Luquillo workout journal

Yeah I really want to put on some more size so I'm trying to work heavier and raise cals. I'm already taking some olive oil with whey before bed, but I'll start adding it to other meals.
420x5 for a natty. I'm impressed luq, back looks big in your avi. I can definately see the deads in it. Keep up the solid work big man:)
tman55 said:
i just want some Argentinian pussy.

LOL, don't we all :)

I would do as Aczech and winter pointed out, add in some peanut butter on whole wheat bread for a couple of snacks during the day with a glass of skim milk.
JT190 said:
420x5 for a natty. I'm impressed luq, back looks big in your avi. I can definately see the deads in it. Keep up the solid work big man:)
Thanks jt! Deads is my strongest lift and back is my thickest bodypart. I would never post a front pic avatar! :baby:

About the peanut butter advice, you know, here it's not an easy thing to find. But I'm adding some olive oil to my meals.
the thickest part of me would be my legs.

as of late, my legs and hips are tired/burned out already. why? leg drives man!! both squat/bench/deads. sure there's still back, but still majority explosiveness are from legs/hips. i mean be realistic, there are guys at gym that pulls 300 and believe it or not, they're doing it slowly/negative/no leg drive and they're wondering why they can't get it up and locking out after passing the knee.

all in all, you're still a monster. i think most people have nice backs, except me....still working at it. gudluck to you
Yes you're right angry. But when pulling conv, back, glutes and hams are used a lot more than quads. My squat is 100 lbs smaller than my deads, and it's because my legs are weaker! :(
The day after deads, I can really notice that the hardest work was on my low back and glutes. I know the best thing for pulling deads is using legs as much as posible, but there're many that are "back/hams" pullers. Even some powerlifters who pull conv as benedikt magnusson.
i'm a back/ham puller.

I pulled 405 3 times then a guy came over and said i couldn't pull anymore. He said i'd fall through the third story. Anyways, i added 50 pounds and pulled 3 more times, extremely slow up, and slow down, very little weight banging noise. he was happier. He was the gym owner.
Aczech said:
i'm a back/ham puller.

I pulled 405 3 times then a guy came over and said i couldn't pull anymore. He said i'd fall through the third story. Anyways, i added 50 pounds and pulled 3 more times, extremely slow up, and slow down, very little weight banging noise. he was happier. He was the gym owner.
badass :rockband: killed my momentum he approached me as a nobody and i got into a debate with him and finally he said he was the owner and i asked if i should look for another gym. he said he'd turn his head and i said i'd play as quiet as possible. Too bad he broke my rhythm though...i was planning on trying 500 for 2...maybe next time
awesome lifts Luq

here are a few things you can try also esp since you say Peanut butter is hard to come by.

do you have:
-Avacados there?
-almonds (almond butter)
-Brazil NUTS (common Brazil is right there near ya, gotta have some of them handy right? lol) i'd like to point out that here in the states Brazil nuts are FRAEKING expensive!
-coconut meat (MCT oil)

thats all i got for some healthy fats for ya Luq.
thanks adida!

Most of those things I have no idea what they are. Maybe because I don't know the translation.
What I can easyly get in the supermarket are:
- almonds, nuts, peanuts
- soy, olive, sunflower, corn and canola oils

coconut meat (MCT oil is what is derived from coconuts for the fat inside):

brazil nuts (i'm sure you probably have a differnt name for them there):

did the pictures help with what i was trying to suggest?