adida's 1st log...

17 feb 06

315x3 PR baby!!!!!
** i got it, switched to 5x3 and will stay on 5x3 for next few lifts before i move back to 5x5**

leg press w/ toe press
**seriusley, i didnt want to do the 3rd set. but i did and i am glad, after these i wasn't sure what i had left in me**

decline bb press
**could have hit 195 of the last set**

high cable lat pull down
150x8-2sets (very tough sets)

standing BB shoulder press

bwt x11
**my tri's were engorged by this point from the declines and shoulder presses, felt nice**

rev e-z bar curls

bwt+25lb plate X12

cable crunches

this was a very good work out. plenty of rest and food prior to this day, so i was good to go.after deads i was pretty spent, but none the less i kept grinding away.i took some tang mixed with liquid amino's and 10g of bcaa/taurine mix with me to the gym. i think it really helped to keep me goin.

my diet has been really good lately too...making progress physically, although my wt has not went below 215 yet. but i can SEE a differnce in the mirror.

tomorrow is sprints then its 2 days off.
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adida great job on the pr and the workout. very nice stuff. the bar was looking good with 3 plates huh?
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Good job on the PR bro! :D
Haha, I was talkin to my friend the first time I pulled 315 and he was like "shit... those 3plates look nice." I dont think 4plates would look as good though. 5 would kickass. :D
thanks every body!! my low back is a wee sore, but i think i wil manage. also do to family commitment's i will be missing out on sprints today. i wont be back in the gym till tuesday. guys have a good weekend! again thanks for all the support.
so i gave up sprints yesterday for Mcdonalds :Puke: a kiddie B-day party with cake and ice cream :insane2: then afterthe B-day party we had mexican food :mexican:. i have to say this was a very bad diet day. although the mexican food was really good.
I can't stand the taste of McDonalds food, even when I was a little kid. Whenever I eat any of their food, especially the fries, I get a terrible headache. Now, Wendy's for example, is the best fast food IMO next to subway. :D

Mexican Food :bigok: :rockband:
thanks tman. i wanna get 305 on my squats for atleast 4, 5 would be great...i want 3 plates on my squats soon. and i wanna start 20 repping 225 soon too. i give it another month or so and i'll be there.
adidamps2 said:
thanks tman. i wanna get 305 on my squats for atleast 4, 5 would be great...i want 3 plates on my squats soon. and i wanna start 20 repping 225 soon too. i give it another month or so and i'll be there.

sounds like your short term goals are right around the corner. One of the things that gets in my way sometimes is my own self. meaning i don't believe i can get new weight sometimes when trying and move up. the mental aspect is huge. 2-3 more reps at the same weight is not much and ten pounds in relation to 305 is not much. you'll get it bro, very soon. tear into that weight like you own it.
thanks Tman. this contest for the fat to fit means a lot to me and i am doing well on my diet although it seems as if my wt loss has stagnated, my physical appearance has changed alot? (vascularity has drastically changed and arm, traps and legs have really been impacted so far size wise) but the wt lifting goals are part of this too. and i plan on getting my wt's and lossing this bf. i dont want to resort to clen or t-3 but i will if i have to in the end. i also have a shit load of banned supps like m1t, m1d and Mohn on hand but i am restraining from use due to $$$ issues for the post cycle therapy (pct) and the fact i wanna get this as naturally as possible.
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