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flu bad
adidamps2 said:27 march 07
BB stationary lunges
**1st off doing these in a power rack blows, second this was the 1st time in ages i have lunges so the wt will go up drastically the next few work outs**
single leg XTN
**no rest 10 reps R, 10 reps L switch back for next set**
single leg seated leg curls
**same prinicple as XTN**
Inc BB press
**felt slight discomfort in these in right shoulder???**
decline DB press
bent over DB one arm rowes
65X10 ea-2sets
low-lat iso lateral hammer mach (alternating arms)
cable side laterals (shoulders)
E-Z bar curls
**do not count bar for this**
E-Z bar seated french press
**no bar wt counted**
total time 1hr 10min
post work out cardip
tredmil: 10min
**was suppose to be on a 4degree incline however 8 min in i realized the elavation setting was broken, so it was all done on 0**
no just disconforting, running nose yet congested.AngryMuscles said:flu bad
in the past. i dont think i hurt it this time, just felt odd.Mulligan said:U hurt your shoulder?
adidamps2 said:no just disconforting, running nose yet congested.
cant breath cant lift.
feeling better.
in the past. i dont think i hurt it this time, just felt odd.
adidamps2 said:i dunno i actually feel stronger/more aggressive on PCT?
is this normal?
LOLtman55 said:only if you are a bad ass mofo like yourself.
adidamps2 said:LOL
i'm seriouse T i dunno what the deal is. i am having no problems with endurance or pushing the envolope on my lifts. i expected some sort of drop in stength or endurnce in the gym. but nothing yet. have you ever exerienced your self to be more aggressive or still abile to push it just as hard in thegym while on post cycle therapy (pct)?
i am running ralox @ 40mged/2 weeks 30mg ed/1wk 20mg ed/1wk
tamox 40mg ed/1wk
i also feel a little leaner, probably due to the drop in estrogen levels though.
???? elaberate plz.AngryMuscles said:you competingz/