23 July 07
24 HR Fitness
295x8 actually felt easier than previouse weeks
335x6 HELL YEAH!!!! PR
345x miss BOOOOO!!!!!
**well it seems again, i have spent myself between the 335 adn 345. i think i will attempt to do 2 sets of 335 from here on out**
Bwt x15
**stupid gym got rid of the back attack machine, IDIOTS!!!!**
Single leg XTN (alternating)
**WOW!, rest between reps and/or sets here has really improved. typically i woul dbe semi-struggling between leg switches by set 2, however fatigue really didnt slow me down at all here**
Single leg curls, seated (alternating)
70 x10/7/5/3
**DAMN IT!!! it appears that lack of fatigue for my leg XTN, took its tole on my leg curls

. i was hurting to complete this set with any sort of composure**
seated calf raises
**i just added these, this wil have no baring on my assesment of IXL and SE**
Decline BB press
**all right improvement here, no PR yet, but improvement is what we're looking for**
inc cable fly
20x25 w/20sec static hold at end - 2 sets
**even with increased reps, my static holds were solid at 20sec's, really could feel the stretch and pull here**
low-lat hammer machine (alternating)
85x9 PR
1 arm DB rowe
80x8-2sets PR
cable lateral raise (delts)
E-Z bar curls
80x10 PR
**drop set here, popped off the 80, droped E_Z bar and finished up with the 45**
E-Z bar french press, seated
80x15 PR!!!!
45x15 drop set to this
**not only is that a PR for wt but for reps as well, my tricep strength seems to be sky rocketing**
leg lifts
Bwt x28
total work time: 1hr 21min
10 min prework out cardio: seated cycle
20 min postwork out cardio: tredmill
all right the sweating is getting out of control (someone is going to owe me a shirt after this...LOL). it got so bad that after i removed my sweat top, i was getting strange looks from gym goers. the sweat was so bad that it was actually causing my shirt to stick and cling while i was lifting. it was almost distracting and it made shirt extra cumbersome. after i was done lifting and finished up cardio i was able to litterally wring my shirt out.
i have to say that these 2 products are by far out performing my expectations. strength, endurance and daily energy has been up.
also as of yet i have not experienced any additional thirst or hunger. just extreme sweating while woring out.
with in-laws still in towns m diet has still not been were i want it. however they leave at the end of the week and things will be back on track diet wise.