Just a lil help for anyone doing this
how i do them-
a)widest grip possible
b)set the bar at a point where at your full hang your hips are well below your feet--that doesnt mean having your ass hit the ground.
c)put your feet up on a flat bench and cross them at the ankles so you dont have any urge to use your hamstrings or legs to help you get up (some people have low flat benches in their gym, my flat benches have always been pretty high)--as long as at the top of your pull (chin over bar) your hips are even or lower than your feet you should be good to go
d)keep your knees slightly bent thruout most of the exercise except (read below)
e)at your dead hang straighten your (crossovered) legs, arch your back and pull up to the chin bar (why legs straightened? So you cant bend them and help yourself up with your hamstrings or turn it into a upside down bent over row)---so knowing this make sure you have the bench placed at the proper distance away from you---we dont want an upside down bent over row as stated
f)on your descent, put the slight bend back in your legs, flatten your back and most importantly flare your lats out all the way to the very bottom--(trying to get a very big stretch before you straighten your legs, arch your back and pull up to the chin bar again)---if your sitting at your computer right now--do a front double bicep--then move your elbows slightly forward and try to flare/push your lats out as far as you can--see that? thats what its supposed to feel like on the way down
f)use wrist straps
g)when your partner puts weight in your lap--a fixed barbell (like most gyms have for curling) placed evenly weightwise across the pelvic bend works best in my opinion