adida's 1st log...

thanks T and WInter

tire drags dont really burn the quads to bad either...just on rev pulls mainly kill the thighs...but other wise it just burns me out body wise..but i feel it is really helpin with endurance lift wise so far..i may start throughin sprints too if i feel my enduarnce upto par in a few weeks

and they say doing squats then leg presses are too many already..^^

nice work bro.

say, can you help me ? I had a prob when doing front squats

first: shoulder pain from the bar
second: can't see footing..dunno if positioned right.

adidamps2 said:
01 Aug 06

front SQT
**these were fun and differnt than what i normally do**

back SQT
**the 225 was a lil rough, but i managed**

leg press
8plates X20
**all rest pause after 10**

AD- 110x20
AB- 110x20 (self asst last 4 reps)

**after the 2nd set i thought i was gonna hurl**

calf raise machine

cable crunches
**after such a long time away, came very easy, will add wt**

10 min cardio pre
10 min cardio post

over all a great work is still up and strength is coming back quickly.

TOMM tire drags

On leg press is that a total of 16 plates? :druggie:
thanks Brat

1st: i place the pins in the rack one place down from were i do back SQTs
2nd: i place my legs a lil more than shoulder width, and bend my knees so i can scoop under the bar
3rd: i cross my arms over and reach back toward the bar..i place my thumbs and index fingers at the edge of the center rough area holding it from there..
4th: stand up w/bar resting on meaty area of shoulders, back out of rack and start sqt'ing..

hope that helped

Mulls no that is the total of plates i use..4 per side (the most i think i have ever pressed i think is around 10 plates a side for around 10 reps..

Thanks JT
Last edited:
02 aug 06

tire drags
28 min total

sm tire Fwd X200ft
sm tire Bckwrd X200ft

Big tire Fwd X200ft
Big tire bckwrd X200ft
Big tire side step LovrR X100ft
Big tire side step RovrL X100ft
Big tire carry + chain X200ft

Sm tire rev drag/walking curls X100ft
Sm tire fwd drag dbl hand grip X100ft
Sm tire single arm drag L/R X100ft/100ft

9yr old
Big tire flip x20yrds
small tire pull X120ft
thanks fella's and its not so hard to pull after SQT day..remeber its just a heavy walk at a good pace..i'm not running with this thing..albeit is not easy either...
ok so heres my carb cut diet for the carb reduced days:

meal 1
4 eggs 2 slices/2oz cheese

meal 2
4 hard boiled eggs
1 oz almonds
5 liver tabs

meal 3
chick boobie 4-6oz
half bag of roamin lettuce
1 tbls olive oil
1 tbls balsamic vinegar

meal 4
4 hard boiled eggs
1 oz almonds
5 liver tabs

meal 5
chick boobie 4-6 oz
half bag romain lettuce
1 tbls olive oil
1 tbls balsamic vinegar

meal 6
meat 4-6 oz
veggies generally a serving size of said veggie

meal 7 only if i feel the need to use this one or if i absolutely need to make up some protien
casien/egg powder shake with PB and lecithin granules

drink a diet rockstar through out day starting with meal 2 and finish it by meal 4 or 5

ave nutrion intake:
fat: 110g
carbs 40g
fiber 12g
pro: 220-280 (this vares the most depending on chick breast and meal 6's protien source)

just thought i'd share

my work out days are a lil differnt and carb up days are really just a cheat meal for me, not a whole day dedicated to carbs..
Brat said:
God that looks boring...granted, mine isn't much better...but damn...
i look fwd to wednesday nights and fri or saturday nights trust me..ppasta night and pizza night are now what i live for...