adida's 1st log...

Good workout anyway.
Adida, I've got great results on deads by pulling after the whole weekend resting. I squat fridays rest weekend and deadlift mondays. Bench wednesday.

What is your max deadlift?
the last time i maxed was before my break in training and i hit 365..i was hopping to hit it again today..i feel i could have if i wasnt beat down as much as i was today..i didnt expect my bench to impact my deads like it did..
thanks every one.
and WInter i broke the wt off the ground i just didnt have the gas to get it up or lock it out. and now i think i strained my low back :( oh well...i'll be takin the next few days off from the gym anyways due to work. i think i may start pullin off blocks and get my DEADS up that way.
yo addida if you got a problem gettin off the floor then you need to add the blocks in.i change my pulls btween off the blocks to racks to floor deads about every 3 has been good to me.and i love winters avatar!!jul's too man what a pic.
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yup..block/box pull is the way too go. it is not as easy as it sounds really....i had a hard time due to knees/shins prodding out. will get vids of me doing it next week.
adidamps2 said:
24 sep 06

BB flat bench
**changes my grip and made sure my form was down pat, could have hit more but was satisfied w/225, possibly could have hit 235, felt strong**

flat DB hammer press

incline DB press timed (3:47)


V-bar tri press down

cybex tri extention
60x 23/18/14/10/5

rev pec deck

10 min pre work out cardio

had more planned, but football was on at the house and family was waitin on me.
other wise felt great in the gym and strong on all my lifts. excited about my 225 bench. really focused on my form and grip and nailed it all easily. besides trying to bench once every ten days before, i was flat back/no leg drive benching, bah! did soem reading and video watching and saw were i was making my mistakes. its own now!!

Bench is going up HUH :druggie:
Nice chest work man. Why so many reps on the dbs? Looks hard. Even when I pick up 25s and go for 50, I end up geting no more than 20
Ugghh...Hate to hear about your back, Adida. Rest up. I have the same problem with my floor deads. Just started doing them last week, but getting the weight off the floor is harder than I thought it would be. Maybe I will try the block deads as well.
thanks for all the support/comments and suggestions.

MoW block deads are when you pull deads off an elevated surface..almost like a rack pull, but there is still leg drive and a shorter surface brake off of.
When you hoppin on the sauce, mister? You could've went for 230 or 235 last time you said, so I think you're ready :) :D
29 sep 06

BB bench (spd work)
**45-50sec rest between sets**

Floor DB hammer press
**2min rest periods**
Timed DB press inc
40x59 (5min 30 sec)
**tri's were fried by the end of this**

i was gonna do a lil more lifting, but i was lifting at work at night, and right after i finished my timed DB press, some jack ass jumped off a boat and i got called back into the shop... however in retro spect i think that was more than enough bench work.
Winter said:
When you hoppin on the sauce, mister? You could've went for 230 or 235 last time you said, so I think you're ready :) :D
unfortunetly i may have to hold off a lil longer due to finacial reasons..buti due believe i am ready..esp since my sqts are past were they where, ad my deads should be after i get sufficiant rest next time, and my bench was really a matter of form and a shortin the gap between lifting days.
adidamps2 said:
BB bench (spd work)
**45-50sec rest between sets**
Are you doing alternating grips on these?

adidamps2 said:
unfortunetly i may have to hold off a lil longer due to finacial reasons..buti due believe i am ready..esp since my sqts are past were they where, ad my deads should be after i get sufficiant rest next time, and my bench was really a matter of form and a shortin the gap between lifting days.
Oh, okay. Well, I just want to see your numbers fly up :D
G'luck w. the future cycle mah :afro:
Winter said:
Are you doing alternating grips on these?

Oh, okay. Well, I just want to see your numbers fly up :D
G'luck w. the future cycle mah :afro:
no i am not, should i be?

yea you and me too..i have a few things on hand like the M1T, MOHN and M1D but i dont have the test's i want or the post cycle therapy (pct) yet..however if i keep making solid gains right now i feel as if i am not missing out on anything yet.
adidamps2 said:
no i am not, should i be?
Yeah. You should do pinkies on the ring, then index fingers on the ring then put your pinkies like in a bit more than the rings, say about 3-4inches in. So you should rotate off like this:

Set 1: pinkies on ring
Set 2: index on ring
Set 3: Inside a bit
Set 4: repeat step 1
etc etc etc
03 oct 06

**took it easy cuase of lower back strain**

Leg press
8plates+ 60 lbs X20

AB- 165x20
AD- 155x20

Rack GM (almost 90 degrees)

Machine calf raises

That was it due to low back and trying to take it easy
04 oct 065

Tire pulls
Total time: 22 min

Sm tire
Fwd 300ft
Backward 300ft

Big tire
Fwd 300ft
Backward 300ft
Side step X-over LovrR/RovrL 150ft/150ft
2handed rev tire drag + sand bag 120ft

Total distance: 1620ft

Could tell it had been a while since I last pulled tires..wore me out quick..and I am sure the low back strain didn’t help…

06 oct 06

Bench press
**lifted BB at a different gym, the oly bench is set higher than I am use too…took a minute to get use to the set up, however I wasn’t gonna let not hitting 225 for 3 not let me push more wt, I felt strong, just an awkward bench… HEY WINTER I AM BREATHING DOWN YOUR NECK ON BENCH**

Flat hammer DB press

**2 hrs later I went back to hit up this stuff**
Rope trri PD SS (SS = super set)

Cable crunch SS

H-bar seated French press
50x8 (not counting bar wt) -2 sets

Seated DB shoulder press

1 arm rear delt cable pull
40x10 ea arm-2sets

Face pull w/rope

Ab mach SS

Decline sit-ups SS
X15+8lb medice ball

That was it all the 2nd part was under 45 min