word...nice work adi, glad you're feeling good during pct
Sounds good, adida. Good job.adidamps2 said:i believe i am sitting at 214 right now, i will wt myslef tomm and do a BF check along with pix (if time permits) and post up results. i can see in the mirror physical changes such as larger back development and chest size. i am also seeing more and more vascularity. so we shall see what i am at some time late tommorow after i get up from sleeping. i laso feel like i have more energy and endurance lately .
adidamps2 said:i believe i am sitting at 214 right now, i will wt myslef tomm and do a BF check along with pix (if time permits) and post up results. i can see in the mirror physical changes such as larger back development and chest size. i am also seeing more and more vascularity. so we shall see what i am at some time late tommorow after i get up from sleeping. i laso feel like i have more energy and endurance lately, but i am unsure if that is fat-loss related or the fact that i am doin more cardio then i use too.
Winter said:Good workout Adida. How come the fullbody workout again? I thought you were doing your old routine again?
thanks WinterWinter said:Good stuff Adida
wow 211 - 13%bf, you're a big mofo adidaadidamps2 said:WT UPDATE:
+5lbs since i last wt myself.
however coming OFF i already knew i was going to have some wt gain. it's really about body recomp anyways. so wt gain with lower BF is not a set back in my opinion.
BF%: ~13.32 (+/- 4.8%)
took BF 5 times (3 pt electronic calipers) and then averaged it out and came up with the ave differnce value.
i believe the last time i did this i was around ~16%BF so if thsts the case i am -~3%
pix will be coming a wee later.
well thats the ave i got from 5 readings..my highest was a wee over 15% and low was like 10%. the wt i am sure of. however i wouldnt hold my breath personally on the 13% BF. but that what the calipers say so. i will go with it for now.luquillo78 said:wow 211 - 13%bf, you're a big mofo adida
adidamps2 said:WT UPDATE:
+5lbs since i last wt myself.
however coming OFF i already knew i was going to have some wt gain. it's really about body recomp anyways. so wt gain with lower BF is not a set back in my opinion.
BF%: ~13.32 (+/- 4.8%)
took BF 5 times (3 pt electronic calipers) and then averaged it out and came up with the ave differnce value.
i believe the last time i did this i was around ~16%BF so if thsts the case i am -~3%
pix will be coming a wee later.
well i hope mine arent 6% off i would be very upset to think i was sitting at 19-20%BF right nowtman55 said:i know what you mean adida. my calipers measure differently most of the time and also i have determined that they show me to be about 4-6% lower than I really am.
i hope not. i am doing all in my powers to make what ever it is that attacked my immune system go away quickly. i would say i am in 80-90% feel better range right now.luquillo78 said:Good workout anyway.
Have you got a flu adida?