adida's 1st log...

01 Sept 06

TIRE/Sand bags

total time: 35 min **PR for time**

sm tire
sm tire fwd pull 200ft
sm tire bckward pull 200ft

Big tire
Big tire fwd pull 200ft
Big tire pull bckward 200ft
Big tire rull LovrR/RovrL side steps 100ft/100ft
Big tire carry +sandbag & chain (roughly ~80lbs)
Big tire 2 arm rev drag 200ft

Sand Bag
framers walk (w/duffle bags) ~50lb a hand 200ft
DEADLIFT ~100lb sand bag and carry 60ft
Big tire fwd pull+sand bag 200ft
**went back to the tire, but added sand bag to it)**
sand bag shoulder carry ~25lbs a shoulder 400ft

total distance carried: ~2260ft **i believe this is a PR for total distance**
adidamps2 said:
i was lie-ing

and i pull my tires at a open field/park down the street from my house. more pics! Haha...:wiggle:

How do you know the distance?? Did you measure it???
Hey adida, I see that you are using Controlled Labs GlycerGrow. I just read up on it and well basically, I think that's what's making you hold water. Your supps/nutrients will still be absorbed well even without this supplement. Try holding off on using it for 2weeks and see how the water drops.
Winter said:
Hey adida, I see that you are using Controlled Labs GlycerGrow. I just read up on it and well basically, I think that's what's making you hold water. Your supps/nutrients will still be absorbed well even without this supplement. Try holding off on using it for 2weeks and see how the water drops.
good point. and will do. i will tell what happens with this. i use it only on work out day. but i will drop it for experiment sake.
adidamps2 said:
01 Sept 06

TIRE/Sand bags

total time: 35 min **PR for time**

sm tire
sm tire fwd pull 200ft
sm tire bckward pull 200ft

Big tire
Big tire fwd pull 200ft
Big tire pull bckward 200ft
Big tire rull LovrR/RovrL side steps 100ft/100ft
Big tire carry +sandbag & chain (roughly ~80lbs)
Big tire 2 arm rev drag 200ft

Sand Bag
framers walk (w/duffle bags) ~50lb a hand 200ft
DEADLIFT ~100lb sand bag and carry 60ft
Big tire fwd pull+sand bag 200ft
**went back to the tire, but added sand bag to it)**
sand bag shoulder carry ~25lbs a shoulder 400ft

total distance carried: ~2260ft **i believe this is a PR for total distance**

im liking the tire/bag routine. Are you seeing a lotta results with this?
endurance is shootin quickly and i am more than sure it is helping w/sqt and deads. my numbers in both havent moved as fast as they are now sincei addedthis into my routine.

as far as fat loss, i would say it does help, but unsure how much. i tend to try and not have ANY carbs on the days i do tire pulls.
adidamps2 said:
as far as fat loss, i would say it does help, but unsure how much. i tend to try and not have ANY carbs on the days i do tire pulls.

thats rough. i could never do the no carb diet. i love to eat too much.
evansss said:
thats rough. i could never do the no carb diet. i love to eat too much.
i use a post work out carb drink on work out days and give myself to days to carb load a week.
my calorie intake is always differn due to shifting work schedule, work out days and carb days...i just try and follow my diet as best as possible with all the variables i always have goin on. but i guess that is best as to never let the body get use to a certain routine.
adidamps2 said:
01 Sept 06

TIRE/Sand bags

total time: 35 min **PR for time**

sm tire
sm tire fwd pull 200ft
sm tire bckward pull 200ft

Big tire
Big tire fwd pull 200ft
Big tire pull bckward 200ft
Big tire rull LovrR/RovrL side steps 100ft/100ft
Big tire carry +sandbag & chain (roughly ~80lbs)
Big tire 2 arm rev drag 200ft

Sand Bag
framers walk (w/duffle bags) ~50lb a hand 200ft
DEADLIFT ~100lb sand bag and carry 60ft
Big tire fwd pull+sand bag 200ft
**went back to the tire, but added sand bag to it)**
sand bag shoulder carry ~25lbs a shoulder 400ft

total distance carried: ~2260ft **i believe this is a PR for total distance**

Nice work adida.