Whatever it takes!!

ok... trained legs yesterday (thought id give my forearms another day off...just gonna keep going until i get my gyno surgery...then ill take a good 3-4 weeks off....training went as follows

deep narrow stance squats- 135x12, 185x10-12, 275x6, 285x3(one assisted)PR!!!, 225x10

note*guy who spotted me told me on 275, that if i started to collapse he wasnt gonna help me up, and then when i was squating he stood fuckin 5 feet away from me, and watched himself in the mirror, i could not believe it...then i did 285 and had another guy spot me and he got me right... ridiculous.

barbell lunges-125x7, 125x6, 125x5-6

hack squat- 3 45's per side- 8, same x 6, 2 45's x 8-10

that was it...had to go home and study for a test, so didnt have enough time to hit calves...gonna do a chest/back day tonight, hope all goes well, gonna cut out he preachers.

diet: so far today

meal 1- whey shake

meal 2- 5-6 egg whites 1 full egg 2 slices of raisin toast, 2 slices of turkey bacon

meal 3- half chicken breast sandwhich, and half a low fat ham sandwhich on wheat

meal 4- 2 chicken pitas with salsa from jack in the box

meal 5- flavorless oatmeal and whey

meal 6- whey

meal7-whole wheat pasta and chicken breast

meal8- fat free milk with whey, whole wheat pb and low carb j sandwhich
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haha, hes buff as fuck...but he just flexed and watched himself in the mirror... i was like what the fuck is this shit!

thanks alot jt, i know its not too heavy, im thinkin about goin a wider stance and seein what i could lift instead of my narrow stance.
just chest...woulda been chest/back, but want to let my forearms recup for another day to hit them...

db bench- 55x10, 65x8. 85x4 (acclimation), 100x6PR!!!!, 100x4(1 assisted makes 5) 80x10, 80x7

barbell incline- 155x8-9, 185x4, 175x8, 155x7

weighted dips- 45x8, 55x8, 55x6
Thanks alot...forearms are somewhat relieved...i wear those wrist wraps that i see powerlifters wear on heavy bench sometimes...and that seems to relieve a little stress... thanks alot, yea i know its not much, but 100's for me is a great thing...ill never max on db's though, i think thats asking for an injury.


bb bent rows- 135x8, 155x10, 185x5(shitty broken form on this) 155x6

t bar row in corner- 135x6-7, 160x5, 160x4, 135x6

reverse grip lat pulldowns- 180x6, 180x5, 180x5

weighted close grip pullups (suppinaged grip)- 25x5, 25x3 1/2, bw x 6

row machine, upper grip- 3plates x 5, 2 plates +25x 8, same as before x 8

standing calf raise- 255x17, 285x12, 330x7-8, 345x5-dropset 270x6-dropset 150x6

had to leave after that


meal 1- turkey sandwhich on wheat with ranch (had 3 protein shakes one at 1, one at 3, and one at 5am)

meal 2- whole wheat pasta and a chicken breast

meal 3- 5 thick steak kabobs, basmati brown rice, and afgan bread ( me and my girl went to eat...great steak!!!!)

meal 4- flavorless oatmeal and whey, green bulge creatine, white blood no2

meal 5- rtd whey shake from EAS on the way home from the gym

meal 6- wheat pasta and chicken breast

meal 7- 4-5egg whites and a shake
ok would have done shoulders and tri;s today but just blasted out shoulders, and abs.

seated military- 95x11, 135x8, 155x4 1/2, 135x6,

behind the head seated military- 115x8, 125x5, 125x5

db shoulder press- 60x9, 60x7, 60x7

supinated grip raises for front delts- 22.5x10, 25x6

db shrugs-70x11, 100x6 1/2, 100x5, 105x4 1/2

bent lateral raises( well sorta, i kinda did a closer grip t bar to hit rear delts, but with dumbells, rear lateral raises hurt my shoulder alot!) 45x12, 45x12, 40x10

cool down/burn out set of db press again 40x12

weighted abs on tricep pushdown- 110x11-14, 130x10, 140x8, 150x5

**right shoulder was buggin me, so that kinda affected workout, but definately a good workout, was in a horrible mood today, and the gym made me feel really good, i love the drive home after a hard workout, its euphoric.


meal 1- whey shake

meal 2- 7 egg whites 1 full egg, 2 slices of wheat toast

meal 3- chicken breast and wheat pasta

meal 4- turkey sandwhich on wheat bread

meal 5-burger kind rodeo burger on 99 cent menu meal... ran outta chicken, brown rice, and wheat pasta, and was on the road with the girlfriend so i had to!

meal 6- flavorless oatmeal with whey shake

meal 7- EAS rtd iso protein on the way home from gym(got these for free from work)

meal 8- prime rib slices, 1 slice wheat toast, and 4 baby red potatoes

meal 9- 4-5 egg whites and a whey shake in fat free milk
Lookin good.
Behind the heads? I never liked doing those because not only do they hurt my shoulders, but I also don't do them for fear of injury.

Diet & training look nice though.
yea i just wanted to throw something in the mix...shoulders hurt more lately so i figured it was the arnolds....

ok yesterday i trained hamstrings/calves...woulda been bi;s but gonna take two weeks of from direct bi work, and hope that my heavy back days still help me grow.

sldl-135x11, 185x8, 225x5-6, 225x5, 185x8

laying face first on bench, with db between feet curls- 50x9-10, 55x7, 55x7-8

seated leg curls- 95x7-8, 95x7, 70x9-10

seated calf raise machine...weird newer machine i gave a try- i did 4 sets

seated calf raise (original machine) i did 3-4 sets

that was it...had to skip the bi;s


meal 1- whey shake

meal 2- 8 egg whites and 1 full egg- 2 slices wheat bread

meal 3-chicken breast provolone sandwhich and a little bit of french fries

meal 4- flavorless oatmeal and whey(pre workout)

meal 5- whey shake

meal 6- 2 chicken pitas...2 beers ( i havent drinken anything in 8 months or so...so i had a couple with a buddy, so sue me! i woulda had more but i felt guilty...plus since i havent drinkin in so long i got a buzz offit...light weight)

meal 7...haha at like 1:30 am-whey shake in reduced fat milk

5 am meal 8- 4 egg whites and whey shake in fat free milk ( i was still awake)

*im embarrased to write my diet for this, but its a journal and im allowd to fuck up sometimes.
Lol, don't sweat it. You're not going to die from 2beers bro. Just keep up the nice work & the sound diet and you'll be fine. :)
Diet today:

meal 1- whey shake and a bowl of flavorless oatmeal

meal 2- chicken rice bowl

meal 3- lee lebrada protein bar

meal 4- wheat spaghetti and 3 slices of prime rib

meal 5- 6 wheat crackers with pb on it

meal 6- wheat bread with natty organic pb and low carb black berry jelly

meal 7- fat free milk with whey

*todays diet blew...all i could make due with, gotta wait for a pay check to go shopping...i hate being forced to steer off diet...if my meals arent all ready and planned out i panick...kinda sucks..

tommorow im gonna train chest/back (i think) depends on how the tendanidous is feeling.

thanks for reading so far.

-under grip bent over barbell rows- 135x12, 155x8-9, 185x5, 205x4 very cheated reps!
*i have been stuck on bb rows for way to long, so i did a ronnie coleman jay cutler set and cheated the shit outta the 205 to get it up...pretty decent pump.
-t bar row in corner-135x8, 155x6-7, 165x4 PR!!!
-pull downs- 225x4 (cheated reps!) 205x5-6, 190x6
-under grip pull downs- 165x10, 180x7
-wide grip cable pulls- 105x10, 120x7
-weighted supinated(closegrip) pull ups-35x6, 35x4....dropset to bw x2 reps.

thats it...lower back was bothering me, and my stomach was really fucked up so i didnt do deads.


meal 1- whey shake

meal 2- 7egg whites 1 full egg, 2 slices wheat toast

meal 3-half a blt on wheat bread and a few fries

meal 4- turkey sandwhich on wheat bread

meal 5- whey shake

meal 6- whey shake and 3 rice cakes

meal 7- 7 egg whites 1 yolk, oatmeal, and a slice of toast

meal 8- ??? dont know...too many shakes today so im not sure what to eat right here.
diet will be more on track, i bought a 10 pound bag of basmati rice...(i plan my meals around brown rice, i found cutting bread out more , and having more brown rice really helps me lean out)
rookie03 said:

-under grip bent over barbell rows- 135x12, 155x8-9, 185x5, 205x4 very cheated reps!
*i have been stuck on bb rows for way to long, so i did a ronnie coleman jay cutler set and cheated the shit outta the 205 to get it up...pretty decent pump.
-t bar row in corner-135x8, 155x6-7, 165x4 PR!!!
-pull downs- 225x4 (cheated reps!) 205x5-6, 190x6
-under grip pull downs- 165x10, 180x7
-wide grip cable pulls- 105x10, 120x7
-weighted supinated(closegrip) pull ups-35x6, 35x4....dropset to bw x2 reps.

thats it...lower back was bothering me, and my stomach was really fucked up so i didnt do deads.


meal 1- whey shake

meal 2- 7egg whites 1 full egg, 2 slices wheat toast

meal 3-half a blt on wheat bread and a few fries

meal 4- turkey sandwhich on wheat bread

meal 5- whey shake

meal 6- whey shake and 3 rice cakes

meal 7- 7 egg whites 1 yolk, oatmeal, and a slice of toast

meal 8- ??? dont know...too many shakes today so im not sure what to eat right here.

if your cutting you may want to cut the rice cakes, toast and yolk out in the pm meals and replace them with greens or white veggies. meal 8, why not go with lean meat of some kind and some greens?
thanks for the advice t man.... yea its just i get done working out at 11 pm usually....sometimes 11:30, so on my way home i have three rice cakes to spike my insulin and slam a whey down...then wait about a half hour and start my meals... u think i should still cut out the toast and stuff since its pwo?

thanks adida.