adida's pix

crank= steroids

they talk about this board about waiting untill you get to your natural potential before using as. if this guy were to drop down to 10% bf or so he would be like 140 lbs.

come on guys, look at him!

hit the treadmill and the bike for a while first, you will see great results! test will only add10-15 lbs of bloat between the little amout of muscle you have and under your body fat
parker said:
crank= steroids

they talk about this board about waiting untill you get to your natural potential before using as. if this guy were to drop down to 10% bf or so he would be like 140 lbs.

come on guys, look at him!

hit the treadmill and the bike for a while first, you will see great results! test will only add10-15 lbs of bloat between the little amout of muscle you have and under your body fat

bro, crank is not AAS. And by your comments and observation of me, I believe you’re on crank. 140lbs at 10% BF are you serious! How much BF do you think I am caring??? I haven’t seen 140lbs since 11th grade and I was at 3-4% bf then. I weight around 215LBS at roughly 18% BF, maybe less BF now as I haven’t done a caliper test lately. Even if you take 10% away from 215 I would still wt over 180LBS. and if you take the time to read through my training log you’d see I do sprints and HIT style full body work outs. Also the remark about the little bit of muscle I have…you must not be very good at judging body composition., or reading you don’t move the kind of wt I move and for the time I move it with a little bit of muscle. I gonna bet by your comments your probably a scrawny lanky guy who has no bf and wt’s a buck 10 saoking wet and can’t squat 225. please post pix and training routine thank you.
Vennom96 said:
18%??? Try like 25% minimum.
1st set of pix no. last time i check with calipers i was 20% i know i am less now. even at that i still wont drop below 200 unless i take clen or dnp or just stop eating. there is no way i will 140lbs again and still look healthy like that guy said.
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parker said:


then i am -12%


your min 25-33% min

im not trying to be mean. just been honst

and crank, gear, juice are all terms for steroids where i am from

Parker, let's cut through your BS bro. If you weren't trying to be "mean" you probably would have left out the laughs. If you can't come to these threads and be objective and remain that way without all your negative personality and degrading attitude, why don't you find somewhere else to play?

Noone has a problem with you "just being honest" bro the problem is that you aren't "just being honest". you being an ass!
fat boy for the win

parker said:


then i am -12%


your min 25-33% min

im not trying to be mean. just been honst

and crank, gear, juice are all terms for steroids where i am from

bro you can say i have what ever BF% you want if that makes you feel better. there is no way in hell i am toating 25-33% BF. if i was carring that much BF on my frame i wouldnt be able to do wind sprints or maintain as aggressive of a work out program as i have. my fucking lunges would be constricted by all that blubber. like i said the 1st pix may have had me at or near 25% bf or so, the last few pix i know i was down to if not below 20% and i know for a fact i am below 20% now. i will take caliper measurements tonight. and post up what ever the calipers say. if it says i'm over 20% so be it.

still you have not given your ht wt or routine. my assumption of you still stands.

when i was at a miltary school, this tall skinny fucker (6'1, 170+lbs)use to mess with me all the time about me being as broad and heavy as i am. but, you know what was funnier, he couldnt out sprint me, couldn't out long distance run me, and he couldn't keep pace in the gym with me (let alone bench his own body wt), as a matter a fact, most of my class mates couldn't keep up with me. so i guess if being FAT (cause thats what 25-33% bf is), means being faster, stronger and having longer endurance capabilities than most skinny, skrawny fucks, i guess i'll keep it.
Parker you got 20 posts, stop wasting them on pointless thoughts.

By no means is he 33%, he pays his dues in the gym and my hat is off to him.

IF anymroe guys in here want to put in childish remarks, just go ahead and post the poundage you have been moving in the gym along with pictures and your diet and gains in the past year+.
here it is for all those who care.
ht: 5'8"
wt:219 (end of day wt)
neck: 15 3/4
chest: 45 (across nipples)
arms: 15 1/2(mid bi's)
forearms: 12 (mid forearm belly)
wrists: 7 3/4
waist: 36 1/2 (across bb)
thigh: 26 1/4 (mid thigh)
calf: 15 3/4 (mid calf)

BF% taken 5 times as follows
(3 point electric caliper: chest (between nipple and under arm), belly (3/4 in to the right of bb), thigh (mid point between knee and hip insertion))
1: 14
2: 20.7
3: 17.4
4: 14.3
5: 16.6
ave BF 16.6%
now is this the most accurate? no, obviously not. hell i don't believe i'm 14%, but as we can see averaged out from highest 20.7% to lowest 14% i am some were in between.
parker said:
yes, yes i was been a jerk and an ass. sorry man

but keep up the good work!!

im 6'1 211 lbs ripped (vains in the abs)
have been training serious for the last 4 years

thanks man, i work my ass off in the gym. and if you looked at the 1st pix compared to the last pix i posted you can see major differnces. this next set of pix will even be a greater improvemnt. i know i have BF issues. its the fact that i work hard to drop that shit. and so far sa good.
not too impressed with my "updated" pix. i can see a bigger differnce in the mirror than what these pix show. my abs in the mirror look better than last months, but the pix dont represent that well. i can atleast see the waist differnce, but i was hoping for a btter showing for improvement in the pix. oh well i know more changes are on the way. i may start a fat burner this next month and really try and focus on this BF loss.
You definitely look leaner in these pics bro. & I also see the vascularity in your arms comin up. You look great man, keep up the awesome work and you'll be super lean in no time! :bigok: :rockband: