Whatever it takes!!

Thanks alot guys... tman you banged out 500 just recently...that must have felt amazing! no i dont superset...i do my compound movement for chest first...then after im done with my 3 or 4 sets of that i go to my compound back movement bang all those sets out...then back to a chest workout...then back...then chest...you get it? I dont really believe that pumps are that necessary so i just feel doing it this way allows the muscle to recuperate for 10-15 minutes, so when i get back i can lift the heaviest numbers on whatever lift is next.
rookie03 said:
Thanks alot guys... tman you banged out 500 just recently...that must have felt amazing! no i dont superset...i do my compound movement for chest first...then after im done with my 3 or 4 sets of that i go to my compound back movement bang all those sets out...then back to a chest workout...then back...then chest...you get it? I dont really believe that pumps are that necessary so i just feel doing it this way allows the muscle to recuperate for 10-15 minutes, so when i get back i can lift the heaviest numbers on whatever lift is next.

you know the thing that surprised me the most was how much heavier it felt on my body than 450 does. it felt heavy on my knees, wrists back etc. everything really felt the weight, especially at the top of the lift.

whatever you are doing for your workout if it works for you then it is good.
Thanks alot...yea ive been doing all kinds of different routines here and their for 5 years but i really like my split now...by the way in your picture thread i bumped it for new pics!
rookie03 said:
Thanks alot...yea ive been doing all kinds of different routines here and their for 5 years but i really like my split now...by the way in your picture thread i bumped it for new pics!

Lol. i saw that, and i am feeling pressure. let me see what i can do bro. i'll try and remember to bring my camera with me to the office tomorrow.

quads/calves today

ass to the ground squats - 135x10, 185x10, 275x5 (last rep leg cramped so form blew!) 245x 6

bb lunges - 115x8, 135x6-7, 140x5

hack squat - 2 plates x 10, 2 plates + 35's x 7, same before x 5

seated calf raises - 45 x 16, 70 x 12, 85 x 8, 90 x 6

standing calf raises - 270x12, 270x10, 270x9
superseted w/ leg ext - 80x10, 105x8

thats it...forearms still ache, had to bring aspirin in gym bag cause these fuckers hurt all day now...feels like tendinitis or how shin splints feel when you run on them...


meal 1 - whey shake

meal 2 - 2 whole wheat pitas w/ egg whites and ground turkey in them

meal 3 - 3 1/2 chicken tenderloins w/ brown rice

meal 4 - turkey sandwhich on wheat bread and glass of skim milk

meal 5 - flavorless oatmeal packet and whey, green bulge creatine ester, and white blood arginine ester

meal 6 - whey shake

meal 7 - 4 chicken tenderloins w/ baked potatoe

meal 8 - 4-5 egg whites 1 egg yolk and a pita

meal 9 - to be decided... if i wake up in the middle of the night i always make a natty pb and low carb jelly sandwhich and have a whey shake...
Thanks alot, i know its not much but, it felt fuckin HEAVY, i never picked up anything that felt so heavy in my life!

abs today:

weighted abs on tricep ext - 120 x 12, 120 x 12, 140 x 8-9, 160 x 5

legs on bench back on ground with 17.5 behind head (capn crunches) x 12, x12

leg raises with 20lbs. db - x 7, x 6

thats it...gotta recuperate for hams and bi's tommorow...


meal 1 - whey shake and a rice cake

meal 2 - ground turkey and egg whites with 2 slices whole wheat toast

meal 3 - bacon cheese burger from nations (I HAD TO HAVE IT!! girlfriend bought it for me)

meal 4 - 3 chicken tenderloins and brown rice

meal 5 - 4 chicken tenderloins and brown rice

meal 6 - 4 egg whites and a whey shake in milk (before bed)

i eat alot less on my off days ( i gain fat really easy!!)

gonna post some pics up here in a few weeks... with a cleaner diet i been seeing my physique make more changes...with the weighted abs...my abs bulge out more so my waist measurement is staying the same, yet the abs are alot bigger and bulging out now (haha growth hormone gut without the growth hormones)

stiff leg deads- 135x8, 185x8, 205x8, 215x6, 215x5

db hamstring curl- 55x8, 55x8, 55x6

hamtractor- 90x7, 90x6, 90x5

close grip pull ups supinated (hands facing)- bw x 8, 25lbs x 8, 35lbs x 4-5, 35x3-4, 25x4-5

down the rack x 3 sets

concentration curls- 32.5x6, 32.5x6, 32.5x7

machine preacher curls- 70x6, 70x6, 70x6

spider curls- 65x3, 50x5, 50x3

reverse grip bb curls- 50x3-4, 40x8, 40x8

*didnt get to do alota the bicep workouts i wanted to cause my forearms really fuckin HURT! I am 100 percent sure i somehow got tendanitis in my forearms...gonna have to do pussy bicep routines till it gets better or take a week off...


meal 1 - whey shake and rice cake

meal 2 - ground turkey egg whites mixed into a wheat pita

meal 3 - spring rolls(vietnamese roll with shrimp, lettuce, and vermicelli noodles and fish sauce...actually really healthy) brown rice, and a chicken breast

meal 4 - turkey burger on wheat bread, fat free mayo, mustard, lettuce and ketchup

meal 5 - flavorless oatmeal packet and a whey shake

meal 6 - 2 flavored rice cakes and a whey shake (brought rice cakes in the gym and ate them on the way out to spike my insulin so the protein synthesis is much better)

meal 7 - baked potatoe and 7egg whites and 1 full egg mixed in...

meal 8 - maybe a pb and j and a whey shake in milk (i cant resist not haveing a pb and j sandwhich in the middle of the night or b4 bed)
Thanks alot...funny thing is ive been 180-182 for the past month at this diet... but if i increase my calories (even clean) i gain just fat...its freakin ridiculous...got bad genetics, but oh well make up for it with hard work and hard diet...

training:shoulders, triceps

had shoulder pain so i did seated military on smith instead of free..

seated military- 125x12, 135x10, 155x8, 175x6-7, 135x10

close grip bench press- 135x8, 155x2 (acclimation set), 185x8, 205x5-6,

weighted dips- (went light on these cause shoulder was actin up) bw x 10, 45 lbs x 8, 45 lbs x 8

db press- (shoulder was still hurtin, so again had to go light) 55x8, 55x8, 55x8

superseted w/ standing calf raises- 270x14, 270x12, 315x8, 315x8

reverse pec dec machine for delts- 115x10, 130x8, 130x6

seated calf raise- 90x6-7, 70x10, 70x10

wanted to do more but as was stated a million times my shoulder was just aching the whole time and im afraid to injure myself, as well as i dont want to take any time off from the gym, so i hope the next two rest days fix it!!


meal 1 - whey shake

meal 2 - ground turkey and eggs mixed with a wheat pita

meal 3 - 2 chicken tenderloins and brown rice

meal 4 - flavorless oatmeal and a whey shake

meal 5 - half chicken torilla crepe and half pesto chicken crepe (girlfriend took me out to eat after work and the gym since she knows i love st pattys day!)

meal 6 - 2 chicken tenderloins and brown rice

meal 7 -

meal 8 -

will fill the rest in later since i havent eatin anything as of yet...

gonna be taking msm and maybe shark cartillage to help with my joints...ive been training for 7 months no rest just about and my body is paying the price... i mean i take weekends off but thats it, i got too many aches and pains...so we'll see.

weight today was 183.
nah i stayed at 90 degrees on dips i usuallys go lower than 90...so i played it safe...thanks alot tman...wheres the pics?
oh go to my workout log a couple pages back also in pic forum. let me know how i am doing. btw bro we're close to the same size. keep posting i am interested in your natty progress. very impressive work.
no training just diet:

meal 1- whey shake

meal 2 - 7 egg whites 1 yolk, 2 pieces of wheat bread

meal 3 - half of a turkey and avocado sandwhich on wheat from togoes

meal 4 - ham sandwhich on wheat

meal 5 - wheat pasta and 4 slices of deli turkey microwaved, to get that cooked taste

meal 6 - probly chicken breast and wheat pasta

meal 7 - pb and low carb jelly on wheat bread

meal 8 - whey shake in fat free milk
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tman55 said:
oh go to my workout log a couple pages back also in pic forum. let me know how i am doing. btw bro we're close to the same size. keep posting i am interested in your natty progress. very impressive work.

haha we aint that close...i seen your pics your YOLKED! im gettin ready to do an igf cycle probably, see if i can maybe get me up to 186...im holding right now between 182-183...