I hate winny

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New member
Why is everyone and thier mother obsessed with Winstrol (winny) these days? Horrible drug. Its short ester, its 17aa, it hurts to inject, its MP is higher than hell, it makes for some really painful joints.

I liked my run with winstrol. 50mg/day orally, great strength, no sides.
What would you guys prefer over Winstrol (winny)? would it be tren or something else?.. Isn't tren more harsh than Winstrol (winny)? .. Im just going by reading the steroid profiles. Let me know from you guys experiences!
trisdog said:
What would you guys prefer over Winstrol (winny)? would it be tren or something else?.. Isn't tren more harsh than Winstrol (winny)? .. Im just going by reading the steroid profiles. Let me know from you guys experiences!

anavar is great at 50-100mg/d. leans you out and some strength gains to be had. stack it with a little test and you set.
I love it when people still say "Hey bro, get me some winny-V"

Idiots. Doug, i agree, some may like winstrol, but I will never waste my time on it.

Although, what I hate worse is the numerous threads on how to make the shit when it has been explained about 4 million times.

Now don't get all upset simplyhuge... i know you are a 'struggling thinker'. You are excluded from that last comment.
I absolutely love the stuff. Like ive said ive been using it over 10 yrs and niot a side effect one. Just quality muscle and strength. All AA17s arent created equal. Ive NEVER had high liver enzymes and i get bloodwork twice a yr.Ive gone a good 12 on it a cycle several times.

I seldom sdisagree with ya Dug. but i have to now padna.

Im in love!
mranak said:
winny will make you cut.

Exactly, LMAO!

So Mrank, when are you coming over to the darkside?? Anyway, I'll have to try anavar to compair it against Winstrol (winny) and dbol. Really want to try Halo too.
gator_mclusky said:
I absolutely love the stuff. Like ive said ive been using it over 10 yrs and niot a side effect one. Just quality muscle and strength. All AA17s arent created equal. Ive NEVER had high liver enzymes and i get bloodwork twice a yr.Ive gone a good 12 on it a cycle several times.

I seldom sdisagree with ya Dug. but i have to now padna.

Im in love!
Well remember, I will seldom, if EVER, disagree with personal experience. What works, WORKS. I didnt get elevated enzymes on it either. Goes to show most people will either love or hate winny.
DougoeFre5h said:
Well remember, I will seldom, if EVER, disagree with personal experience. What works, WORKS. I didnt get elevated enzymes on it either. Goes to show most people will either love or hate winny.
You're right....
As the old saying goes....everyones different.

Much respect,

gator_mclusky said:
I absolutely love the stuff. Like ive said ive been using it over 10 yrs and niot a side effect one. Just quality muscle and strength. All AA17s arent created equal. Ive NEVER had high liver enzymes and i get bloodwork twice a yr.Ive gone a good 12 on it a cycle several times.

I seldom sdisagree with ya Dug. but i have to now padna.

Im in love!

to all you new guys out there... this is a perfect example of why you CANNOT tell someone how they will respond to a certain hormone. There are just too many variables. I know people that do Dbol for 20 weeks straight and have no liver issues. Would I do that? No. but everyone is different.

So get your basic research, try it and get back to us. Only way to see if it will work for YOU.

Great post gator.
i love the stuff i like to run it at pretty high doses as well

only ever tried oral hanging to give zambons a go @ 100mg ed :D
rjh8 thats because their are about 3 people posting under my name cause they were making it at my house. So 1 it wasnt even me who wrote that and 2 the info on it was confusing as the instructions conflicted. I couldnt actually care less what u think about me. I like to make sure i do things right, especially when i am injecting them into my self.
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simpllyhuge said:
rjh8 thats because their are about 3 people posting under my name cause they were making it at my house. So 1 it wasnt even me who wrote that and 2 the info on it was confusing as the instructions conflicted. I couldnt actually care less what u think about me. I like to make sure i do things right, especially when i am injecting them into my self.
he was joking, bro. He spends a lot of time helping us out, so how about we not piss him off.
how am i pissing him off, he mentioned me and i was replying. if you look at my post i said nothing personal about him.
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