with db behind head)

17.5 x 12, 17.5 x 12, 17.5 x 10


meal 1 - whey shake

meal 2 - 7 egg whites 1 egg yolk 3 slices whole what 2 slices turkey bacon

meal 3 - brown rice and chicken breast

meal 4 - turkey sandwhich on whole wheat

meal 5 - chicken breast and brown rice, and quarter of a calzone

meal 6 - whey shake (post workout)

meal 7 - can of tuna and brown rice (let me tell you I HATE THIS MEAL!!)

meal 8 - whey shake in fat free milk

possibly a meal 9 if i wake up and cant go back to sleep from bein hungry ill have a natty peanut butter and low carb jelly sandwhich and a cup of milk....i wake up like 5 times a night to piss or something, kinda blows.

pretty boring workout let me tell you! abs are tight though

tommorow is hams and bi's...gonna be a hard one, i feel sicker on that day then on my quad day.
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okk... hams/bi's today

stiff leg deads- 135x 10, 185x8-9, 205x7, 215x6, 215x6

lay on my stomach on bench and put db between my feet and hamstring curl it...haha dont know a name just started doin them a few weeks ago - 55x8, 55x6-7, 50x9

seated hamstring curls - 70x12, 75x9, 90x5-6


close grip weighted pulls ups - 25lbs - 8, 35 x 6, 35x 4

barbell curls - 90 x 4, 80 x 6, 80 x 4

spider curls - 70 x 7, 70 x 5, 55 x 6

down the rack 40's, 30's, 20's x 2

(usually thats it for bi's, but they havent been growing as much so i just decided to beat the shit outta them today)

hammer curls - 30 x 8, 30 x 8, 30 x 8

preacher curls - 50 x 6, 50 x 6

I never get a pump in my bi's so i just kept going until i got it...i know its overtraining, but i usually just do 9 heavy sets and take off on most my muscles...

diet :

meal 1 - whey shake 2 cups of oatmeal

meal 2 - chicken sandwhich from burger king

meal 3 - turkey burger on whole wheat bread

meal 4 - oatmeal and whey shake

meal 5 - 7 egg whites and 1 yolk and 2 slices of whole wheat bread

meal 6 - whey shake in fat free milk

Diet kinda blew today...ran outta chicken breast and was out for most of the day.
nice work Rook, diet looks good too, why dont you like the tuna and rice? you could try tuna on top a sweet potato (i like that)
yea i go through phases...right now im into turkey everything...turkey breast, ground turkey, turkey slices...if i eat it as my main protein intake all day i sleep much better as well. i used to put a can of tuna on top of my potatoes with ranch on top of that...but after 4 months of that it got old.
okk... shoulders/calves

seated military press - 135x8, 145x5, 145x5 ( i do a 3 second negative on these)

arnold press - 55 x 8, 55x8, 55x6

side db raised - 17.5x8, 17.5x8, 17.5x8 (i know it looks pussy but i hold it up their for like 3 seconds and go down real slow)

bent over db raises - 20x12, 20x10, 20x8

standing calf raises - 230x16, 250x10, 315x10, 345x7, 345x7

seated calf raises - 90x10, 90x10, 90x10


meal 1 - whey shake

meal 2 - 7 egg whites and 1 full egg 3 slices whole wheat bread and 2 slices turkey bacon

meal 3 - 2 slices of turkey deli meat, 5 oz of chicken breast (ran out again) and 8 oz of brown rice

meal 4 - whole wheat roast beef sandwhich with lettuce, tomatoe and mustard from subway

meal 5 - whey shake and bowl of oatmeal (pre workout )

meal 6 - whey shake

meal 7 - 2 jack in the box chicken pitas

meal 8 - 6 egg whites 1 egg yolk and 1 slice of whole wheat bread

meal 9 - fat free milk and whey

side notes:

I usually plan out everything im going to do for the day, and think about the gym all day...doing triceps today completely slipped my mind...i had a pretty good shoulder workout.

i upped my dosage of white blood and kept the same dosage of green bulge, so the upped dosage made me get a great pump!

TOmmorrow im going to the San Fransisco Pro Grand Prix!! i never been to a bb contest before and three of my favorites are competing, johnnie jackson, dexter, and branch warren so im fuckin excited!
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Thanks Winter! Just got back from the San Fran show...badel won... bull shit, branch looks fuckin thick...announcer was funny, after branch's routine he was like.... he needs to bring up his legs...the guy has 33 inch legs now! it was bull shit heiko didnt even make it in the top finalists...im glad toney freeman did though...it was melvin anthony, mustafa mohammed, gustavo, branch, and toney freeman in the finals...branch got second place...kinda bullshit but oh well... after the show me and my girlfriend went to olive garden, and ahmad haidar was in the bathroom, and i went up to wash my hands but i didnt say anything to him cause he seemed pissed off... kinda crazy i look at these guys like their not even human, but seeing them made me realize they are...and with a few years and sound training, diet, and well planned out cycles i could be up their as well! still natty, waiting to bust my cycle cherry... im gonna do a 50 day cycle of igf-1 probably in a month or so...and then wait till im 21 to hit up a 10-12 week cycle of test...

curren body weight is 181...goes from 180-185 depending on time of day... abs seem more visible as well (heavy deads and weighted abs are really helping.)

today was my off day from the gym so im just gonna post my diet:

meal 1 - whey shake and bowl of lucky charms (we ran outta eggs!)

meal 2 - brown rice and deli sliced turkey microwaved (outta chicken)

meal 3 - chicken pita

meal 4 - 6 egg whites and 1 full egg 2 slices of whole wheat bread

meal 5 - chicken and steak shishkabobs (however you spell it) from olive garden and 3 1/2 bread sticks

meal 6 - whey shake in fat free milk

**diet will be more sound i went grocery shopping before i went to the show and bought chicken tenderloins, pita bread, whole wheat bread, eggs, and whole wheat waffles ( cant wait to try these out with some low carb syrup in the moring with my eggs!!!)
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No training today...tommorw is chest/back


meal 1 - whey shake/ green bulge creatine ester

meal 2 - 4 egg white 2 full eggs 3 slices of whoel wheat waffles and sugarless syrup

meal 3 - pasta with chicken in it (left overs from olive garden)

meal 4 - turkey sandwhich on whole wheat with mustard/lettuce/and mozzarella cheese in it.

meal 5 - brown rice and 3 skinless boneless chicken breast

meal 6 - 4 egg whites and 1 egg yolk and 1 slice of whole wheat toast

meal 7 - whey shake in fat free milk/ white blood vasodilator (sp) and rice cake with natty peanut butter on it

weight today is 180
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umm...trying to get muscles to mature more, and gain lbm... im trying to slowly gain my weight...i bulked up to 180 from 160 this year...but my stomach was 36 inches around...now im staying at this weight and ive dropped my stomach to 33 1/2-34 inches and maintained weight.

I eat less on my rest days...i gain fat really easy so my diet has to be really clean.
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rookie03 said:
umm...trying to get muscles to mature more, and gain lbm... im trying to slowly gain my weight...i bulked up to 180 from 160 this year...but my stomach was 36 inches around...now im staying at this weight and ive dropped my stomach to 33 1/2-34 inches and maintained weight.

I eat less on my rest days...i gain fat really easy so my diet has to be really clean.

God job!

I'm on the same process as you. I went from 134 lbs to 172, gained a lot of lbm but now I'm going for slower gains for some time. How tall are you?

Nice shoulder #s. Keep it up.
training today. chest/back

bb bench - 135 x 10, 155 x 8, 185 x 7, 215 x 5, 215 x 4

bent over bb rows - 135 x 10, 155 x 8-9, 155 x 8-9, 185 x 4

incline db press - 80 x 8, 85 x 6, 85 x 5, 75 x 5

t bar row in corner - 3 plates x 8, 3 plates + 25 x 6, same as before x 5

dead lift - 135 x 10, 225 x 8, 315 x 6-8, 385 x 2 PR ( felt HEAVY!) 315 x 5-6

db flat bench - 80 x 10, 80 x 8

pull downs - 180 x 8, 180 x 6


meal 1 - whey shake

meal 2 - 7 egg white 1 egg yolk and 1 whole wheat pita

meal 3 - abb pure pro meal replacement

meal 4 - 2 chicken fajitas

meal 5 - chicken sandwhich from cheese steak shop

meal 6 - 2 chicken tenderloins and brown rice

meal 7 - whey shake in milk

385 on dl felt really heavy!! forearms ache whenever i grip anything heavy, think i might have tendinitis in my forearms... will edit to post my diet later.

im 5'6" 180-184 as of right now around 13-14 percent bodyfat.
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