19 Jan 07
mid after-noon work out
5 min stair stepper cardio
**held 2 10 lb DB while doing this**
splti lvl P/U X10
horse stance static holds (10sec) X20
elbows in close P/U X10
cross legged crunch X20
decline P/U
bent knee torso twist X20
P/U X10
horse stance torso crunch X20
P/U w/bars X10
oblique crunch X20
2-3 min rest
5 min stair stepper cardio
**held 2 10 lb DB while doing this**
splti lvl P/U X10
horse stance static holds (10sec) X20
elbows in close P/U X10
cross legged crunch X20
decline P/U
bent knee torso twist X20
P/U X10
horse stance torso crunch X20
P/U w/bars X10
oblique crunch X20
5 min stair stepper cardio
**did not hold 10lber's for this one**
total time: 42 min
total cardio: 15 min
total P/U: 100
total S/U: 200
**all AB/core work and cardio was done w/5lb ankle wts on as well**
felt bad for missing so much gym/work out time this week so i beat the piss out of myslef today..
19 Jan 07
late evenning work out
seated stationary bike 10 min
high angle leg sled
4plates x10
normal leg sled
4 plates x20
5plates x42 (yes that's right 42 reps)
**did not bang those straight out, but it was non stop,gruelling**
seated hamm curl
**no rest after sled**
seated leg Xtn
**quads fried

inc DB press
hi cable fly
**pecs DONE**
BB corner T-bar rowes hand-over-hand (HOH)
2 plates x15
2 plates +25 X10 (switched lead hand)
BB shrugg
total time: ~40 min (not counting cardio)
felt good and strong will start back on SQTs next week..but other wise for beatting my self silly today i feel impeccably good. look forward to hitting it hatd again next week.
i may start tracking food intake on here too. not sure if i wanna log all that shit though.

oh what the hell for the next 2 weeks i'll log food in take as well...