adida's 1st log...

my 4th grader is getting ready for his 4th grade fitness test in a few weeks. we have been training for it. he will be tested for pushups, crunches and trunk lifts as well as flexibility. it wears him out.
adidamps2 said:
eek i hope he cant do 200 p/u that woud make me feel bad...LOL
whats he up too T?

right now he is at about 90pu's without stopping, 75 or so crunches and 100 trunk lifts. he does the chinese splits and lays his body forward on the ground comfortable. i have to pick up his feet a couple inches to give him a real good stretch. he's the gymnast though, so he has been doing that stuff for years. actually he used to do a few more pushups than that but he has grown some this year.
29 Jan 07

P/U - S/U session
done 4 hrs later than 1st p/u session

step-up stair stepper 6 min

split lvl p/u x12

side plank 10sec hold 10 reps

staggered p/u x12

plank 10 sec hold 10 reps

3 pt p/u

leg lifts x22

p/u rotation x12

1 leg over torso twist x22

p/u bars x12

ab cycle x30

step-up stair stepper 6 min

split lvl p/u x12

side plank 10sec hold 10 reps

staggered p/u x12

plank 10 sec hold 10 reps

3 pt p/u

leg lifts x22

p/u rotation x12

1 leg over torso twist x22

p/u bars x12

ab cycle x30

6 min stair stepper cardio

total time: 53 min
total cardio: 18 min
total p/u: 120
toal core: 188
**all core/cardio work done w/5lb ankle wts**
30 Jan 07

Ftr Sqt

Leg ext

leg curls seated
6 plates x22
**dunno the wt of the plates**

flat BB bench

decline press, Hammer mach, seated
45x15 rest pause
**wt per side**

inc cable fly

T-bar rowe V-grip UNsupported
2p x15
3p x10

CG hi-lat cable PD
8 plate x18
**unsure of plate wt**

DB shoulder press, seated

cable lateral raise, shoulder

curls, rec E-Z bar
**bar not counted**

seated french press, E-Z bar
**bar not counted**

shruggs BB

shruggs DB

total time: 1 hr

felt awesome in the gym
although slightly disappointed in over all leg work. will make up for it next time.
thanks Juls.

31 Jan 07

tredmil 10 min interval training
ab work
seated stationary bike 10 min
ab work
tredmil 10 min interval training

30 min total cardio