Looking jacked as usual NS. Abs are sick.
One question though. You seem to have done, at least in the past, the IFBB style, get ass big as you want to maximize muscle gain, style of bulking in the offseason. Now that we have seen you lose almost 45-50lbs, i think it is, how much actual LBM do you think you have gained since last year when you started bulking up to 260 or whatever it was?
I just still have a hard time believing that you (not you personally, but competitors in general) don't lose wayyyy too much muscle when you drop that much weight. I'm not talking health risks, we know they are there, but just how much actual solid LBM did you gain this last time, and was it worth it in the long run? I may be wrong, thats why I asked.
Thanks, and again, this is no criticism of you at all, i just know you prolly have a good answer!!