adida's 1st log...

had a bad week eating lol
i am back on track...on stacker 3
unfortunetly i am starting to come down w/something and i think i am at my limit for heavy i am goin to deload for a few weeks and start over fresh...
i am just too sore lately and feel beat down and tired all day long right now..along wth this damn cold/sniffles.
adidamps2 said:
had a bad week eating lol
i am back on track...on stacker 3
unfortunetly i am starting to come down w/something and i think i am at my limit for heavy i am goin to deload for a few weeks and start over fresh...
i am just too sore lately and feel beat down and tired all day long right now..along wth this damn cold/sniffles.

same exact shit happened with me. Ate like shit for closer to two weeks, and the constant changes in the wheather had me sick as a dog. i didnt even bother deload, i took the necc. time off and came back a few days ago with a motherfucking vengence. keep some light cardio going, maybe take some time off from the weights you'll pull thru buddy.
thanks Evansss...yea i will be taking some time off till i feel at least 90%
right now not feelin it though..and damn the yellow mucus.. yuck
14 OCT 06

**185 may have been a better starting point, will stick w/205 till i get it comfortably**

romanain DL, sumo stance

BB bench
**will drop this from 3 sets too just 2 sets next time...155x15 was more challanging than i thought**

T-bar rowes w/v-bar old school unsupported
2p X15-2sets
**practically threw-up during these**

face pulls
**up poundage next time**

E-Z bar rev curls
40lbs+bar X15

H-bar seated french press
30lbs+bar X15
**too light, will increase wt next time**

standing calf mach
*8differnt mach, and 120 felt heavier on this than other calf mach i normally use**

ab crunch mach

holy crap, i have too say that all though i havent hit the wt's in about a week, this program beat the piss out of me. going from a routine that typically has me hitting 3-5 reps and resting 5-7 min between sets too a routine were i am pushing 15 reps and resting maybe 2 minutes between sets was debilitating...i was physically drained and prepared to toss my last meal every were by the end of this work out...this work out lasted near an hr..
i have a feeling endurance is goin to go up by doin this and by time i get ready to hit the PL routine again i should be well rested and ready too go..
outstanding job on the journal ..and commitment i give to you hands downn....keep it up..i use some of your workouts a reference to myself...good job....
16 oct 06


romanain DL, sumo stance

BB bench
160x15 rest pause

T-bar rowes hand over hand old school unsupported
2p X15-2sets
**again almost threw-up during these**

BB shruggs
225X15 rest pause
**tuffer than expected**

face pulls
80x15-2 sets

E-Z bar rev curls
70x7/60x8 total of 15 reps drop and switch
**diff gym, diff bars**

E-Z bar seated french press

standing calf mach
**differnt mach, diff gym than last time**

ab crunch mach

10 min pre-work out cardio

went to a differnt gym today, hand lil one with me...spent about hr 15min in gym total...these work outs are brutal...
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Looks solid for endurance, long you gonna do this stuff for??

Do y'all do any PT in the CG?