I hate winny

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Oral Winstrol (winny) KILLS my good cholesterol. Although I like Winstrol (winny), I will never again use it for this reason.

I also get body acne like on no other Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) from Winny.
u know whats weird, i stopped getting acne from test and i think its because i been on too long and my body is getting used to it. im mentally addicted to it and it helps with my depression. i wonder if i switch esters if it will help.
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jediclampet said:
Oral Winstrol (winny) KILLS my good cholesterol. Although I like Winstrol (winny), I will never again use it for this reason.

I also get body acne like on no other Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) from Winny.
I ve used it over 10 yrs off and on......last yr i tested at 217 for cholesterol. I got it down in the 170-180s so im fine.
I blame it on the lbs and lbs of red meat i stuffed in my mouth over those 10+years....not the Winstrol.......just another myth!
Ouch. my Joints hurt from Winstrol......SUCK IT UP AND GAIN YOUR STERNGTH.....thats whats makin your joints hurt.

gator_mclusky said:
I ve used it over 10 yrs off and on......last yr i tested at 217 for cholesterol. I got it down in the 170-180s so im fine.
I blame it on the lbs and lbs of red meat i stuffed in my mouth over those 10+years....not the Winstrol.......just another myth!
Ouch. my Joints hurt from Winstrol......SUCK IT UP AND GAIN YOUR STERNGTH.....thats whats makin your joints hurt.


How was your hdl/ldl ratio?
gator_mclusky said:
not the Winstrol.......just another myth!
The fact that Winstrol damages the lipid panel (cholesterol) is "another myth"?


Winstrol damages the lipid panel....period! I've seen HDL is the single digits because of Winstrol. Do individual results vary? Hell yes they do.

Gator, you keep telling us that everyone is different, and then you make these broad statements based solely on your own personal experience. Based on that logic, clinical trials would only need to include a single person.
i eat like 2 steaks a day. should i be nervous about my cholesteroll. i had it tested a month or two ago but i wasnt eating like this then cause i was trying to lean out.
....gives HDL the perverbial beatdown, joints are killing me inside of two weeks...no thanks. Although I will admit, I've had 3-4 training partners over the years like Gater who absolutely love the stuff.
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I think there are better alternatives up and down the spectrum. I really fail to understand why those who love it, love it. Im starting to think that the guys who love it have some sort of sensitivity to the magic it exerts OUTSIDE of the AR. We know it has a low binding affinity and most the guys who love it use it with shit like tren,,,doubt the AR is going to give Winstrol (winny) the time of day.
DougoeFre5h said:
I think there are better alternatives up and down the spectrum. I really fail to understand why those who love it, love it. Im starting to think that the guys who love it have some sort of sensitivity to the magic it exerts OUTSIDE of the AR. We know it has a low binding affinity and most the guys who love it use it with shit like tren,,,doubt the AR is going to give Winstrol (winny) the time of day.

Damn, dougoe, did Winstrol (winny) shoot your dog? Damn you, Winstrol (winny), Damn you to hell!
TxLonghorn said:
Damn, dougoe, did Winstrol (winny) shoot your dog? Damn you, Winstrol (winny), Damn you to hell!
I think it did something to his family or pets....he hates it!!!!! LOL

Give me a bottle and ill give you results!!!!!!!Damn good results Dougoe my man!!!!

Combine Tex's and Pullin's answers and you got urself a winner.

Test enan, tren enan, eq, dbol. Switch em around, take some time off, mix, match, all at once, whatever you want. If you cant grow off those you should just hang it right up.
Because I put it here ;)

Us mods can do what we want. Its like communism with a nice freedom o' speech twist. That is until you post a source or something then I gotta edit the shit out of your thread and make you look like you wanted gay porn forwarded to your addy.
dogue i saw u said u liked eq. im curious as to how u compare it to tren. i figure you would like tren more but i wonder how high u go with each and how mild u consider eq. how anabolic is eq
Guys I love tren, but was thinking on mixing some Winstrol (winny) in my cycle for cuttting. Know I'm hearing that Winstrol (winny) doesn't make you cut. What's the truth and if Winstrol (winny) doesn't make you cut what is good for cutting?
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