adida's 1st log...

thanks Winter and T.

missed back work the other day.

will hit gym tomm night.
feel 100% now and fully back on track diet wise as of today.
Brat said:
Just checking in on ya, man...hope all is well...time for new pics!!
thanks Chicka..and i will work on some pix for ya'll ASAP..maybe with in the next to weeks or so...need to lose some of this water bloat i got goin on...

last weeks work outs were decent but nothing to write home to mom about.
big accomplishment was probably a 3 plate 10 rep T-Bar row HOH unsupported. and Motherfuck the back pump i have lately...basically after the T-Bar rowes my low back was so pumped i could barely walk over to the cable station and do tri pull downs...fucken sucked. i may have to up my banana and orange intake for their potassium..

20 Feb 07

**hit it...i actually believe i had more in the tank, but decided not to push it too much..thats a 40lb jump from last sqt day**

leg press, seated upright
10p+20lbs X20

leg xtn
**painfull :eyes: **

GM, rack
**my low back was too pumped to anything more here**

calf raise, standing
**not the same mach i use at the othe gym...big differnce in mach set up**

ab mach

all i can say is "FUCK YA!" about my sqts today.
felt awesome to have that much back on my back again.
i just need to get this back pump under control, because this shit is ridiculus (i am sure brat will spell correct that for me :) ) and almost tear jerking it hurts so bad some times. i am fearful of dead day right now as i am unsue how bad the pump is goin to be. :insane2:
AngryMuscles said:
doing calves after leg workouts kicks the shit out of me...does it to you?
no not really.
its more of what calf raise mach i use.
the one at the 24hr fitness i use allows me to use upto 400+lbs with no problem.

the one at the base gym i use crushes me at 200lbs.. wierd really.
back pumps suck bro...i know what ya mean...hopefully mine are gone for awhile..
adidamps2 said:
thanks Chicka..and i will work on some pix for ya'll ASAP..maybe with in the next to weeks or so...need to lose some of this water bloat i got goin on...

last weeks work outs were decent but nothing to write home to mom about.
big accomplishment was probably a 3 plate 10 rep T-Bar row HOH unsupported. and Motherfuck the back pump i have lately...basically after the T-Bar rowes my low back was so pumped i could barely walk over to the cable station and do tri pull downs...fucken sucked. i may have to up my banana and orange intake for their potassium..

20 Feb 07

**hit it...i actually believe i had more in the tank, but decided not to push it too much..thats a 40lb jump from last sqt day**

leg press, seated upright
10p+20lbs X20

leg xtn
**painfull :eyes: **

GM, rack
**my low back was too pumped to anything more here**

calf raise, standing
**not the same mach i use at the othe gym...big differnce in mach set up**

ab mach

all i can say is "FUCK YA!" about my sqts today.
felt awesome to have that much back on my back again.
i just need to get this back pump under control, because this shit is ridiculus (i am sure brat will spell correct that for me :) ) and almost tear jerking it hurts so bad some times. i am fearful of dead day right now as i am unsue how bad the pump is goin to be. :insane2:

nice work adida. real nice my friend. when i have pump problems, i always look to my diet, eat clean, drop water that way and the pumps become more tolerable. damn nice job.
Winter--yea one of the sides of M1T is low back pumps (lumbar area), much like D-Bol and i am only on 5mg ED...i find it hard to know guys out there were running this shit at 25-30mg ED.

Tman-- thanks bro, it meant a lot to me to hit 315 again. and i will look at diet and look to add more potasium contaiing fruits in.

Brat-- hopefully soon..
adidamps2 said:
Winter--yea one of the sides of M1T is low back pumps (lumbar area), much like D-Bol and i am only on 5mg ED...i find it hard to know guys out there were running this shit at 25-30mg ED.

Tman-- thanks bro, it meant a lot to me to hit 315 again. and i will look at diet and look to add more potasium contaiing fruits in.

Brat-- hopefully soon..

will there be nudes this time?
but it was banned way after andro right? I thought i rem my favorite supplement supplier having that stuff for sell in the past
Tman-- there may be..only by PM though ;)

Luq--thanks bro been training hard

Acz-- M1T was banned at the same time as Andro and all the others. your probably thinkin of SD and the other ones that came out right after the ban.