adida's pix


New member
since everyone doesnt venture into the convo lounge, i thought i would share my pics here as well. in the convo lounge a few of us have went in on a "Fat to Fit" contest. and i wanted to share my pics here as well. might as well.
yea i know i am carring some bf, but thats what the whole "fat to fit" contest is about. i posted january's pics and feb's updated pic's. i will have pics about once a month till this is over.
Lookin good. Like you said, we have nearly the same bodytype, except that I don't have those love handles. :)

How much BF have you lost so far?
Keep it up man, you'll be ripped by the time June comes around. :elephant: :rockband: :D
i have no clue how much BF i lost so far...all i know is my vascularity is getting crazy and the love handles and boobie fat will be the last to go in this endevour.
adidamps2 said:
i have no clue how much BF i lost so far...all i know is my vascularity is getting crazy and the love handles and boobie fat will be the last to go in this endevour.

you have a nice base. looks like you getting some big traps and have nice size on your legs as well. can't wait to see it all uncovered. you gonna look really insane adida.

the love handles and boobie fat are always the last stubborn places to go.

so you have before pics posted that were taken before these? i would be interested in seeing progress so far.

anyway, really great job man. much respect here.
sorry Tman these are the only pics i have so far. the january pics and the feb pics are it as of now. all i can tell you is that i have went from 145lb's at age's 16-18 (couldnt gain wt) to a fat ass 200lbs at age 23, out of the army in 2002, to a semi fat/muscluar build i have now.
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adidamps2 said:
sorry Tman these are the only pics i have so far. the january pics and the feb pics are it as of now. all i can tell you is that i have went from 145lb's at age's 16-18 (couldnt gaib wt) to a fat ass 200lbs at age 23, out of the army in 2002, to a semi fat/muscluar build i have now.

ok. wait till next time then.
StanleyYelnats said:
Adida, gotta say this...keepit up bro...and I must apologise for slating you the last time...I hope you kick some serious ass in the gym.

Diet diet diet, consistency and cardio...keep it up!

hey no problem ..thanks guys for all the support.